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LH-LX lower 1/4 replacement panels

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#1 355LX


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Posted 02 December 2006 - 01:32 AM

Hi, I have recently purchased from rare spares some lower 1/4 replacement panels for my LX, parts numbers RP93P, and RP94P. After getting them home, I placed them up against the car to check how close they were. They protruded past the back of the car by over an inch, and the pressed parts to match the wheel guards where'nt all that flash either.

Has anyone else used them, and if so where they any better? Or am I being a wuss, and should I just modify them to suit. There would be a fair bit involved though to do this.

Les, I have'nt contacted my local Rare Spares yet, becuase I know they dont make them, and I thought it might be more helpful bringing it to your attention. I'll get some pics asap to give you a better understanding.



#2 dattoman


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Posted 02 December 2006 - 01:53 AM

I checked my RP94 too and it doesn't look good
I was afraid to check the beaver panel
Did you check yours Dave ?

#3 355LX


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Posted 02 December 2006 - 07:17 PM

Yeah checked beaver panel as well and was'nt sure where it shoudl start or finish, but was going to worry about that more when I take the paint right back to bare metal.


#4 _les_

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Posted 23 December 2006 - 10:21 AM

Hi, I have recently purchased from rare spares some lower 1/4 replacement panels for my LX, parts numbers RP93P, and RP94P. After getting them home, I placed them up against the car to check how close they were. They protruded past the back of the car by over an inch, and the pressed parts to match the wheel guards where'nt all that flash either.

Has anyone else used them, and if so where they any better? Or am I being a wuss, and should I just modify them to suit. There would be a fair bit involved though to do this.

Les, I have'nt contacted my local Rare Spares yet, becuase I know they dont make them, and I thought it might be more helpful bringing it to your attention. I'll get some pics asap to give you a better understanding.



It would appear there may be a problem with these panels, they are apparently made to fit coupes but can be modified to fit sedans, I will still do some more checking on this and let you know as we do not make it in house but instead use an outside subcontractor




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Posted 24 December 2006 - 09:42 AM

um, whats the difference from coupe to sedan?? they are identical in that area of the panel.

#6 _les_

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 09:47 AM

um, whats the difference from coupe to sedan?? they are identical in that area of the panel.

From what I'm told the coupe is longer

#7 dattoman


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Posted 24 December 2006 - 10:21 AM

Both mine and Daves cars are coupes though
And they don't seem right on either of our cars




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Posted 24 December 2006 - 11:18 AM

a hatch and sedan are the same overall length, and the weelbase is the same, it's exactly the same floorpan, so I can't see why a sedan and hatch would be different in that area.

#9 boomfunk


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Posted 24 December 2006 - 12:47 PM

the ones i had and sold recently were a perfect fit for a coupe, they did not come from rare spares however, another outlet here in brissy, perfect..totaly perfect

#10 REDA9X



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Posted 24 December 2006 - 01:25 PM

maybe you could share who you bought them from?

#11 Heath


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Posted 24 December 2006 - 01:34 PM

I think you did earlier on and I contacted the person (or maybe someone selling a similar thing) and got no responce. Still desperately looking for a decent one of these for the LHS. Thanks

#12 boomfunk


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Posted 24 December 2006 - 02:54 PM

thats a bit odd heath, as they make alot of torana stuff, and yeah they are on ebay also....

maybe it might pay to ring them, i will try and get their number....

i was also told that sedan and hatch where same, but i do no.... they were perfect for a hatch as i tried them, not weld them just checked to make sure length and shape and so on...

couldnt get any better, i will be back onto this when i have had time to find the person and their ..contact details so on..

#13 REDA9X



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Posted 24 December 2006 - 04:09 PM

I'd be interested to know the details myself

#14 boomfunk


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Posted 24 December 2006 - 05:32 PM

alright, this is him - oh and the add states suits sedan and hatch...





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Edited by boomfunk, 24 December 2006 - 05:33 PM.

#15 dattoman


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Posted 24 December 2006 - 06:00 PM

I bought some hatch lower door skins off Bruce
And a few other things
Seems OK
Hope the skins fit

#16 Tiny


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Posted 27 December 2006 - 10:05 AM

Maybe Les could get a set if they fit so well and model theirs off his?

#17 _les_

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Posted 27 December 2006 - 06:19 PM

Maybe Les could get a set if they fit so well and model theirs off his?

I could but I believe they are the same as the ones we sell, I think we will have to make our own next year

#18 boomfunk


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Posted 29 December 2006 - 12:22 PM

i wouldnt beleive they are the same as these ones i had as the ones i had were a perfect fit for a coupe, unless the problem with rares ones that they fit coupe but not sedan.

These ones i had came from that address that i gave earlier and were perfect for a coupe...who do i no, i tried it !!, how can i say they were perfect??

because i am trade qual panel beater and spray painter...with papers..but you dont need to be qualified to no if its going fit or not..

so it goes back to the same question -

is the coupe the same as sedan??, maybe they are different.

#19 355LX


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 03:08 PM

Les what's the situation with these lower 1/4 panels. Should people just make do with the current one's, or can those that have purchased them take them back to exchange for the new ones coming out, (if that is still the case).


#20 dattoman


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Posted 01 February 2007 - 03:11 PM

I'd like to return mine for a better one....... or exchange for products I can use
No receipt though (and I bought it thru Auto 1 - the store I was managing at the time - they won't take it back)

#21 _les_

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Posted 01 February 2007 - 03:35 PM

I'd like to return mine for a better one....... or exchange for products I can use
No receipt though (and I bought it thru Auto 1 - the store I was managing at the time - they won't take it back)

Send me a PM with the part numbers , your name , address and the Auto 1 store you purchased it from and I will see what I can do.

#22 Dangerous


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Posted 07 February 2007 - 12:04 PM

I've just measured a known 'virgin' LH sedan, a known 'virgin' UC hatch and also an LX hatch which has had a full body makeover. All measured 505 mm from the front lowest corner back to where the beaver panel curves down to meet it, and all also measure around 590 mm total length from that front lowest corner (just behind the rear wheel, where a mudflap mounts). I'd be VERY surprised if Holden made the hatch ones any different to the sedan ones, as the hatches and sedans share the same boot floor and lower beaver panel section, and I suspect that the rear panel that the tail lights sit in is also identical, except for the channel for the hatch seal for the hatchback version.

Not being rude, but I've always regarded Rarespares rust replacement sections as reasonable starting points requiring a bit of fiddling around to make fit properly, not expecting instant perfect fitment. It dopes sound though like these are too far out to be considered fit for purpose. Damn good thing that we have Les's ear to bring this up and hoppefully get it sorted, and get exchanges for any panels that are too far out of spec to use.

I don't know if anyone has used Rarespares sill panels, but I replaced a sill panel on my LC a while ago. I was only going to replace the rear rusty section and match up the new part to the original sill halfway along, but the curvature of the Rarespares part was too different to the original part, so I had to replace it all.

#23 REDA9X



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Posted 07 February 2007 - 01:43 PM

I'm with you Dave, as I said before, hatch and sedan are the same. The cars are the same length and share the same floorpan, so why would that small area be any different from a sedan to hatch?

#24 _les_

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Posted 08 February 2007 - 09:31 AM

We have checked all the new stock for the rear LH LX � panel and approved them as fitting sedan the hatch is a little different around the wheel arch but they will fit the hatch with a little work. We will get around to making the hatch ones later this year, any one who has ones that are longer than they should be please let me know and we will have them replaced.

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Posted 08 February 2007 - 10:18 AM

Good stuff about the offer of replacement, Les.

I'm curious though on the difference around the wheel arch that you mentioned - what is the difference exactly? The wheel tubs have different part numbers for the hatch and sedan, but eyeballing a hatch and sedan lower quarter panel they look the same.

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