Yeah and the theory of it being a measurement to the top of the badge has been busted cause that would be 135mm not 145.

Position look suss, LJ GTR Boot Badge
Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:59 AM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 02:47 PM
Hi Guys, if you convert that to imperial that would be 4 &1/8" up from lower edge of the boot to the bottom of the badge & 2 & 1/4" in from top drivers side edge (outside dimentions of badge postion) using genuine gtr badge (# 2810503) of lc gtr measurements. 1 & 1/8" in from the outside of the "r" & 7/16" down from the top of "r" to make centre marks for pin hole & 7/16" up from the bottom of the "g" & 7/8" in from the bottom left hand side of the "g" to make other pin hole, hole size being 5/32" x2 holes obviously, hope this helps, John Gong should definitly be able to confirm any measurements for lc & lj gtr & so might the guy with the 2 boots both lc & lj, Gary.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:15 PM
Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:16 PM
I found a difference of 5mm in height (to TOP of badge) between the LC and LJ with 136mm and 131mm respectively.
This could easily have been caused by the amount of beer consumption the previous night or that lunchtime.
What I have found is that the badge holes on both are relatively spot on with respect to easy other.
Funnily enough to me the badges all look, and measure, a little askew with the "R" being slightly higher than the "G" on both boot lids, by a few mm.
On purpose? they all look a bit crooked to me...
I suspect a square template with 2 x holes was used and lined up to the RH and bottom edge. That way the badge always fit regardless of high high or low or crooked it was with respect to the body / boot. I can't imagine anyone was too careful and close enough was good enough.
I took measurements of the actual hole positions rather than the badge. I will post these up if requested but will ask that people cross check before drilling.
I would use mikecatts measurements as they seem to be relatively similar if not same as mine.
Photos are available by PM. Way too many to post. Or I can post important ones ?
P.S I did try use the imperial method and with some measurements it seemed to line up a bit better/make more sense? I also suspected GMH would have used this form of measurement back then. In the end the measurements were finer and easier using metric rule. Also for anyone wondering I used the same GTR Badge on both boot lids. I also made measurements and cross checked and referenced my measuring tape/s with 3 x others to confirm my readings.
Edited by dpz, 19 January 2014 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:40 PM
I don't think so. The photo of the wrong measurement, the badge looks in the correct position, it's just the measurement is suss.
Thanks Mike, just what I wanted to see. If there are more to confirm without doubt, please come forward.
and if you look at the 57mm size in proportion to the 145, the 57 only fits twice in the 145. Dave I
Posted 19 January 2014 - 06:00 PM
This is what I measured for hole position. Note they are both different.
The LC has a dodgy coat of thick enamel over the original colour, so minus -.05mm - you could say the top RH hole has 1mm difference in it.
Its the height that differs but only by 4-5mm. The rest of the measurements appear to be true with respect to each other.
If anyone finds any faults let me know and I'll recheck the pics.
LC GTR / Right Upper Badge Hole - Overall distance to top of “R” from boot lid edge = 136mm
- distance from boot lip (bottom) to RH Hole - 126mm
- distance from RH Boot edge to RH hole - 84.5
LC GTR / Left Lower Badge Hole
- distance from boot lip (bottom)to LH Hole - 116mm
- distance from RH Boot edge to LH hole - 165.5mm
LJ GTR / Right Upper Badge Hole - Overall distance to top of “R” from boot lid edge = 131mm
- distance from boot lip (bottom) to RH Hole - 121mm
- distance from RH Boot edge to RH hole - 83mm
LJ GTR / Left Lower Badge Hole
- distance from boot lip (bottom) to RH Hole - 111mm
- distance from RH Boot edge to LH hole - 164mm
Edited by dpz, 19 January 2014 - 06:01 PM.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:50 PM
I've seen enough evidence to ask the admin to remove the wrong info pic and replace it with Mikes info pic. Does anyone disagree?
FORUM PIC.jpg 64.41K
Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:58 PM
Cool that"s got Marty sorted for a while, but you know that he's going to need the gtr badge postions for the door trims so while you have the tapes out metric or imperial you may aswell put them up here in the same spot to taked away any confusion. & Gene mate buy yourself a digital set of verniers in metric/ imperial & everything can make sense
I have a machinist for a brother & have to work with both measurements 2 work hence why i can get it or even google does formulars now mate cheers, Gary.
Posted 19 January 2014 - 11:06 PM
Thanks for your info Gary, I'm right for door trim positions. Well, I don't want to know because my new trims have them already attached.
Others may benefit from the details though.
Cheers all.
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Posted 20 January 2014 - 07:46 AM
It may very well be the case there were a whole heap of cars with the same measurement/position?
Posted 20 January 2014 - 08:39 AM
Busted what ? one photo on the internet... hardly a biblical document ? I have never even seen that pic on here... where did it come from ?
Posted 20 January 2014 - 09:20 AM
Hi Adam,
It seems a respected member has put up a picture with measurements indicating the badge position. (Blue GTR LC). The picture has been used in quite a few threads helping other members to position their Badges. I think the original pic has been on here since 2007 without being questioned for it's accuracy.
What makes this forum so great is the very helpful knowledgeable, friendly members. What we must also ensure is accurate information otherwise this just becomes second rate.
The term 'busted' is used to confirm that those original measurements are infact wrong and we should get them off the forum to prevent others from being mislead.
I have my suspicions on who may have made the original error but who cares, lets just fix it.
The original info was posted by a respected forum member with an original LC GTR.
It may very well be the case there were a whole heap of cars with the same measurement/position?
Hi dpz, from the looks of the pic the badge is in correct position, it's only a measurement or typing error.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 09:26 AM
with regard to this thread......forget all the ifs and buts.....Im more impressed that you noticed the slight error just by your eye!
Very good.
Posted 20 January 2014 - 10:00 AM
Yeah he is an observant bugger, but that's why his car is and will be a standout.
In 5 minutes he noticed things on my 4 door that I hadn't noticed in 12 months of owning it.
Good on ya for getting this sorted out Marty.
Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:22 AM
i have not had much to say on this topic mainly because these numbers over the years have varied, but what i could work out most of it was from year to year models,,,
this is what i have taken and done, please note i had a computer brake down some time ago now and lost a lot of data mostly photos
1970 lc gtr
in my book she was
59mm from drivers side boot gap to top of R
143mm from bottom of boot lip to top of R
then there was the two 1971 lc gtrs
both these cars where
57mm from edge to R
145mm from bottom to top of R
at the moment i have in my possession a 1972 royal purple lj gtr
i cant give photos as the car is not mine
from the edge to top of the R is 62mm
from bottom of boot to top of R 137mm
now the 1973 lj gtr that i just sold
from edge to R 59mm
from bottom to top of R 134mm
please remember that this car did not have its full paint when these measurements where taken
Anyways fellers lets look at and ask the big questions.
1. when where these holes punched into the panels.
2. after they where pressed or after they where fitted.
3. was there a jig used or was it done by stencil.
4. if it was a jig did it cuddle both side and bottom of the boot or just one.
5. if it was a stencil did it ware out over the years or varies from eye to hand.
anyways good luck with it
cheers gong
Posted 21 January 2014 - 10:00 AM
Well done John, Personally I would hazard a guess with the stencil, after boot lid fitted and differences were due to not being lined up correctly with the boot edges......
Posted 21 January 2014 - 02:55 PM
Just to add to the confusion, new spare part boot lids had no badge holes so it was up to the repairer to measure, mark & drill the holes.
Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:32 PM
hmm...guess it makes sense....
I would imagine that a generic "boot lid" went on the car on the line.
From there the Torana,... GTR,... or whatever badge went on later down the line.....i.e. they wouldn't have a pile of "GTR lids", and a pile of "S/SL lids" ...and try and put them on the right cars.?
However...would a punch actually be able to fit in there?.. assuming it has to clamp both sides of the panel?
Also, how would they deal with the bare metal left by the punch or the drill?
excuse my ing-or-ance if these are dumb questions.
You can understand why they just stick them on these days.
Posted 21 January 2014 - 08:29 PM
TMK all holes in panels used on the assembly line were pre punched not drilled. So yes, there would have been different boot lids to suit the different models being produced.
Posted 22 January 2014 - 07:25 AM
TMK all holes in panels used on the assembly line were pre punched not drilled. So yes, there would have been different boot lids to suit the different models being produced.
that is what i was thinking,,, and the jig would have worn out over the years or maybe was put on just a touch out.
Also, how would they deal with the bare metal left by the punch or the drill?
i know when unpicking the under rails of these cars sometimes you find the little bits half clung to the holes
cheers gong
Posted 25 January 2014 - 09:43 PM
Measured from the front edge of the lid to the top of the badge, 6/72 Brisbane LJ GTR.
Attached Files
Posted 26 January 2014 - 06:39 PM
thanks Gong
Posted 29 January 2014 - 09:57 PM
My measurements are:
57mm from drivers side boot edge to top of R
134mm from bottom of boot lip to top of R
I can only assume my boot lid is original, and not replaced and the holes re drilled. Either way it's close enough to the rest posted above for me.
Cheers Steve.
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