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led tail lights

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#1 Stinga



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Posted 15 September 2010 - 07:58 AM

G'day just wondering if anyone had made of their own led tail lights? not just those globes you can buy off ebay but something that would fill the light area and light up the width of the tail light. would like to have a go at making something for my HD sedan. can you just buy some circuit board, cut it to size and fill it with rows of led's? what needs to be changed in the electrics to make the led's work?

#2 FastEHHolden



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Posted 15 September 2010 - 08:27 AM

I've thought about it for the UC...but you go broke buying that many LED's :tomaatit:

#3 _judgelj_

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Posted 15 September 2010 - 08:37 AM

the led's should run of 12v power so its just a matter of wiring up the circuit. personally i hate them because if they arent done properly they are blinding. same goes for those bloody new volkswagens which always seem to blind me at night everytime the driver hits the anchors. as for legality im not entirely sure its ok? do you want led light, or the look of 10's of leds individually?

#4 _Kermit SLR_

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Posted 15 September 2010 - 08:45 AM

Hi MCH11N, there was a thread a while ago about LED's here
Might help.

#5 Stinga



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Posted 15 September 2010 - 09:49 AM

the led's should run of 12v power so its just a matter of wiring up the circuit. personally i hate them because if they arent done properly they are blinding. same goes for those bloody new volkswagens which always seem to blind me at night everytime the driver hits the anchors. as for legality im not entirely sure its ok? do you want led light, or the look of 10's of leds individually?


this is what i want to achieve, but without the $300 price tag. no offence to the maker, i think hes done a great job.

into these tail lights(wont be going on the ute)

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Edited by MCH11N, 15 September 2010 - 10:02 AM.

#6 dattoman


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 10:05 AM

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#7 Stinga



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Posted 15 September 2010 - 10:11 AM

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Thats a nice towball..

#8 _Brad1979UC_

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Posted 15 September 2010 - 12:52 PM

you could cut vero board to suit and led away, but you'd need to do some paperwork first to make sure they don't burn out in < 5 seconds, youd need a decent resistor for each 'globe' as you'd want them all in parallel so you'd probably be using a 5/10W resistor of some value which youd have to work out depending on the led's.

Also, if you do give it a go, I've found in those sort of applications regarding LED's, if you shave the top 'lense' part off the LED, they disperse the light alot better, I did an LED conversion in my VN and shaving the tops off the LED's made a big difference, gave me a very even spread of light.

#9 Heath


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Posted 15 September 2010 - 02:15 PM

Now these are sexy LED tail lights. Would love some LH/LX ones like this!

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Brad, get onto it!

#10 _Brad1979UC_

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Posted 16 September 2010 - 06:15 PM

whoa yea I like that. Man that's alot of work, getting them all straight like that. As 'pro LED' I am, I actually prefer the warm incandescent glow on the number plate on the torrie, just a period thing however interior light needed to be as bright as possible :P.

#11 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 16 September 2010 - 06:31 PM

interior light needed to be as bright as possible :P.

I'm curious as why you want/need a bright interior light?

I have removed the roof mounted interior light in my hatch and plan to have low level lighting in the foot wells.

#12 _LEE_

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Posted 16 September 2010 - 06:40 PM

I am looking to do similar as you with my lj torana. still all be in behind the lense. want to do it because they have a poorly designed setup that ive had troubles with. if im gona retrofit anything into it it may aswell be LEDs.

my origional thoughts was to buy the narva tail lights for trailers and trucks and pull them apart and fit them behind the lenses. But a mate works at toyota and bought up the fact that alot of aftermarket and factory extra bull bars have LED strips on them that could be used. from toyota they cost an arm and a leg but they would be mint to use if you came across them from ebay or similar.

keen to see how this goes for you

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