When i do mine, i try to leave as much packaging on as possible, to prevent scratching especially on the bottom. First step as you know is to remove the original mounting points, about the only way to do this is with an angle grinder.
Next thing to do would be to mark and drill the mounting points on the tank brackets, centre of the mount, i think it is a 1/2 inch drill bit, but you should have recieved the required bolts with the tank. Best to drill through first with smaller drill bit say 1/8.
Put car up on jack stands if you already havnt done so. The easiest way i found is to get a trolley jack and place the tank on top of jack so it is balanced, Then slide tank under car, then jack up till it is where it should be. then go round and measure from the tank to the rails etc , to make sure the tank is mounted centre.
Then its a matter of running the dril through the rails to mount it. Before fitting to the car finally, you will need to cut off the filler pipe from a donor tank, and mount that to the tank, and also the sender unit will have to be fitted, then bolt it all up, job done

other members may have some tips also but this is how i do it.