I'm Kush, you might remember me from such inspirational and life-changing threads like "what's with the shameless advertising?", the history-defining "I've got an ugly lump on my body" and the epic "easiest way to repair plenum".
�I think it's about time I showed you all where I'm up to on my project. But firstly, a bit of a background story about the car and me......
I bought this car in 2007 from a panel beater/painter who had to sell it due to an upcoming house purchase.�
I couldn't afford an LX at the time and they were really hard to find, so a UC would have to do. The hatch presented well with nice new shiny paint and an interior trimmed in suede. It had a 202 and m20 but they weren't fitted. I was impressed and gave the guy $2500 for it. Due to lack of funds it sat around untouched right up until late last year.�

During this time, the nice new shiny paintjob that the previous owner did, started to reveal it's dodgeyness with bubbles appearing in heaps of places.�And the more I looked at it, the more bad things I found.
I have never done any car repair stuff in my life except oil/water and tyre changes. I tend to have a nasty habit of frOcking up everything I touch, so this build is a bit scary.�
However, to combat my "passion fingers" syndrome , I've taken to a new concept called "research" and I use this method before I pick up any tools (especially the sharp or heavy ones). It seems to be working as I haven't broken/damaged as much as I usually do.....so far.�
Plans are the whole UC to LX conversion
383 chev
9 inch
Slightly improve Holdens interior design
And all the other blah blah blah that we all do to our cars
So I hope you enjoy reading, criticising AND contributing to this thread. I'll need all the help I can get. (Dirtbag, you'd better be reading this!)
I've got quite a few pics so be patient while I go through them