I have 186P listed as a HK, HT, HG engine.
Thats a real nice head you have there.
This is what I would rate as being the proverbial stage 5 type head.
Major port and throat work, Heavy duty duel springs and heavy duty retainers.
Does it have screw in studs or std rocker studs that have been pinned (that was a old trick to stop them pulling the studs out with high lift cams and
heavy duty springs)
It looks like the oil gallery's have been opened up too.
As stated above it has had a good size decking done to it too.
This is what a std chamber looks like.

I am not sure from the picture but have the inlet ports been polished, as this was a old common practice as well. (now shown to be a little misguided )
If they are real smooth and polished it may actually pay to have them roughened up a little to aid fuel atomization . (if you did not already now this that is.)
I would put a 7420109 head as being around a 1964 cast head so off a EH originally.
I would be interested to see what the actual date casting was on this head.
Would it be possible to use your pictures of this head in the head age/chamber design and modification guide's I am putting together.
It is a great example of a top end modified holden red 6 head.
What I have so far are here for casting to chamber design.
http://gallery.oldho...yl Casting ids/ and here for general information
http://gallery.oldho...ines/red heads/that is now in need of a major clean up and reorganize.
Cheers Paul.
Edited by HQ SS, 07 April 2009 - 10:09 PM.