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LC LJ Clutch Pedal Bearings

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#1 Kockum


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 12:18 PM


Would Rares be prepared to make LC LJ six cylinder clutch pedal bearings (Holden calls them bearings)
Part No 6368033 ?

If you buy a brake/clutch pedal bush kit for the LC LJ (Rares Part No BPK001) you get 4 plastic bushes, all identical. They appear to be Rares version of Holden Part No 3798256 (Brake Pedal Bushes)

Clutch pedal bearings are diifferent. They are made of a much more durable material and are much thicker.

I do not have a NOS one to send to you. I have posted some photos to illustrate the differences:

The ivory bush in these photos is a NOS holden Brake pedal bush.

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#2 _les_

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Posted 31 October 2008 - 12:49 PM


Would Rares be prepared to make LC LJ six cylinder clutch pedal bearings (Holden calls them bearings)
Part No 6368033 ?

If you buy a brake/clutch pedal bush kit for the LC LJ (Rares Part No BPK001) you get 4 plastic bushes, all identical. They appear to be Rares version of Holden Part No 3798256 (Brake Pedal Bushes)

Clutch pedal bearings are diifferent. They are made of a much more durable material and are much thicker.

I do not have a NOS one to send to you. I have posted some photos to illustrate the differences:


The bushes are similar to 3798256 we have been unable to locate a sample of 6368033 to use in manufacturing even if we did they may not be cost effective. Does this bush not fit the clutch pedal at all

#3 Kockum


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Posted 03 November 2008 - 11:00 AM

The bushes are similar to 3798256 we have been unable to locate a sample of 6368033 to use in manufacturing even if we did they may not be cost effective. Does this bush not fit the clutch pedal at all


Yes & No.

The internal size of the bush and the bearing are the same. The problem is that the outside diameters of the bearing and the bush are differernt.

The brake pedal has a fixed rod which goes through the pedal box. The holes in the pedal box which this rod passes through are approx 17.5 mm in diameter - perfect brake bush size. However, the clutch pedal also runs on this rod but the holes in the clutch pedal are approx 19mm in diameter. (See the diagram on page 51 of the green LJ Parts book).

I got out a spare pedal box and had to use 2 Holden brake pedal bushes in each side of the clutch pedal in order to have the clutch pedal travel without any sloppiness.

In my opinion, using two bushes each side will not last very long because they are made out of a relatively flimsy material compared to the bearings.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this query.


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