I was instructed to use these runner kits,which were supplied by the owner.

I fabbed up some new brackets for the floor,starting with some 75x25x3 RHS,which I sliced down with a grinder,using the original seat runners as a rough guide.
They were made as low as possible,and they taper down at the back.
The modified RHS was then welded to some 3mm mild steel plate that I predrilled holes in.(sorry about the missing pictures here,I was busy building and forgot to take them)
Here are pics of the finished product.

As you can see,Ive fitted 8mm nutserts to attatch the rails to.
I had to make an a cross rail to attach the seats to the rail.

They needed a cutout to allow for the mounts that proud from the seat base.

The nutserts in the above shot allows the crossrails to be attached to the top of the runners.
The other hole is for a bolt to attach the crossrails to the seat.A small 5mm thick packer sits inside the RHS to act as a spacer against the bottom of the seat mounting pads to prevent the RHS from crushing when its all bolted together.
And this is the finished product.

Thats how I did it.
They fit spoton,and work perfectly.
I reckon they look alright,too.
Il post up some more pics when I get them attached back to the seats and in the car.
I should have taken more photos of the process,but if you are keen,you will work it out.
I can't see why this method won't work in other cars as well.
Any questions,just ask.