Thanks fellas, I’ve seen both versions on the LC. I wasn’t certain about the red in the badge, but, you guys are on the money, as it will fade out overtime. The un restored LC’s all have the Blue / Silver. Yet those that have been restored have the Tri colour version..
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It's simply a transparent red tinter that why, give the section a light sand with some (good quality) 800 grit wet and dry, a good clean with wax and grease remover, mask off well & apply some new transparent red acrylic paint and them some clear, unmask when dry & put it back together. A good automotive paint shop should put some in a spray can for you. But DON'T put it on heavy, just build it up lightly.
Spot on Col. The LC grille emblem is Blue, Red & Bright Silver.
Thanks Dave, i couldn't remember how they looked. Sold my lc stuff a long time ago.