Should have put a picture up the first time round..but didn't so they all get thrown in together.
From the bearing remove/fit tool..the bit on the right spigots into the tunnel at front of engine and is a guide.
Next one is the on engine valve spring replacer and modified spark plug and bits to take an air line,rough as guts but it works.
Next one is rear ext.housing bush drift for m76 trans.
next one,just a spigot bush drift for the holden 6
The rusty looking contraption with the teeth is a piece of old ring gear with a hole drilled in it,this would be the best hillbilly tool
i have ever made,used for locking the flywheel/ring gear to undo them retaining bolts on pressure plates and flywheels,it fits over
the dowel in the block and once it has a bit of weight on it,it don't move,used for tightening the bolts as well
It could do with a bush where hole is and maybe some sort of reversable handle with a hole in it to line up with one of the holes in the
block to take a bolt,but that is technical.
The thing to the right is a jig used to bore out starfire crankpins...cant believe i included that!