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oil restriction for 308

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#1 ACJ


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Posted 19 October 2011 - 10:49 PM

Hi all
I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on oil restriction for 308 ?
I have known this is common with other makes. But lately this topic has come up with 308. One was to put like jet in before the lifter (I cannot see where or how) to have leas oil to the top end. But if you run solid cam you don’t get a lot of oil up there any way ? I have a 308 block apart now and its suppose to have some sort of oil restriction in it but all I can see is the cam bearing cover the holes to the cam. They don’t line up very good about ¼ of a hole is open ?
The other one was drill a hole a the top front of the block under the manifold where the oil feed comes up just under the little walsh plug and run an external line to the 3rd cam bearing for added oil to the cam for hi RPM?
I have never had any problems with oil feed or pressure before. Maybe a bit concerned about filling the rocker covers with oil but it’s a bit hard to check at full noise. My next billed is going to go a bit harder agene so I was just making sure thanks

#2 _LXSS350_

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 04:11 AM



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Posted 20 October 2011 - 09:06 AM

There are (I think) edge orifice lifters for 308's that do the job of top end oil restriction. I may have that all wrong, but that's what I'm lead to believe.

#4 jason365


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Posted 20 October 2011 - 01:30 PM


#5 _LXSS350_

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Posted 20 October 2011 - 11:00 PM

The Holden V8 oiling system is one of its biggest problems. Its a real POS particularly when you want sustained revs beyond about 4800rpm. The link to Jasons hatch motor provides a very good detailed guide on rectifying the poor design. What a shame we didn't keep using the Chev through the late 70's as its a much better designed motor and you would have never had to have a drip tray under your parking spot for 30+ yrs. ........ LOL

You never saw a rusty K-Frame!!!!

I am sure they used to come with tags.

Notice to Dealers:
Please do not fill with oil if parked in the Showroom

Edited by LXSS350, 20 October 2011 - 11:10 PM.

#6 TerrA LX

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Posted 21 October 2011 - 07:22 AM

I have a 308 block apart now and its suppose to have some sort of oil restriction in it but all I can see is the cam bearing cover the holes to the cam. They don’t line up very good about ¼ of a hole is open ?

This was an old school builder "trick" to boost oil pressure, the cam bearings are installed slightly rotated to restrict the cam feed holes.

#7 V-SLR5000-P


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Posted 21 October 2011 - 12:46 PM

I've heard the story that pipe cleaners in the push rods was the way to resrtrict oil feed to the top end in group C days. Maybe a Les Small tweak. Anyone else heard of this??


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Posted 21 October 2011 - 01:45 PM

I'm sure the pipe cleaners would eventually disintegrate and get carried around the engine oiling system until it clogged something up. That may not happen in practice, but the theory is good enough for me not to try it.

#9 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 21 October 2011 - 06:31 PM

What about braising up the holes in the pushrods and drilling smaller ones???

Im currently toying with ideas of how to stop my boats engine from filling the rocker covers atm myself.


#10 warrenm


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Posted 22 October 2011 - 07:26 AM

The "pipe cleaner" trick actually works, I used to use this method, twist 2 together then push into the pushrod. Solder works ok, then drill a smaller hole.

#11 Evan


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Posted 22 October 2011 - 08:43 AM

I just recently went over my 308 to get more oil pressure and restrict the top end.

Here are the things i did that got me constant 60-70psi at full noise compared to the fluttering 30-40 psi that i had previously that consequently damaged my big end bearings. I didn't not go a full mains priority system like in that thread but just did a few tweaks.

1. Blueprint a standard volume oil pump as per that Aussie V8 thread. Don't be a slow learner like myself and get a system 1 oil filter from rocket ind.
2. Replaced the standard size cam bearings with 0.002in under size. Use one piece bearings instead of the ACL type with the split in them.
3 Hammered roll pins into the center of my push rods to restrict flow to the covers. I can post some to you for $5. PM me.
4. Weld up the 3mm hydraulic lifter breather hole on the cam retainer bolt. Put it back in and mark the side of the bolt that points to the oil pump drive gear and drill a 1mm hole into the center of the bolt. Its still important to lubricate the oil pump gear.
5. Remove and plug the timing chain lubricator. I just put a dob of weld on it.
6. fit a good quality high volume (8 liter minimum) oil pan. The Good ASR pans come with a larger diameter pick up.
7. De-bur and polish the valley.
8. Put large breathers on the rocker covers. Mine are baffled with a about a 2" diameter.
9. Remove the dip stick and run a pipe from the dip stick tube to the rocker covers so it can vent. You can run it to a catch can also.

I think thats it.


Edited by Evan, 22 October 2011 - 08:54 AM.

#12 ACJ


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Posted 23 October 2011 - 12:42 PM

Thanks for all the good information. But now it just makes me ponder more.
1, so are you saying the 308 feeds the cam oil before the crank or at the same time from the same supply? Because I thought ford was the only motor that feed the cam before the mains?
2, I like the thread from LXSS350 has some very good information there. But I was a bit confused with a couple of things.1, I understand feed the crank its own oil supply and controlling the oil to the rockers. But are you restricting or adding flow to the cam bearings? 2, If the original oil pickup and oil pump have the ability to fill the rocker with oil and suck the sump dry would ant it mean its got good flow? Just off track for a second, did you get this motor dyno in the finish and if so were you happy with its out come? Very nice work and good detail thanks.
So for a street strip car if you could restrict oil before the lifter (or with the lifters) and had most of the oil going to the crank and cam bearing I gather this would be OK. So is this possible with out going to LXSS350 extreme or with out hammering needle roller bearing in your push rods?

Edited by ACJ, 23 October 2011 - 12:45 PM.

#13 _oldjohnno_

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Posted 23 October 2011 - 02:02 PM

For a street and strip car I think a lot of what Tony did would be massive overkill (brilliant for a circuit racer though). For street and strip I'd just use some edge orifice lifters to limit the oil to the valve gear and spend some time improving the drainback from the head. I'd be very surprised if much more than this was required.
I think some people confuse the causes of oil in the rocker boxes - it's just as likely to be poor draining (often associated with poor venting) as excess flow that causes the oil to hang around upstairs.
Which brings me to another old wives tale that just won't go away - the one that says a high-volume pump will pump the pan dry. In actual fact if the oiling system takes 35 litres/min of oil at a pressure of 60psi then it doesn't matter whether the pump can do 40litres/min or 70litres/min, only 35 litres/min will be pumped into the engine provided the pressure remains the same with both pumps. The excess flow simply bypasses through the relief valve back into the suction side of the pump; it can't magically find it's way up to the rocker boxes.
I wouldn't stress too much about the layout of the oilways - the little sixes oil the entire engine via a single gallery through the lifter bores and they can be made to survive just fine. The V8 system is at least as good and probably better. For a dual-purpose car I'd simply use edge-orifice lifters (with roller rockers), clean up the drain passages and try to vent the engine from somewhere other than the rocker boxes. Possibly with a slightly bigger suction and an aftermarket pan. Unless you're doing circuit racing or hillclimbs or something along those lines it'll be fine.

#14 jason365


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Posted 23 October 2011 - 02:05 PM

just to clear up a few things for you ACJ in my priority mains conversion we feed most of the oil around the back of the cam bearings then down to the mains the cam bearings dont actually see any more oil than ussual.the ability of the oli pump to move the oil isnt the problem its the rest of the oil circuit thats backwards, also filling the covers with oil is a drainback issue caused by small oil returns in the heads and valley the problem is multiplied in stroker and hi rpm engines due to greater crank case pressure caused by blow by.if you look closely on my engine we have fitted external oil returns on the backof the heads.
the engine makes around 400 hp at the wheels and will do ten hard laps of mallala without the oil pressure lights coming on{there set at 30 & 18 psi}in fact the oil pressure rarely drops below 50 psi under power.this used regulary for hillclimbs and circuit sprints but for a steet strip engine a good sump with edge orifice lifters and a good breather setup along with clened up oil returns and polished valley will do the trick.

#15 jason365


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Posted 23 October 2011 - 02:09 PM

oldjohno, we must have been typing at hte same time, spot on what you say.
as for pipe cleaners ive used them before a bit crude but they do work.

#16 _oldjohnno_

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Posted 23 October 2011 - 02:15 PM

Lol great minds eh?

#17 _LXSS350_

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Posted 23 October 2011 - 06:05 PM

As oldjohnno and Jason said its really about the cars usage.The key here with any 308 is the REVS. As soon as you start using big revs you risk starving the bearings, the crank pressure just adds to the problems in the 308's poor design. Same old story if you spend good dollars there are no shortcuts if you want total reliability (esp for those brain fade moments) where your on the power. I recently pulled apart our old $30k 650Hp 365 stroker built by COME racing (many years ago). I couldn't believe with all the money that went into that engine the oiling system was just an accident waiting to happen. Good thing it only did two 5 lap races but bearings etc where totally shot.

#18 ACJ


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Posted 24 October 2011 - 10:02 PM

So am I right to say for the averages street, strip most of the problem is breathing?
I have the big sump. A crane 288 solid cam, roller top end and happy to go to 7000 on the dyno (last time it was 404RWHP at 6950rpm). I have a high torque power manifold, if I had 2 large breathers in the center of the under part of my manifold and not in the rocker covers and with or with out the edge orifice lifters would this be enough or stupid

#19 jason365


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Posted 25 October 2011 - 10:26 AM

try to fit two -16 fiitings for breathers in the valley as you just said but id be using the edge orifice lifters aswell, 7000 rpm is alot and you will need to restrict the top end oil for sure.got a mate with a 550 hp 383 holden who doesnt listen to me and his oil pressure light comes on at the end of a 1/8mile run.its a time bomb waiting to explode but coz i dont charge for my advice it musnt be any good.also 7000 on the dyno is one thing, the sump is in a steady state, you would have very little oil left in it after a couple of pulls if there is no restriction,if the car was accelarating, braking , cornering or a combination of all that low sump level will un mask the pick up for sure.

Edited by jason365, 25 October 2011 - 10:30 AM.


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 12:49 AM

Great read definately a credit to you Jason and your mate. TK. Great to see the old 308 making AWESUM POWER!!!!! Thanks for sharing as we all know this sort of engineering takes a hell of a lot of time and if you calculate it into dollars the costing would be huge!! It shows that you guys are into the sport not the money. Thanks heaps.

#21 _ht467_

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Posted 06 May 2012 - 08:54 AM

I'm in the middle of having a 308 built for a group c race car. To deal with the inherent " oil issues" in general am planning to use cool face lifters and run roll pins in the pushrods. Has anyone used this combination or can foresee any issues? Engine has a good sump and adequate breathing e.t.c

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