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bloody aussie 4 speeds

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#1 _LX8VD69_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 01:18 PM

hi i know that someone out there will be able to help me, my aussie 4 speed keeps jumping out of first, i spoke to dangerous about this about a month back and ha had a look and reckoned it was mostly due to my sloppy shifter, well ive replaced that and whilst it does feel so much smother its still doing it. im still pretty sure it just needs to be adjusted properly as most of the time if i put into first on the move it will go in properly witha bit of a crunch but it still goes in. i have a few manuals describing how to adjust the gear boxes but they all seem like they are in greek or something. so any advice has to be in simple terms, as i havent really figured gear boxes out yet. is it just a matter of adjusting the shift linkage until the selector goes all the way into first? please help
:fool: :fool: :fool: :fool: :fool: :fool:
cheers adam

#2 Heath


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Posted 29 November 2006 - 01:26 PM

If it's slipping out of first and you keep driving on it, it will literally rip itself apart. Try and find another box in the trading post or something cheap as, there's even a four speed in the for sale section here, not sure whereabouts he's located though.

Anyway, put a different box in the vehicle (if you need to keep driving it) and get the one in the car rebuilt properly.

I don't think jumping out of gear would be shifter adjustment related...

#3 _dave720gtr_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 01:38 PM

In the shifter there is a hole in the side that runs right though the senter of it.
to adjust it. remove your linkagers from the forks and stick a phillips head driver
the right size one, into the hole push it right in. this lines all the shifter likagers up,
then all you need to do is adjust the ends of the likagers so thay slip on to the
selector forks nice, and then it should be all lined up :spoton:

Edited by dave720gtr, 29 November 2006 - 01:43 PM.

#4 FastEHHolden



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Posted 29 November 2006 - 01:45 PM

take the rod off the short arm that goes into the box...get a big shifter onto the arm that goes into the box and put it in first gear. With the shifter in the right position for first gear, hold the rod up to the linkage arm adjust it so the clevis pin or what ever you use to retain it goes straight into the hole.

I have the same problem with my box...you can't be guaranteed of it staying in first away from the lights..it throws itself out of gear violently unless you hold pressure on the stick and put some load on it with the clutch before you drive off to make sure it is in gear properly.

My solution is to get another box..I got one for $50...will go in at christmas with the next engine...not new..just next.

#5 _82911_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 02:05 PM

Most likely is syncro engagement teeth on the gear face are worn . If it is doing it only in first then it could be your front bearing clearance is too large.Both are wear related. Pull the box out and reco it b4 1st gear eats itself and all the other gears as well.

Cheers Greg..

#6 _lx5008_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 02:44 PM

YES it would be a gearbox problem, it needs reconditioning/repairs

#7 _chevy_253_torana_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 03:14 PM

shifting out of first? obviously you have given her a hard time and have over revved the bloody thing lol

new box or rebuild that

#8 _wrecker67_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 04:56 PM

well i have the same problem,tryed the adjustments but alls good there, so i am getting a reco after xmas,

#9 micklx


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Posted 29 November 2006 - 05:45 PM

If anyone needs a good S/H gearbox, I have a good VH Commodore M20. Can still be test driven if wanted. The shifter is a bit sloppy but the box works well. Can be picked up from Dandenong.
I'd like $150 for it, includes shifter , clutch, etc

#10 _UCV80_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 06:08 PM

i was having problems like this.. so i bought a toyota box. and its was the best thing i did. :spoton:

#11 _Oldn64_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 07:47 PM

Most likely is syncro engagement teeth on the gear face are worn . If it is doing it only in first then it could be your front bearing clearance is too large.Both are wear related. Pull the box out and reco it b4 1st gear eats itself and all the other gears as well.

Cheers Greg..

I agree with Greg here. It wil not be too long before it chips a tooth and then fractures it. you will end up with an input shaft with missing teeth (usually 4 or more) and a cluster that is stuffed. at this point it is cheaper to through and replace..

Build it now whiel it is salvagable. (it may still require a cluster but at least that is only one gear)


#12 _jap-xu1_

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Posted 29 November 2006 - 07:49 PM

on a side note if youe aussie box gets stuck in reverse and first at the same time try this.
move back into the reverse gate with the shifter and pull the shifter rearward,this will fully disengage reverse and you wont be stuck any more ;)

#13 _LX8VD69_

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Posted 30 November 2006 - 12:35 AM

i spoke to my mechanic yesterday, and because its mostly happening when the oils cold he said to drop the oil and use a synthetic oil and then make sure everythings adjusted correctly. unfortunatly he booked out until the middle of january but hes gonna rebuild or instruct me to do it, my m21 i have in the shed with all new gears ready to be rebuilt so at least if things go pear shaped ill be ok. cheers every one ill let you know how it all goes tomorrow :spoton: i had less trouble with my opel torquemaster behind a worked 202 :furious: :furious:

#14 _LX8VD69_

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Posted 30 November 2006 - 07:41 PM

woooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo i fixed it, i just dropped the gear oil and i spoke to an old drag racer who said to use dextron 2 as thats they used to use back in the days when they used to use manual gear boxs. i used dextron 3 because it is semi synthetic. if anyone can tell me different i reckon its the ducks guts in aussie 4 speeds :spoton: :spoton: :spoton: :spoton: :spoton: thanks to every one for their help

cheers adam

#15 tinkers



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Posted 30 November 2006 - 08:41 PM

on a side note if youe aussie box gets stuck in reverse *snip* try this.*snip*

If your aussie box gets stuck in reverse but shifter is in first etc...
Jam a long screw driver down the front of the reverse gate, move back to the middle, so the shifter is able to be moved back into the right place.

This was also a great security feature on my sedan as no one has been able to drive it without jamming the gears! :rolleyes:

Coke cans cut up make great/cheap shims for worn shifters when they cant be tightened any more :)

#16 FastEHHolden



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Posted 01 December 2006 - 03:04 PM

Yeah ATF is great if you can keep it in there.

#17 _LX8VD69_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 05:47 PM

^^^^^ whats that supposed to mean as i now have another drama with this faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarken gear box, i took it to the airport, i thik you all know why, any way and when i was driving home it starts screeching in all gears. is this box now cactus or is it screeching because the oil is getting too thin when it warms up? i was thinking before i pull the box out perhaps i should drain it and put a couple of litres of syntec in the box and see if that changes things.i mean generally metal only seams to screech when its running dry doesnt it? please help coz im about ready to say enough is enough and walk away from the bloody thing. stay tuned for possible car for sale :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

#18 _rorym_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 05:57 PM

could be seized bearing somewhere..they usually scream...I didnt read the whole thread..Grab a cheap M20 off Ebay and throw it in..at least then you are mobile..then sort the rest out later...just my 2c, Mine was sticking in reverse but it was just a linkage thing that needed adjusting.. Hope it works out.

#19 _82911_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 06:15 PM

LX... i'll give you the "good oil" on aussie boxes *intentional pun* :tease:
People bag the shit out of them, most without ever having pulled one down.
They are a good box that is very capable of holding 350 REAL horsepower if treated properly. Anything will break if it is abused.
They need a 75/90 weight oil to perform well. This means that they will be a little notchy when cold but once they have a few k's on the they warm up and everything smooths out.
The "old trick" of using ATF in these trans is a wives tale, as is banana skins in the diff.. IT IS PURE NONSENSE. As unfortunately you have just discovered.ATF is very poor as an extreme pressure lubricant. So you have almost certainly screwed the clearance between the gears and the mainshaft, this is the screeching you can here...The shaft is picking up metal from the gear bore.
It's like this.... the box warned you that your bearing clearance was loose and you didn't listen, better not drive it anymore. Pull it out and get a reco, hopefully it's not completely screwed.
I word of warning though if you do keep driving it you will eventually weld 1st speed to the mainshaft and then the lot is really screwed!
Should cost about $500 for a full reco from someone reputable. Which is much cheaper than a conversion cost..
Good luck with it all..
Cheers Greg..

Edited by 82911, 01 December 2006 - 06:17 PM.

#20 _LX8VD69_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 06:24 PM

cheers guys is it worth putting in some synthetic gear box oil in it and seeing or just rip it out? i really need to have it mobile whilst my other box is getting rebuilt as i need to run it down the run way next weekend. im kind of hoping i might get lucky if i put some not notch oil in it, any chance of it working. the problem being is that V8 aussie 4 speeds arent easy to come by and whilst i have a real good 6 cyl one apperantly its pretty hard to change the imput shafts over

#21 _Monkey_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 06:27 PM

"banana skins in the diff" lol,could you please eloborate 82911 im intrigued.

#22 _82911_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 06:48 PM

As much as i know it's not what you want to hear.......
Pull the box....It is going to come apart, big time.
Also Syn won't fix it,and Aussies don't like syn fluid it is too slippery for the the synchros. If you use it you will crunch on the change.
Tuf 73..... it's an old back yard tale that is said to stop the diff from whinning.. it might work for a km or 2.
Cheers Greg..

Edited by 82911, 01 December 2006 - 06:51 PM.

#23 _Monkey_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 06:55 PM

i give a WHOLE banana to my kids,stops them whining,cant see why it wouldnt work :P

#24 _82911_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 07:06 PM

but at $8 a kilo......
an icecream is cheaper!

Cheers Greg..

#25 _Monkey_

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Posted 01 December 2006 - 07:17 PM

^True.that banana/diff thing sounds like the old "crack an egg in the radiator to fix the leak"thing lol.

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