hatch project
Posted 24 August 2012 - 10:06 PM
Posted 26 August 2012 - 09:00 PM
Superb build mate, very tidy and professional.
Posted 27 August 2012 - 06:59 AM
Posted 30 August 2012 - 10:29 PM

We also finished buffing the paint on Sunday so i fitted the bumpers, grille, headlight rims, wipers and mirrors.
Basically, except for a couple if fiddly little jobs it is ready for rego.
Here's a quick photo, i will get some better ones done on the weekend when i get it out of the shed and take it for a little test drive!

I've got next week off work so hopefully i can sort out the rego then.
Posted 02 September 2012 - 04:25 PM

I have taken the car for a few drives around the block in the last couple of days. Everything seems ok so that's great.
The speedo has been calibrated and seems to work well. The odometer has even started to work and is showing 6km now.
Took a few shots this afternoon outside of the shed. I will get some better ones done when i can get the light a bit better.

I'm pretty proud of this shot, this car has been completely built in this shed!

Hopefully i can get the car registered sometime this week.
Posted 02 September 2012 - 06:54 PM
Posted 02 September 2012 - 07:12 PM

Posted 02 September 2012 - 08:51 PM
Just in time to give it a run down to toranafest!!!
_evil UC hatch_
Posted 02 September 2012 - 09:42 PM
_LS1 Hatch_
Posted 03 September 2012 - 08:23 AM
(by the way, wish I had a shed as big as your's to build in! )
Posted 03 September 2012 - 12:16 PM
Posted 04 September 2012 - 01:32 PM

Posted 04 September 2012 - 04:49 PM
Posted 04 September 2012 - 06:32 PM
Posted 04 September 2012 - 06:33 PM
Came up really good
Posted 04 September 2012 - 08:21 PM
Posted 04 September 2012 - 08:53 PM
Sweet ride.
Posted 04 September 2012 - 09:54 PM
Posted 07 September 2012 - 06:22 PM
Posted 23 September 2012 - 04:55 PM
I have racked up approx 300k's in the car with no big issues.
I seem to have fixed the problems i had with the engine running rough, after heaps of mucking around i ended up taking the Crow Cams Memcal out and putting the standard holden one in, after a slight idle speed adjustment it seems to be running sweet.
The front springs are too soft and the front tyres rub on the guard around tight corners. I think the ones i had in it were 6 cyl springs. I ordered a set of Dobinsons V8 Lowered springs but they are too bl..dy low and i will have exchange them for a set of standard ones. I hate changing front springs.
I have a list in my shed of little things i need to fix up but at least i can go for a drive when i want.
Been getting heaps of thumbs up's from people when i've been driving around.
There's nothing better than cruising in a Torana.
Posted 24 September 2012 - 05:21 AM
There's nothing better than cruising in a Torana.
Thats what I wanna do!

Bloody great job you've done with your car BTW Derrin...Love it!
Edited by j.e.d., 24 September 2012 - 05:21 AM.
Posted 19 November 2012 - 05:25 PM

A few months ago Dad picked up a much better one at the Rocky swap, i smoothed over a few minor dings, coated the inside with KBS tank sealer and painted the outside in 2 pac to match the grey of the wheels and stripes.

Today i fitted it up, no need to be embarased when someone looks under the bum anymore.

Posted 19 November 2012 - 10:10 PM

Posted 08 March 2013 - 05:28 PM
Thought it might be about time for an update on the Hatch.
Everything has been going pretty well, it has clocked up about 1300k's so far. Have been on a couple of short runs with the car club and just generally having fun driving it.
The latest upgrade is to my fuel system. My original setup of a Chinese copy bosch 044 pump drawing out of the original tank was causing some issues.
When under about 1/3 full it would suffer major fuel surge going around most corners and simply accelerating. The pump was also starting to play up (maybe due to the running dry issues and the fact it is a Bosch copy). I also hated the constant noise from the back as it BUZZZZZZZZZED all of the time.
So i decided to lash out on a decent fuel pump setup. I looked at surge tanks but this would mean 2 pumps and probably more noise and more things to fail. Due to hatches having a lack of room all of this would have to go in the spare wheel area so it would probably stink of fuel and be even noisier.
I opted for an Aeromotive Phantom Fuel System. They rate it to 700hp.
This is a system which places a pump inside the tank and the whole thing sits inside a foam "bucket" which acts as an internal surge tank. The bucket is made out of fuel cell foam surrounded by rubber. It can be easily modified to suit tanks from 6" to 12" deep ( a torana one is 6") Here are some photos.
First you drill the tank to suit the system, they provide a CNC machined jig so you can't get the holes wrong.
Then you cut to height and insert the foam. Sorry i forgot to get a pic before i put it into the tank.
Cut the bracket down to height and fit the pump.
Then bolt it into the tank.
As you can see it sits about 3/4" above the top of the tank so you can either cut a large hole in the floor or do what i did and lower the tank by about 1 1/4" by using some 1" rhs and insertion foam.
The other thing i had to do was extend the fuel filler neck by about an inch so it ends in the same spot.
I had to extend the tank straps as well.
Put about 10 litres of fuel in it and took it for a quick drive. No sign of surge (yay) and you can't hear it except for a very faint low pitch buzz when you turn the key and it primes.
Will give you a better update of how it is going after i take it for a better drive on the weekend.
Posted 08 March 2013 - 08:29 PM
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