Article description: by Flamenco
Category: Interior
Date added: Aug 11 2008, 07:19 PM
Article starter: Joshua
I had the task of reconditioning an SS console that had seen better days as you can see in the pic below... I was given a standard LH console shell to use as the 'donor' for the SS console.
The first step in swapping the console shells over is to remove the armrest, hinge and any other non-plastic parts attached to the console. Make sure you use a big enough screwdriver on the armrest bolts otherwise they get damaged and look rough!https://cache.gmh-to...rana/screws.jpg
Afterwards we move onto dissasembling the front part of the SS console from the shell - it is melted together at many points (you can see by turning it over). To disassemble it you can use a soldering iron and a dremel tool (or equivalent) using a cutting disc. Wear eye protection because the cutting discs shatter frequently... Pierce the points where the console is joined with the soldering iron and hold it apart for a few seconds with a flat bladed screwdriver - working your way along each length... Not all of the points need separating - only along the bases on each side - at the back end of the tray and a couple of stabilising points inside.https://cache.gmh-to...dismantling.jpg
It's best to use the dremel to go along the lengths at the bottom (it's too easy to put the soldering iron through the outer shell!). Again, use the screwdriver to keep the melted plastic apart as you separate it.[/size][size=2] After you carefully remove the console shell from the rest of the shell you should be left with this:
We have to copy the profile of the SS's shell onto the LH's shell - texta mark the curve of the front of the shell on to the side of the LH shell. This will need to be cut with the dremel in a few stages because of the 'double walls' the console has. Cut the outer shell first:https://cache.gmh-to...ana/cutting.jpg
After both sides are cut you can move onto the inside walls of the shell and along the front edge of the tray between the walls using the dremel:
Then you should be left with this:
The only other surgery is to cut the round hole using an appropriate sized holesaw and to cut the rectangular hole in the base of the tray:https://cache.gmh-to...ana/holesaw.jpg
From there you can slide the front part of the SS's shell over the LH's shell you have just cut. You need to use the old console shell as a guide to where everything lines up - have the soldering iron handy... I found it easiest to use the soldering iron to melt a hole through the front part of the tray area first to get some strength between the parts before moving onto the rest of the console. Wait a few seconds for the plastic to harden before going onto another area. You don't need to use exactly the same points to melt both console shells together but similar points will be strongest...
If all seems structually ok, give it a good clean inside and out and reassemble the armrest and radio etc. I took the opportunity to give all the screws and washers a going over with the wire brush before reassembly. All finished!
Reconditioning An Ss Console