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GMH Dealer code list

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#326 _GRUMPY 73_

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Posted 04 November 2009 - 01:19 PM

Hi all, great site you have here.

Just wondering if anyone can help me with my dealer code ('61 EK Special)

The code seems to have been lightly scratched into the firewall.................152. It'a a NSW car, if that helps.

It has a Savell Bros service sticker on the front door, though I'm not so sure it's a Savell car.


Hello Coop SAVELL BROS. dealer code is 614 they were located at 412 forrest road Hurstville NSW.
I very much doubt that they would scratch their dealer code in the firewall, what some of the
dealers did was stencilled their business name in paint on the underside of the bonnet. i have
seen MUIRS @ ASHFIELD and W.H.LOBER @ MIRANDA do this. Dealer code 152 appears to be
an Adelaide based code as early adelaide no's run through to 156 before starting again in
the low 630's.Footnote i have also seen company's like lober's stencill the firewall with their
name & phone no for the service also have seen an A9X sedan with MUIRS stencilled under
the bonnet scoop. Hope this helps.


I wonder if they were allocated 614 when they moved?



Hello Bazza that sure is an old odd you have dugup. (maybe 1952 telephone book?)
penshurst post code is 2222 & hurstville post code is 2220. my idea is that at some time
possibly late 50"s they moved across the road and a couple of doors up as they moved
from 419 forrest road to 412 forrest road. i have an eh holden owners manual that lists
them being at 412 forrest road, this is the earliest listing that i have with them at no 412
bearing in mind i have a few holes in my early handbook collection.
Regards GRUMPY

#327 Bazza


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Posted 04 November 2009 - 03:24 PM


This ad is a littler earlier than '64.



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#328 goxu1


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 08:24 AM

The xu-1 on thread http://www.gmh-toran...showtopic=41629
came from Hawkesbury Valley Holden.
Can anyone back track and get a dealer code from the engine number ?

#329 meanmachine72


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 09:03 AM

no ...its a nasco replacement and wont show
up on vin disc....

#330 meanmachine72


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 09:38 AM

hi goxu1
i see your way of thinking now,so i went to vin disc and came up with this
CH276280J...JP 328126 sold dealer 627 on 5/73
assuming that this paper work he has is for this car..
Hawksbury Valley holden is already on our dealer list as 627

#331 Bazza


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 10:24 AM


Hawkesbury Valley Holden (HVH) is also on our list as 635.

635 was current for Hawkesbury Valley Holden as at 2005 and probably still is. I suggest that this entry should be deleted unless it is can be shown that they changed numbers in the 1970s. The code for HVH was 627 up to at least 1974.

In 1969/70 the owner of dealer code 635 commenced with the letter "G" and was located somewhere in South Australia.



#332 _drs88_

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 12:49 PM

When I was researching the history of my car a rang Hawkesbury Valley Holden, they said that they have only changed hands once and that was 20 years ago (not too sure if changing hands means the dealer code changes, so thought I would just say it anyway). My car has a stencil from HVH and numberplate surrounds however it was sold by dealer 610. According to the list dealer 610 is Sundell's Chatswood, maybe this should be looked into.

#333 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 10:33 PM

current XU1 on ebay PSNH259815J disc shows D/C 608
looking at its pappers says ERN JONES PTY LTD

#334 Bazza


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Posted 11 November 2009 - 11:41 PM

When I was researching the history of my car a rang Hawkesbury Valley Holden, they said that they have only changed hands once and that was 20 years ago (not too sure if changing hands means the dealer code changes, so thought I would just say it anyway). My car has a stencil from HVH and numberplate surrounds however it was sold by dealer 610. According to the list dealer 610 is Sundell's Chatswood, maybe this should be looked into.


There is anecdotal evidence that cars sometimes changed hands between dealers before being sold (and apparently still does). In your case I reckon the stencil wins.



#335 _pantah_

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 12:19 AM


I notice that when "999 D" or "000 D" is used there is no production date entered. I believe that, in these cases at least, the 999 or 000 is the default entry for 'no date'. Another thing that I notice is that the majority of "999" or X cases, there is a very long gap between theproduction date and sell date. Examples; a car produced on 26/11/69 not sold until 12/70, another producedon 21/11/69 not sold until12/70 and so on.

It's all supposition - but it makes sense to me at least.



Thanks for all that Bazza. Im pretty settled with that and it makes sense........Now if I could just track down the original lady owner of my GTR we could pretty much have it all covered.........

#336 _GRUMPY 73_

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 08:30 AM


Hawkesbury Valley Holden (HVH) is also on our list as 635.

635 was current for Hawkesbury Valley Holden as at 2005 and probably still is. I suggest that this entry should be deleted unless it is can be shown that they changed numbers in the 1970s. The code for HVH was 627 up to at least 1974.

In 1969/70 the owner of dealer code 635 commenced with the letter "G" and was located somewhere in South Australia.



Hello Bazza dealer 635 is G.A. KRUMMEL EUDUNDA S.A. a small country town dealer who was a typical local garage / fuel distribution centre
& local roadside breakdown contractor (ie RAA much like your RACV).I can only find 2x LC torana sales credited to his dealer no.but i have
seen a couple of early HQ's with his dealer sticker on the window. I believe he folded around 73-74. and was later resurrected as EUDUNDAWAY
MOTORS but under different owners in late 74

#337 Bazza


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Posted 12 November 2009 - 09:08 AM


Thanks for that info.

It's amazing what you find on the internet. It appears that G A Krummel lost half his roof during a tornado on May 15 1974. Perhaps that's what sealed his business fate.



#338 _GRUMPY 73_

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Posted 12 November 2009 - 10:48 AM

When I was researching the history of my car a rang Hawkesbury Valley Holden, they said that they have only changed hands once and that was 20 years ago (not too sure if changing hands means the dealer code changes, so thought I would just say it anyway). My car has a stencil from HVH and numberplate surrounds however it was sold by dealer 610. According to the list dealer 610 is Sundell's Chatswood, maybe this should be looked into.


There is anecdotal evidence that cars sometimes changed hands between dealers before being sold (and apparently still does). In your case I reckon the stencil wins.



Dealer 610 is definitely Sundell Motors which has 509 LC sales recorded against this code & 617 hawkesbury valley motors has 173
LC sales recorded against this no.Bazza is right on the money in the fact that cars were swapped around & reallocatted. I have spoken to a
couple of country dealers who i still do business with and they have confirmed it was quite common to sell stock to one and other, just kept units turning over.what we as outsiders may not understand is gm set sales targets & had various incentive promotions going at various times.
so a sale was a sale wether the car was wholsaled to another dealer or was retailed, this may explain why dan's car has hawkesbury valley
holden stencilled underbonnet yet on the fische is listed as a sundell motors transaction. (or could be another error in the fische,we can not
always believe what we read). apparently up until late 60's a lot of the smaller volume dealers purchased their cars from metropolitan distributors (proof of this just look inside the dealer listings in an EH owners manual.(e.g. stack & co boyded w.h.lober w.t. coggins &
john.a.gilbert were all listed as the metro distributors,all other were just classified as regular dealers. so there was heirachy system for the dealers. The same deal applied to spare parts. smaller dealers had to buy from metro distributors and not direct.)I hope this is of some help
as it is not my intention to further confuse the subject. If hawkesbury valley holden changed hands 20 years ago i suggest that is when the were allocated no.635 which is in the zone close to their old no as it was usual practice to issue a new to a dealer when it changes ownership.
there have been circumstances where the trading name on the front remains the same but the no changes. 1 dealer comes to mind their name
goes back to the 40's but has 3 sets of owners and 3 different dealer no's


#339 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 19 November 2009 - 11:31 AM

647 is definately peter page motors, heres a reply from them......

"Dealer code is 647 and if they dealer codes in 1972 that is what it would have been as there has been no change in ownership.

Peter page holden started 1/8/1971

Barbara Page

Peter Page Holden

Tel 08 82551288

Fax 08 82559260"

#340 _sp1nner72_

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Posted 22 November 2009 - 11:16 AM

Hi all,

I can add another dealer to the list:

Back then was known as McDonald Motors Cairns QLD

Ireland Holden
227 - 233 Mulgrave Road
Cairns QLD 4870
Licence #: 728

Ireland Holden/McDonald Motors has a very long history of service to Cairns being a GM dealer since 1923:
Click here to read history


#341 _BJ1973_

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Posted 09 December 2009 - 08:49 PM

Can anyone help with Dealer Code 905? Mid Queensland possibly.

#342 _xu-2_

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Posted 11 December 2009 - 09:49 PM

Help needed with dealer 609?


#343 _ljbob_

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Posted 11 December 2009 - 10:02 PM

608 is Ern Jones Pty Ltd Bankstown.

#344 _GRUMPY 73_

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Posted 12 December 2009 - 08:20 AM



Help needed with dealer 609?


#345 _march17_

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 09:04 AM

Hi All, Happy New Year,
Need HELP with dealer code 594----26 years research and nothing but zone 2 nswPosted Image

#346 Bazza


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Posted 01 January 2010 - 09:31 AM

Hi All, Happy New Year,
Need HELP with dealer code 594----26 years research and nothing but zone 2 nswPosted Image


Not much to go on, but the dealerships name started with the letter "P" in 1969.



#347 _march17_

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Posted 01 January 2010 - 11:34 AM

Hi All, Happy New Year,
Need HELP with dealer code 594----26 years research and nothing but zone 2 nswPosted Image


Not much to go on, but the dealerships name started with the letter "P" in 1969.



Thanks Bazza,every little bit helps and that a "P" that I never had beforePosted Image cheers Mark

#348 _mr.jones_

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Posted 03 January 2010 - 09:15 AM

Dealer 271 is as printed on the delivery docket:

Manager W/Ville-(Coy Cars) Traffic Dept Woodville SA.


#349 Bazza


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Posted 03 January 2010 - 09:46 AM

Hi all

Does anyone know who was the Holden dealer in WAUCHOPE NSW during the '60s and '70s?



#350 _rtxu1_

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Posted 04 January 2010 - 08:45 PM

Bazza the Wauchope dealer was Pearce and Hendrickson (High St Wauchope NSW). Went broke in the 80s. Don't know dealer code.


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