Article description: Courtesy of SM magazine
Category: Engine
Date added: Aug 11 2008, 07:12 PM
Article starter: Joshua
How To Get 330+ Hp From A 253 V8
Posted 11 August 2008 - 07:12 PM
How To Get 330+ Hp From A 253 V8
Posted 20 November 2008 - 12:41 AM
Posted 20 November 2008 - 07:23 AM
Posted 20 November 2008 - 08:07 AM
nice article, especially being that it was delivered on my birthday, but if you want more horsepower than this, get rid of those hill top pistons, cause all they will do is go down sideways, so replace them with some true flat tops and set up the deck heights correctly, along with the combustion chambers, and away she goes.
number two step is to get the port shape right, its naturally aspirated so you need to make the ports work for you, get the speed and the flow working in the correct manner at the right angles and it all starts to happen. as for the cam, dont need to go rediculous cause if you know how the combustion chamber sits over the bore, you will notice that there is a fair edge where the chamber sits further past the edge of the bore, in turn creating a stale spot where the flow from the intake creates negative flow, unfortuneately holden only made the heads to really work with 308 bore size, but if your clever, you can improve this disease. the old 253 if built SMART, will have no problems pulling over 400hp at the flywheel without stroking the crank, but it takes alot of hours on a black board to get it right, and if you do, yeah man... do they go. alot of people hate them, i love the 253, had plenty of them and still got plenty of them. as for the 308, nothing beats a well built 336 stroker, but you got to tickle them the right way too. wrong cam and it will go like a ford anglia. the best combo ive had out of a 253 was a 282 cubic inch by the time it was stroked, nice combo with small valve heads, pulled like a nutter and went hard. i wouldn't put anyone down for wanting to build up a nice 253, holden got their v8 block design and crank design spot on for making RELIABLE horsepower from the start, and if you get it right, it will go forever. keep on holden on!!! JERRY. TRAC-TORQUE RACE ENGINES.
Posted 20 November 2008 - 02:31 PM
Posted 20 November 2008 - 02:33 PM
Posted 09 December 2012 - 07:33 PM
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