With him we worked out that i have a set of the smaller ones (L34 type i think i have seen them called).
He worked this out from my description of the small flare part that attaches to the door and the flat in the bottom.
My question is "have i used the correct flares back in the late 80's ??"
I had problems with damaging the rears as in pic 1 when reversing and getting the car twisted in a drive way and it caught on the tyre.
The fronts used to clip the part where it attaches to the front spoiler on one lock and rubbed on the back of the front on the other lock.
(saw a thread from ruts about trimming where the fronts attach to the spoiler to stop the tyre catching it)
did i just have crappy shocks and springs in the rear which allowed too much movement..
Or should i have used the bigger flares.
tyres are 14 inch rim with 265 / 50 rear and 14 inch 245 / 50 front.
The car looks good with these flares. not sure if bigger would look funny.
any experiences similar to mine would be really appreciated.

The fronts would clip the front and rear only on full lock