I'm pretty sure it's coming through the centre of the slip yolk on the front of the tail shaft.

There looks to be a welsh plug or something similar in the centre of the slip at the yolk (uni) end. Can anyone tell me if that's correct?
Has anyone had this problem before?
I have changed the seal in the rear of the extension housing, the oil flicked off the tail shaft onto the floor pan seems to line up with the uni joint and the inside of the dust cup cover on the slip is completely dry. The slip was brand new when I had the tail shaft built 4-5 months ago, it is to suit a Celica 5 speed.
If it was coming through the seal and being flicked off by the uni the dust cup would be soaked inside.
I'm pretty sure I've found the leak, I just find it hard to believe that's what's actually going on, so I'm after some second opinions please.