This thread is 27 pages now and so a tad difficult to navigate.
Wondering if anyone has a list compiling all herein?
Cheers, TB
Posted 24 June 2014 - 12:09 PM
This thread is 27 pages now and so a tad difficult to navigate.
Wondering if anyone has a list compiling all herein?
Cheers, TB
Posted 24 June 2014 - 12:13 PM
I believe so... but for some reason there was a shit fight about it and everyone is being very secretive.... I cannot recall why..
Posted 24 June 2014 - 06:24 PM
I believe so... but for some reason there was a shit fight about it and everyone is being very secretive.... I cannot recall why..
Perhaps I can help you on that one.
when you share the extensive research of dealer codes of a state and get SFA in return.
when you see your list copied elsewhere (LOL with the uncorrected errors in it)
when you see list copiers and regurgitators with NFI as to whether the D/CD is period correct (e.g. 547 was reissued by GMH in 1985 to B&B
And when despite tell everyone a dealer code is period / company / and address specific, no one seems to be able to comprehend that concept.
(e.g. I have seen D/CD's nominated to torana people that did not exist until 2000 or later)
You just tend to loose interest and only supply the high end researchers with the D/CD details.
There will never be a complete D/CD list and there isn't one that is even close currently on the net anywhere including here.
loosing interest!
Edited by Balfizar, 24 June 2014 - 06:25 PM.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 06:51 PM
Hi all, I have scanned this thread cant seem to find who or where is dealer 144..... Hope some out there knows.....
I have 144 as City Motors Pty Ltd, Cnr Flinders and Pultney Sts, Adelaide SA
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:47 PM
Sorry, I am against you on this one.
What a sanctimonious piece of self-serving dribble IMO - helping only 'high-end researchers' - what the?
This my friend, is supposedly a 'community' to which there is a 'civic' outlook;
the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.
relating to the duties or activities of people in relation to their town, city, or local area.
It is not supposed to be about 'me and mine' (referencing your comment as to receiving SFA whilst other seem to profit from your efforts) but rather 'the greater good'.
Of course this is merely my opinion - doesn't make me right, but it doesn't make me wrong either...
But IMO, small mindedness and 'knowledge is power' perspectives not only tire me, but the majority as well - such boorish folk used to frustrate and even anger me - nowadays I merely feel sorry for precious folk, and I am largely unwilling to waste energy any further, in short I typically feel; 'pffft, whatever...'
But since it is a slow night both here on the forum and for me at home; lets play.
I will start by asking, and quite genuinely; did you or folk like you compile such a list with the view to monetary gain or reward, or did you do it for the passion of it all?
I assume the later - if so, then what is the issue - truly now - what is so darned wrong with what has since transpired that it justifies you taking your footy/bat and ball and going home -seriously?
If I am wrong and it was all about remuneration in the first place; I apologise - you are well within your rights to guard whatever it is that you hold so tightly... a record of GMH Dealer Numbers for goodness sake!
Hardly a document which depicts the true meaning of life, the universe and everything in between, but hey, each to their own...
Having said that, I guess I failed to consider the grumpy old man sentiment, namely; 'I did it, it is mine, it is for no one other than me, and those I wish to share it with because... well because I say so'.
Q: Mean spirited?
A: Yes, IMO.
Q: Out of line?
A: Likely not - you do the work, it is your decision as to who and how (if at all) it is to be shared - just seems mean-spirited is all.
In summary, if this 'lock up the national parks' outlook is the shared position of the 'Torana Brains Trust' then God help us.
As a relative newbie, it does seem an outlook entrenched in a number of 'Torana portfolios' seemingly with an 'investment' to defend first and foremost and a marque to share and promote somewhere well-down the list of imperatives - an unfortunately outlook I would suggest but nevertheless; to do so might be right, it might be wrong - who am I to assert which way is appropriate - the community will do that and self-serving and pious autocrats will be depicted for what they are in the fullness of time - that is my experience and that of history generally.
In any case, and back on subject; IMO some perspective is needed - I will do my best (likely fail);
1. My experience with many Torana folk is quite the opposite to the above - an extremely generous and sharing community - considerable parts of this forum and our clubs routinely depict as much, to which I have personally profited considerably - thank you.
2. And so you will have to excuse my perhaps exuberant if not immature outlook in comparison to perhaps that of 'the guardians'; the sentiment expressed by you Balfizar and others from time to time on related issues of this ilk will be overcome - it always is.
3. I wish you and your GMH Dealer List well.
Cheers, TB
Edited by Tyre biter, 24 June 2014 - 07:53 PM.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 08:19 PM
Edited by Skapinad, 24 June 2014 - 08:19 PM.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 08:19 PM
Thanks Bazza, Its an Adelaide built car so makes sense, just never know where they end up being sold.
I remember as a teenager our neighbour ordered a HZ GTS and paid a deposit, after a few months the dealer told him sorry no more stock have you deposit back, he cracked it, in the end they shipped one back from NZ.
Edited by egk4d, 24 June 2014 - 08:20 PM.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 08:27 PM
I echo some of your sentiments expressed above TB. I recently contacted a "guardian" to whom I was given the impression had access to or knew someone who could find information correlating a vehicle's (Torana) identification to the original selling dealer.
I was as polite as possible in my request, however the recipient chose to ignore it. Same person openly offered their service to others here, but for whatever reason, perhaps because my car is in his/her mind a "nothing" car that doesn't enjoy the stature of a L31 or CK code etc, chose not to assist me with my search. Anyhow that is only speculation on my part, perhaps they did not have access to the information regarding my particular vehicle.
Never the less, a simple reply either to confirm or deny my request would've been suffice for me. A shame really, but I guess in the mindset of some, you need to have a genuine, superior, high end or whatever Torana to be part of the niche & benefit from their wisdom & knowledge.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 09:03 PM
Sorry to hear.
Must be galling to be put in your place for no other reason than the other feels like doing so - I agree, a snub is just as mean as terse missive.
Anticipate the same shortly myself...
Funny thing, none other than PB told a story of getting the short end of the stick (as a young man) from a fellow he described as being somewhat elitist - he also described how the experience shaped him and his outlook towards other folk, especially his fans (positively).
Cheers, TB
Posted 24 June 2014 - 09:24 PM
Posted 24 June 2014 - 09:26 PM
I reckon it should be your job as a non-Torana owner to up-date the list?586 Moodys Motors-Coonamble N.S.W.
Posted 24 June 2014 - 11:00 PM
sanctimonious, well I never! sanctimonious, you say, well you are probably right. LOL and LOL again.
'high-end researchers' means I help fill in missing details in the information they sell to the public, (and it is freely given, no strings attached)
I still pm individual requests with answers, but do I correct errors on public posts or should I and engage in the bunfight that follows (occasionally)
I have had this conversation before in a roll reversal way with Bazza about dealer codes and Yell327 about identifying rochester carbys.
Your magnanimous view if this forum is inspirational but not totally my experience, there is nothing like a different point of view to bring out the zealots.
However, what irks me is individuals that regurgitate lists with NFI as to their accuracy, and the consequences if miss-identifying the selling dealer. (zero to an interstate trek - hours and $$$)
If you can't quote what period a D/CD was inforce to a dealer and at what address, then DON'T. (or at least without a disclaimer e.g." this is all I've got on this code so far")
And while I am at it (TB you have inspired me) 200 - 300 series codes GMH use some regional, some national and a few specific. If you think of them as an accounting cost centre that served for a period as the collective destination of all financial transactions relating to a promotion or project then you will understand how across time they were allocated to different purposes, promo's or projects. e.g. 252 ended up on a shell delivered to Harry???
I shall adopt the lotus position resight "Om ne Pom" and become at peace with the world at large.
Your benevolent and humble servant (restored)
Sorry, I am against you on this one.
What a sanctimonious piece of self-serving dribble IMO - helping only 'high-end researchers' - what the?
This my friend, is supposedly a 'community' to which there is a 'civic' outlook;
the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.
relating to the duties or activities of people in relation to their town, city, or local area.
It is not supposed to be about 'me and mine' (referencing your comment as to receiving SFA whilst other seem to profit from your efforts) but rather 'the greater good'.
Of course this is merely my opinion - doesn't make me right, but it doesn't make me wrong either...
But IMO, small mindedness and 'knowledge is power' perspectives not only tire me, but the majority as well - such boorish folk used to frustrate and even anger me - nowadays I merely feel sorry for precious folk, and I am largely unwilling to waste energy any further, in short I typically feel; 'pffft, whatever...'
But since it is a slow night both here on the forum and for me at home; lets play.
I will start by asking, and quite genuinely; did you or folk like you compile such a list with the view to monetary gain or reward, or did you do it for the passion of it all?
I assume the later - if so, then what is the issue - truly now - what is so darned wrong with what has since transpired that it justifies you taking your footy/bat and ball and going home -seriously?
If I am wrong and it was all about remuneration in the first place; I apologise - you are well within your rights to guard whatever it is that you hold so tightly... a record of GMH Dealer Numbers for goodness sake!
Hardly a document which depicts the true meaning of life, the universe and everything in between, but hey, each to their own...
Having said that, I guess I failed to consider the grumpy old man sentiment, namely; 'I did it, it is mine, it is for no one other than me, and those I wish to share it with because... well because I say so'.
Q: Mean spirited?
A: Yes, IMO.
Q: Out of line?
A: Likely not - you do the work, it is your decision as to who and how (if at all) it is to be shared - just seems mean-spirited is all.
In summary, if this 'lock up the national parks' outlook is the shared position of the 'Torana Brains Trust' then God help us.
As a relative newbie, it does seem an outlook entrenched in a number of 'Torana portfolios' seemingly with an 'investment' to defend first and foremost and a marque to share and promote somewhere well-down the list of imperatives - an unfortunately outlook I would suggest but nevertheless; to do so might be right, it might be wrong - who am I to assert which way is appropriate - the community will do that and self-serving and pious autocrats will be depicted for what they are in the fullness of time - that is my experience and that of history generally.
In any case, and back on subject; IMO some perspective is needed - I will do my best (likely fail);
1. My experience with many Torana folk is quite the opposite to the above - an extremely generous and sharing community - considerable parts of this forum and our clubs routinely depict as much, to which I have personally profited considerably - thank you.
2. And so you will have to excuse my perhaps exuberant if not immature outlook in comparison to perhaps that of 'the guardians'; the sentiment expressed by you Balfizar and others from time to time on related issues of this ilk will be overcome - it always is.
3. I wish you and your GMH Dealer List well.
Cheers, TB
Posted 24 June 2014 - 11:26 PM
Posted 25 June 2014 - 09:22 AM
You are a funny bastard Balfizar - a brilliant reply - touche - gold
Mate, I hear your frustration - what is the old saying; something about imitation being the height of compliment.
If folks regurgitate your research in part or whole and it is inaccurate despite claims made to the contrary, what can you do and why should you be bothered in the grand scheme of things?
This is the reality of the www - something I expect school teachers and university lecturers suffer all the time - plagiarism that is..
You know the quality of your effort and you appreciate the issues suffered by the Holden community arising with lesser and inaccurate versions being tabled as gospel.
In a perfect world you'd adopt the old 'put up or shut up' outlook and publish the accurate list; thereby denigrating those publishing/selling inadequate versions.
But again, it is your research, your effort and your information to do with how you wish - I get that - truly I do.
Personally, I wish you and other 'guardians' would disclose and not be perturbed by others profiting (monetarily) from your work - it would help minions (like me) better navigate the misinformation and only heighten the awareness of our cars.
As I alluded, the decision to do so, or not, is yours and yours alone to make.
I will say, 'guardians' who don't play nicely ought (IMO) to refrain from belittling those of us who make errors or cite incorrect information where they choose not to share - I am not suggesting you in this circumstance - the whole 'knowledge is power' outlook is unhelpful and at the risk of being labelled a wowser, it is unfriendly and smacks of elitism.
Cheers, TB
Posted 25 June 2014 - 10:01 AM
I reckon it should be your job as a non-Torana owner to up-date the list?
haha... no thanks, it would take away from my shit stirring, beer swiling time
I have a rather long list, but it is not mine to share.
Posted 25 June 2014 - 12:21 PM
Its never about me or my work, I started out interested and collecting what I could find (lists etc)
and I soon learned that there was conflicting info and I set about to clarify. Even GMH documentation is conflicting.
Patterns emerge and a format for accuracy also becomes apparent. There was alot of help from like minded people early on (and still is)
There is well over "40k" data points in my database, including photos, newspaper articles, etc. It will go to the "whole" GMH public when I have finished
printing some of it - some yet to be published books will include selling dealer lists for "special" cars.
The guardians! yep know what you are talking about. There are a few types:-
Type 1 "The Genuine Guardians":- accumulated knowledge and a benevolent disposition to share for the greated good. I increasingly see these people ending up withdrawn from the public arena.
Is it the burden of dealing with the public (internet forum or otherwise) that turns some of them into grumpy old men and finally recluses?
Type 2 "The Journeyman Guardians" - on the way to type 1, may or may not make it, it depends on how much of a burden that encounter on this path of enlightenment. End up same faith as type 1.
Type 3 "The Power Guardians" motivated by the power that knowledge brings, benevolent when it suits them. The look at me, listen to what I say, follow me, insecure type. The social misfits that use knowledge to position themselves within a interest group. They love rules and regulations and a highly structured chain of command. This type lasts forever.
Type 4 "The Google Guardians" seemingly knowledgeable to the shallow, the type that googles everything and relays that as it was their own. This type lasts forever.
Type 5 "The Reality Guardians" the type who think an internet interest group is a blank canvas for them to paint on with their reality TV mentality. they think its entertaining! they also last forever.
Types 3,4,5 will identify themselves shortly. (they also cannot help themselves)
Now if only I could go from type "0" straight to recluse and save all the hard work and angst, that would be just peachy with me.
You are a funny bastard Balfizar - a brilliant reply - touche - gold
Mate, I hear your frustration - what is the old saying; something about imitation being the height of compliment.
If folks regurgitate your research in part or whole and it is inaccurate despite claims made to the contrary, what can you do and why should you be bothered in the grand scheme of things?
This is the reality of the www - something I expect school teachers and university lecturers suffer all the time - plagiarism that is..
You know the quality of your effort and you appreciate the issues suffered by the Holden community arising with lesser and inaccurate versions being tabled as gospel.
In a perfect world you'd adopt the old 'put up or shut up' outlook and publish the accurate list; thereby denigrating those publishing/selling inadequate versions.
But again, it is your research, your effort and your information to do with how you wish - I get that - truly I do.
Personally, I wish you and other 'guardians' would disclose and not be perturbed by others profiting (monetarily) from your work - it would help minions (like me) better navigate the misinformation and only heighten the awareness of our cars.
As I alluded, the decision to do so, or not, is yours and yours alone to make.
I will say, 'guardians' who don't play nicely ought (IMO) to refrain from belittling those of us who make errors or cite incorrect information where they choose not to share - I am not suggesting you in this circumstance - the whole 'knowledge is power' outlook is unhelpful and at the risk of being labelled a wowser, it is unfriendly and smacks of elitism.
Cheers, TB
Posted 30 July 2014 - 07:34 AM
there's a lj owners manual on eBay that has dealer 302 as Ararat motors 261-267 Barkly street Ararat 337
Posted 30 July 2014 - 10:30 AM
there's a lj owners manual on eBay that has dealer 302 as Ararat motors 261-267 Barkly street Ararat 337
Thanks for that. This one is well known, just not recorded on the forum list.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 01:33 PM
Posted 06 October 2014 - 03:10 PM
^^^ Great find ...........
Posted 06 October 2014 - 11:39 PM
stumbled across this don,t know if it helps
It is good to see someone still looking for D/CD's
There are however I would guess 30% errors across all of the data points in this list.
probably higher if you are looking at a Torana specific time period.
Some of those codes had 3 owners
some of those codes are "3" decades out of context.
some of those codes were copied from this thread (unique formatting errors)
Once again a D/CD was time period/ dealer principle/and sometimes address specific, could have been head office specific for a multi franchise dealership and could have had a name change without D/CD change.
D/CD's were recycled by GMH, in and out of zone (state)
Nothing new in this list except errors, but if you don't look then thats exactly what you will find.
Posted 13 October 2014 - 12:08 AM
505, Urquhart and Nicholson Motors, Cooma, NSW (not sure if anyone has put it up yet)
Posted 13 October 2014 - 08:21 AM
505, Urquhart and Nicholson Motors, Cooma, NSW (not sure if anyone has put it up yet)
Hi Ben
Yes - already accounted for for the "Torana" era, but thanks anyway.
Posted 16 November 2014 - 01:03 PM
Hi. I am still looking for dealer code 326. Car is LC GTR sold in March 1970.
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