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[Torviki] Fitting A Uc/commodore Indicator Stalk

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#1 enderwigginau


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Posted 05 September 2008 - 10:27 PM

Article title: Fitting A Uc/commodore Indicator Stalk
Article description: by redlh
Category: General LH-LX-UC
Date added: Sep 5 2008, 10:27 PM
Article starter: enderwigginau

This was a very simple mod - especially since the dash was apart and a rewire in progress. With the old indicator switch and lever removed the new control stalk loom could be threaded down through the steering column. The wiring for the old floor mounted dipper switch and the windscreen wiper/washer switch was disconnected and rerouted to the new connector. Then, with the help from a UC wiring diagram, the wiring was reconnected and tested.

The new control stalk was for a VB/VC Commodore, bought new from Rare Spares. It was simply a matter of removing the single screw retaining the old lever and replacing it with the new lever. A small amount of filing had to be done for the new lever to clear the steering housing so it wouldn't foul during operation.

Not much to this one really. Puts the dipper switch off the floor and onto the column for simpler hand operation. But the best thing about this is no more fumbling around on the dash for the wipers and washers. The new stalk also provides a single sweep position as well as the normal two speeds. This is obviously for the benefit of LH owners but it can also be done to an LX.

Update 11JAN07

I recently had to replace the stalk with a new one. This was caused by not enough metal being removed from the housing and causing the micro switch housing to come apart due to the extra side loads on the stalk. I took out another 5mm from the circled area and now there are definitely no clearance issues.

For info, this caused erratic headlight and dipper operation. Very scary, considering it happened while driving home from work at 2am. I got home by holding the dipper stalk on giving me high beam only.

Need to load the pics up - ender

Fitting A Uc/commodore Indicator Stalk

#2 _torana_umunga74_

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 04:35 PM

i want this where are the pics?

#3 _redlh_

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Posted 19 January 2009 - 09:55 PM

Ahh, actually, it's my description, but happy to see it up for general consumption.

#4 _torana_umunga74_

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 07:46 AM

why thankyou! i just found it hangin in the torviki thing but alas no pictures..

#5 _torana_umunga74_

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Posted 21 January 2009 - 08:41 PM

are there no pics? i want this badly

#6 enderwigginau


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Posted 23 January 2009 - 01:07 PM

The pics I got couldn't be pulled out of the word doc, so if redlh has the pics lying about it would be most appreciated.

How is sunny Amberley mate?


#7 _Viper_

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 08:19 AM

Here's some info that helped me which was provided by other Forum members.

Link to file with the pics from above info. (From enderwigginau)

Wiring Info: (From Garth1976)

UC indicator stalk wiring
(hi beam side)
ZB - light blue/black - to light switch
O - orange - to fuse panel
A - light brown - low beam side of relay
X - light green - hi beam side of relay

(wiper side)
BW - black/white - wiper sw1
Z - light blue - wiper sw2
T - dark blue - to washer
W - white - wiper sw3
B - black - to earth

LX wiring - almost the same colour coding as uc
(hi beam circuit)
light blue - to light switch
orange - not in lx wiring. will have to add power from fuse box
brown - low beam side of relay
dark green - hi beam side of relay

(wiper side)
black - wiper sw1
light blue - wiper sw2
dark blue - to washer
white - wiper sw3
black - not in lx wiring. will have to add earth

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