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Torana Cop cars

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#301 xu2308


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 03:06 PM

That clears it up RM125n

you are talking the Run of the Mill cop cars.

I am talking Trial cars that 21st Division tested and there Dog Squad (Observation Unit) could buy anything they tested and wanted.



And get a name up on the forum, its the rules when you sign up on the form to join here.

#302 meanmachine72


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 03:45 PM

you cleared nuthen up ..no way would cops drive around with 1 NSW plate and 1 queensland plate...  a bullshit report 

and this from same rubbish you just posted


and also this


unconfirmed reports from within the force suggest there are some torana

SL/R 5000 on test but nobody could confirm it........ hersay by the guy who wrote that rubbish


and i suggest you remove that the comment about the aboriginals slanderous name

you come across as a racist posting that derogatory comment and article..and all for what??

the belittle a fellow member on his knowledge?


so race off and get that removed now please or i will complain about your racist comments myself  :thebird:     

#303 xu2308


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 03:53 PM

That article was wrote in 1974, so no wonder they was not sure if they had the LH SLR5000 on Trial but they heard they had and turned out was Correct as the LH SLR5000 Trial Picture proves that they were Correct.



OMG that article was wrote in 1974 and was no PC Correctness back then, OMG get a grip mate.


Typical meanmachine, mean by name and mean by Nature.

#304 xu2308


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 03:57 PM

​I think this Photo back ups that Reporter story from Wheels Magazine story from 1974, here is the Trial LH SLR5000.

Attached File  Saffron LH SLR5000 on loan by GMH to NSW Police.jpg   119.35K   2 downloads

#305 meanmachine72


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 04:06 PM

i dont give a frOck when it was  written..and your attitude to it proves what a racist you really are

maybe you should think about what my heritage may be...racist comments are against there rules here 

and i wont frOcking stand for it..you little Cunning Stunt you have offended me by posting what you did..you 

get a grip and remember its not to be tolerated at all..bet your the guy on the sideline at AFL games 

calling aboriginal players names??..no different to the article you had posted

so get it frOcking removed you racist Cunning Stunt

#306 xu2308


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 04:12 PM

My Eldest son is half Aboriginal mate, his mum was Aboriginal, so I take offense to your comments.

#307 xu2308


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 04:28 PM

Wheels Article PC Corrected

Attached File  SLR5000 on Trial - Copy.jpg   114.97K   4 downloads


#308 meanmachine72


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 04:58 PM

dont believe you about a son you claim to have at all

your not offended at all..your pissed off because you have 

been caught out as a racist and someone has had the courage

to say so..your pissy little attempt to fix it is not good enough


you wronged a race of proud people  i may post your remark on your facebook page so all

aboriginal people will see who you really are...you need to say sorry and say it quick and remove the comment.

you like running to mods..suggest you do it now so they can clean the racist comment you posted

#309 xu2308


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Posted 24 May 2018 - 05:06 PM

Johnny I am sorry you are Offend from that Wheels magazine article from that Reporter I posted up.


My son's mother was a Rudd, her father was originally from Wagga Wagga  I believe there are Rudd's still in that area, that is the Truth he is half Aborigine.


I will ask a mod to mark out that part, sorry it caused you to be upset.

#310 REDA9X



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Posted 24 May 2018 - 07:02 PM

Sorry, but I have read the thread, and it's an old article, not an opinion. 

Nothing about anything posted suggests any sort of racsism being expressed by anyone today.

If this offends you then please don't watch any movies where they use the N word. 

An effort was made to correct it because someone was upset, and an explanation given. 

Racsism is about intent, there was no intent to offend anyone here and it's in line with the thread.

#311 RM125n


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Posted 25 May 2018 - 12:22 PM

That clears it up RM125n

you are talking the Run of the Mill cop cars.

I am talking Trial cars that 21st Division tested and there Dog Squad (Observation Unit) could buy anything they tested and wanted.



And get a name up on the forum, its the rules when you sign up on the form to join here.



Thanks again for your standard reply

XU2 308 you make up any information to suit yourself


Information on NSW Police trail cars 

1) trail cars all have NSW rego

2) all police cars including Trail cars had the 3rd month rego label on windscreen ( back then ) when ever the car was purchased through out the year !

3) All NSW police cars and their trail cars where standard production cars. That any person could purchased.

4)All trail cars are fitted out as police cars to be tested by them these car was also issued with a police serial number 

    how else could you manage a fleet over 2,100 nsw police cars.

5) All trail cars was keep even if they failed the police test 

6) all trail cars was owned by NSW police


Now this SLR/5000 you keep bring up,   This is just another STANDARD PRODUCTION CAR.  

Guys look at the front windscreen Label has the 5th month not the 3rd month as NSW Police had back then and note it still has all the transfers and rear spoiler on it must be a privately own car. Remember the XU1s disguisted as GTRs all there transfers and rear spoiler was removed so they didnt show the public they had races cars.


Now as for 21st Division still had to follow the rules of trail cars as above (I got the same magazine it has No info on your car mate ) the cars mentioned in this magazine FJ holden and a Sandman again standard production cars but second hand they where all issued with a police numbers remember with a fleet of over 2,100 police cars, they all would have NSW REGO  (I cant see NSW goverment paying another state groverment rego money) but again all these car was owned by NSW Police.

who would do a stake out in a LJ Torana up to 4 days no way but in a bigger car yes.



1) Never rego in NSW , Never owned by NSW Police also never trailed by them as they dont test protype cars

2) Always had Victorian rego from about 4/1972 when own by GMH you can fill the dates in 

3) NO DOCUMENTION to back up your story I asked you 2 years ago just show me something and you come up with this crap.

4) You know XU2 308 that NO V8 LC or LJ could be rego in NSW at all in 1972 (I think 1973 as well) remember your statement         about RON HODGSON troubles with his V8 Toranas. you can tell the members about that.


I have been spoon feeding you for years and guess what my info is now showing to be 100% correct

All because you didnt do your reseach XU2 308 ?

#312 xu2308


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Posted 25 May 2018 - 02:05 PM

Here we go again with you, seems you are a Dual Member on here, maybe the Mods need to check your IP Address with other members on here, no name for a start and never had a name on here since you have been on here,  you only comment in here and stalk my self on said subject. Never put a photo up of any STP LJ GTR's in this thread at all that you say you have researched for over 20 years but have No Photos ?. 



You didn't mention the Dog Squad the Observation Unit who could buy anything they wanted and they trial anything they wanted, Even a Black LH SLR5000 as well with no Decals on it, even that Wheels magazine from 1974 said SLR5000's not just a SLR5000. Where I got the photo from, The NSW police said that LH SLR5000  was a TRIAL CAR thank you very much and not a personal car, love how you twist that to suit your self. 


NSW have rego V8 LJ's in the early 1970's, Canberra ACT it was just Easier to get rego in ACT than NSW, so no wonder people went there.

You don't know what info I have on my car thank you and I don't have to share anything with a member with no name on here.

 I have put up proof in photos and stuff I have posted in here, you have just put up negativity.

You said they had no brackets on the front valance, I put up a photo of a LJ GTR STP car with a bracket on the front valance with a wire going through it.

Like before we are going round in circles again.

Attached File  Bracket on Front Valance.jpg   92.59K   6 downloads




#313 S pack

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Posted 25 May 2018 - 05:02 PM

What wiring bracket on the front valance? I've blown this pic up and looked at it from every angle and all I can see is some glare from the sun's reflection on the valance's black paint.


#314 lx308


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Posted 25 May 2018 - 06:31 PM

What wiring bracket on the front valance? I've blown this pic up and looked at it from every angle and all I can see is some glare from the sun's reflection on the valance's black paint.

I thought the same thing. Just looks like glare or a shadow to me also.

#315 RallyRed


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Posted 25 May 2018 - 08:13 PM

All I can see is a secret test horse in the background, and a bloke about to fall out of the upstairs door/window of the building?


Sorry, nothing meaningful to add, just trying to lighten it up a bit.


p.s. imagine driving a LJ around in the middle of summer with those old school police uniforms??, no wonder they were never happy when they pulled you over.

#316 u1 71

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Posted 25 May 2018 - 08:27 PM

NSW police did use qld plated unmarked cars

#317 u1 71

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Posted 25 May 2018 - 09:28 PM

NSW DMT"Department of motor transport as it was titled back then issued the number plate starting with the letter G in 1973,GAA-049 would be a January registration month

#318 u1 71

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Posted 25 May 2018 - 10:53 PM

Australian muscle car sales have sold a sable metallic 7 month 1973 ex police lj gtr Torana,are you saying that NSW police kept this car in storage for eight months just so that they could register it in march the following year

#319 REDA9X



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Posted 25 May 2018 - 11:58 PM

There are two names here under the same IP address. 

Thats against the forum rules.

One has to go, or both do. Make your choice.

#320 RM125n


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Posted 27 May 2018 - 09:05 AM

There are two names here under the same IP address. 

Thats against the forum rules.

One has to go, or both do. Make your choice.


Thank you for bringing this problem to my attention.

I have been using my iPad at night and my computer during the day for posting and viewing as my garage gets very cold in winter and very hot in summer.

I must say I had no idea what a name or a IP address was ( so members can now guess my age ) so i did my research last night

on the net I now know what they mean.

My second hand iPad given to me by my family still had the old name in it so I have now changed the name to the same as my computer ( I hope I have done it correctly )

I would like to apologize to the forum members as I had no idea this was happening.

I would like to keep within the rules of this forum

I have 2 question for you moderator

1) As I have now changed the the name on my iPad can I still use my iPad at night and my computer during the day ?

2) or I must only use the one computer all the time on this forum site?

waiting for your reply 



#321 S pack

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Posted 27 May 2018 - 09:55 AM

Thank you for bringing this problem to my attention.

I have been using my iPad at night and my computer during the day for posting and viewing as my garage gets very cold in winter and very hot in summer.

I must say I had no idea what a name or a IP address was ( so members can now guess my age ) so i did my research last night

on the net I now know what they mean.

My second hand iPad given to me by my family still had the old name in it so I have now changed the name to the same as my computer ( I hope I have done it correctly )

I would like to apologize to the forum members as I had no idea this was happening.

I would like to keep within the rules of this forum

I have 2 question for you moderator

1) As I have now changed the the name on my iPad can I still use my iPad at night and my computer during the day ?

2) or I must only use the one computer all the time on this forum site?

waiting for your reply 



What you have named your computer/iPad is not the issue.

This is about the username (account) you use on this forum ie: RM125n.

Do you have an old account (username and password login) from the past that you may have forgotten you had before you created a new account with the username RM125n?

Do you possibly have another family member who is a member on this forum that is also using your computer.

#322 RM125n


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Posted 27 May 2018 - 12:44 PM

What you have named your computer/iPad is not the issue.

This is about the username (account) you use on this forum ie: RM125n.

Do you have an old account (username and password login) from the past that you may have forgotten you had before you created a new account with the username RM125n?

Do you possibly have another family member who is a member on this forum that is also using your computer.


Hi S pack 

you have help me out in the past and thanks again for now

yes I did have an account before, I never posted on it ,just looked at the information and photos but it was cancelled by this forum.

 I cant remember any details about now, so how can I fix it up ? or can the moderator help to fix it up?

thanks mate

#323 S pack

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Posted 27 May 2018 - 01:02 PM

Hi S pack 

you have help me out in the past and thanks again for now

yes I did have an account before, I never posted on it ,just looked at the information and photos but it was cancelled by this forum.

 I cant remember any details about now, so how can I fix it up ? or can the moderator help to fix it up?

thanks mate

If that is the case and you believe REDA9X is referring to you as being the dual account holder then I suggest you send him a PM to discuss the situation.

#324 RM125n


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Posted 27 May 2018 - 01:56 PM

If that is the case and you believe REDA9X is referring to you as being the dual account holder then I suggest you send him a PM to discuss the situation.


 thanks for your help mate will do 

#325 crabba67


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Posted 27 May 2018 - 02:17 PM

Ben "spack" maybe you can upgrade to a 250 and make sure it's a 2 stroke...forget the RM125 

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