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#1 _mikecatts_

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:12 PM

Hi all...

Ive started the repairs for a fellow forum member..

Its a LJ GTR.. Has rust in all the common spots....

Some repo panels supplied... The car is sanblasted and etched primed and stripped.. well done.. a clean car for once :)


estimated repaire time is 8 weeks...


Pics are before starting work.. Put on jack stands and made sure is level.




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#2 _mikecatts_

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:18 PM

I started to have a good look and decided to take off the RH guard so I can fix the A-pillar properly.. Has rust behind so the guard had to come off... Its not hard to take off the gurad.. Just takes time..


And the A-pillar hole is way bigger than thought..., Plus the usual rust.. Ill sandblast and POR 15 after repairs are done.. and the bottom of the guard is stuffed as well...

While off Ill replace the door sill and end...


I see the hardest thing to do is replace the whole roof as it has a sunroof hole...


Off to work now..I might do some more tonight.


Next time..


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#3 Ice



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Posted 05 March 2013 - 01:47 PM

Love your work mike thats why im scared to strip mine because of the nastys i might find keep up the good work mate its a pleasure to watch your progress
cheers gene.

Wish i had your talent alas not

#4 _mikecatts_

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 09:09 PM

Love your work mike thats why im scared to strip mine because of the nastys i might find keep up the good work mate its a pleasure to watch your progress
cheers gene.

Wish i had your talent alas not

Ta for the words gene..

#5 _mikecatts_

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Posted 05 March 2013 - 09:14 PM

Hi all..

I did some more.. It was bugging me to see how bad the rust is under the outer A-pillar.. .

So I took it off and the outer sill as well...

The previouse repairs didnt help with the rust.. They didnt even take off the old weld seam.. Just plug welded over it..

I braced the door jam just to be sure it doesnt move


Anyway.. Looks like under the outer is rusty.. It has to go.... A supplied a-pillar will be pulled apart to see what its like..


The rear seal is ok.. no holes.. Will re-seam seal before I weld in new panel.




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Edited by mikecatts, 05 March 2013 - 09:15 PM.

#6 _mikecatts_

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 06:15 PM

Hi all...

I managed to get some time to pull aprt the donour A-pillar.

It looked ok from outside, but after a few hours to pull apart.. Shit job by the way, you always come across more spot welds..... It has suface rust underneath...

Ill sanblast.. Fix some small rust holes then POR 15 both the inner and outer.. Should keep a lot of the future moister off it.. Then fish oil when together.


Im only going to do the outer skin as the inner is solid.. Just needs a clean.. That way I wont have to set the doors,, Just adjust for gaps.. A bit of stuffing around, But as I see it..The better choice.


Guys.. Ide fish oil behind my pillars/ window frames.L and R.. squirt some down the hole that the over head interior light wire goes down.. and in the little hole inside the dash.. That way you will get both sides.. .. In my experiance.. If there isnt any rust showing.. I garrentee that there is some surface rust between the panels..




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#7 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 07:09 PM

go hard mike.

plenty of dajavue there my friend


cheers gong

Edited by LONA-CK, 06 March 2013 - 07:10 PM.

#8 _Skapinad_

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 07:16 PM


You remind me of Dirtbag when he used to post heaps of useful informative posts detailing his skills.......

Even though some dont reply, the info and hands on details are still appreciated..


#9 rodomo


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Posted 06 March 2013 - 08:40 PM

Did Skap just say something positive towards another forum member or am I reading it wrong?..................................Maybe mellowing? :dontknow:

#10 Ice



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Posted 06 March 2013 - 09:15 PM

Did Skap just say something positive towards another forum member or am I reading it wrong?..................................Maybe mellowing? :dontknow:

He is getting soft in his old age rob

#11 _ChaosWeaver_

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Posted 06 March 2013 - 09:53 PM

Yep so true I've looked at all your handy work in your previous posts, but i have never commented,  I cant believe how bad they were b 4 you started....  I sold an LX 4.2 for $500 because i thought it was unrepairable... how wrong I was..... Great work Mike... look forward to seeing more... 

ps someone's hacked Skaps Ipad.... ;)

#12 _Skapinad_

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 07:40 PM

Unlike you other daisy chains, Mike does th yards and deserves credit !

In hindsight my response is soft... Ohh well.

Edited by Skapinad, 07 March 2013 - 07:42 PM.

#13 _mikecatts_

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:39 PM

Now guys.. keep it civil :).


Back to the important stuff..


I sanblasted/welded up the rust holes in the replacement A-pillar/cowl and seal plate..

I only etched primed so I can fit, Then Ill sanblast and POR 15.. Will work fine as a replacement panel..


I took off the rusty A-pillar outer as well.... Look at the mess.. Heaps of sand/hard seam sealer/rust.

Amazing whats underneath..

Ill sanblast and POR 15 tomm.. then reassemble... Fairly easy job.. Just time consuming...

The inner panel looks solid..But you never know wht the sanblaster reveils. 


I filled all the holes in the inner guard lip as well.. The previouse repaire drilled straight through. .Made a mess of it to.


While poking around I found some pretyy bad rust in the Vent wall/under the inside dash.. Now we know where all the water was comming from to kill the inside..

Im thinking of replacing the whole window cowl.. I tried to see if I can fix.. Way too close to the vents and will buckle form heat.. and its rusty as and I will just keep rusty metal.. Wont work.. A replacement cowl.


sorry for the big pics..I couldnt be bothered to make smaller tonight.. Its been a long day in the heat..


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Edited by mikecatts, 07 March 2013 - 09:41 PM.

#14 _mikecatts_

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:42 PM

more pics..


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#15 frash da bucket

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 09:55 PM

Hi Mike,


Thats some fine work that you are doing and saving that genuine gtr,will look fantastic when finished.


Regards John.

#16 _mikecatts_

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Posted 13 March 2013 - 09:47 PM

Hi all...


  I spent some time on the car today...
I started to fix the RH door, to see if it is worth saving.. It had some small rust holes.. Welded those up no problems.. The biggy is the large rusty section on the top outer.. Some one attempted to at fix.. They just did some bodgey welds and fibre filled it.. Ill do better :)


  I think ill cut a patch out of a smelly door or make a piece.., I cant use a sedan door as the inner lip is different.. wont work. I have a repo repair section for this.. Dont know??.. Ill sleep on that one for now.. Its thin metal and will warp easy.. I dont want to create more work fixing this, so Ill wait a day or two.. All told.. I have saved this door... and the owner some cash trying to buy one.. It has a small dent which Im sure my mate will take out and some metal finnishing to finnish.


I then moved back to the A-pillar/sill area..


  First I sanblasted the area Im working on... Revealed some nasties... The water well RH corner is stuffed...

I have to replace the WHOLE window cowl.. Its too far gone to fix...  Off half it came, I decieded to remove the wiper motor wall??? better access to fix the well properly...  and it will weld back together where the heater vent seal goes.. U wont even know it was off..

  Im glad I did as it was heaps worse when looked at closer.. I patched the kicker panel first, there were a few holes.

Then started to cut out the rusty well section... I got interupted and didnt get a chance to finnish tonight..

Note how much rust is under the seam!.. Ill clean and panel bond when I put back..


all well and said a productive arvo.. Im happy



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#17 _mikecatts_

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 05:06 PM

Hi all...


I finnished all the repairs needed on the RH side of the car.. POR 15 and ready to put the outer sill on...

The water well turned out well... Nice and water tight now..  I will seam seal when the paint is cured.. Rust in the future will not be a problem.. :)

Ill do the same to the LH side when I get there...


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#18 hawk


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Posted 14 March 2013 - 05:34 PM

Awesome repairs as usual

#19 Ice



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Posted 14 March 2013 - 05:41 PM

Where was that car dragged out from mike bottom of a lake great repairs with that much por15 on it it shouldnt rust for another 40 years
cheers gene.

#20 _mikecatts_

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 06:34 PM

Awesome repairs as usual

I try :)

#21 _mikecatts_

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 06:40 PM

Where was that car dragged out from mike bottom of a lake great repairs with that much por15 on it it shouldnt rust for another 40 years
cheers gene.


Na.. was a darwin car.. Full of that red dirt I assume.. It came sanblasted.. I know where ther is a bit of red dust in this car.. stay tuned.

 Will out live us, anyway..


One thing..

Im very trempted to take the window cowl of my XU-1 and do the same, I want to replace the metal dash panel in it anyway..... I had MAJOR rust issues with that baby.. Note "had" :)

#22 _mikecatts_

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Posted 15 March 2013 - 07:33 PM

Hi all...


I played with the RH side door again today..

I decided to use the repo panel.. I wasnt happy with their shape, after a little playing I was happy to fit..

I took my time welding, It didnt get hot at all and no warps/shrinking.. Worked out really well.. Ill remember this for next time.. Ill have to borrow my mates oxy to heat and bend the tab over.. It has to curve with the bend, so a little heat me thinks.


I showed my mate.. He said it will need a little metal finishing, but that will be in the hands of the painter..


all told, worked out well and this door is saved.. I have a few doors that have this rust.. Ill fix them now..


Next time.


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#23 _AD_75_

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Posted 16 March 2013 - 03:57 AM

I used to think "Torana" meant "to fly" but now i know it really means "to rust".. :D great work as usual mike! thanks for sharing.

#24 _mikecatts_

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 07:43 PM

I used to think "Torana" meant "to fly" but now i know it really means "to rust".. :D great work as usual mike! thanks for sharing.

Well... Thats my "torana" experiance to date... Rust.

#25 _mikecatts_

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Posted 19 March 2013 - 07:52 PM

Hi all...


I had a go at fixing another RH door.. The other door is LC and this car is LJ.. Would be nice to keep correct..

anyway.. I had to cut a sedan door for the peice.. as you can see. It is pretty rusty..

after carefully lifting/bending the door skin lip away... I then cut, sandblasted where its going to be sealed, cleaned/S blasted the patch.. Zinc primed, then tacked/ welded on.. Was a BIG, long weld.. I took my time.. No shrinking/warping.. Turned out well...

I just have to fix a couple of small holes where the patch didnt reach.. Good as new...


Ill ask the owner to get sanblasted, then ill seee what the skin is like.. I know it has a couple of small holes up top lip and on bottom... Its all fixable.

Sanblasting will show..


Anyway, its rust free and ready to hang.. I do need  a door for a guide..


Its hard to buy a good rust free door..


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