Hi Anthony,
Bargin prices in the 80's,its amazing the prices theses days,i only paid $5,000 for mine a bargin....
Regards John.
Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:02 PM
Hi Anthony,
Bargin prices in the 80's,its amazing the prices theses days,i only paid $5,000 for mine a bargin....
Regards John.
Posted 23 June 2019 - 09:41 AM
Sorry to revive such an old thread but wondering if anyone has any info on the Bathurst XU-1 paint colour production numbers or where I can find the info. Through the thread it is pretty well defined on the build numbers through August and September 1972 but is there no split on the paint codes for those builds? Reason I am asking is I heard that only 10 of the 200 red bathurst 5/5V were produced and I wanted to see if I could verify that.
Posted 23 June 2019 - 10:59 AM
Posted 23 June 2019 - 12:00 PM
No paint colours were recorded against car's. Believe half of what you hear, there's a lot of wankers out there, with no clue, sprooking this many in this colour, it's rubbish. Just be proud to own 1 any colour. Any xu1 is good.
Thanks Grumpy, 100% realise a lot of what you hear is not right, thus why I was hoping to get more informed info from a forum like this. Good to know there is no register, I had not seen it mentioned anywhere else so was thinking it might not exist. Realised a childhood dream yesterday and finally purchased an XU-1 so am as happy as a pig in..... I had only joined yesterday but had been reading threads in this forum for months doing research so I knew what I was buying. So much helpful info here.
Edited by cooper1117, 23 June 2019 - 12:03 PM.
Posted 23 June 2019 - 05:53 PM
Posted 24 June 2019 - 12:00 PM
Posted 24 June 2019 - 04:44 PM
No worries Pete, you could "pm" Bazza or Dave discretely regarding the tags on it, if you'd like a bit more confirmation on things, rather than publicly posting them. I'm sure that neither of them would mind, might take a week or so to get back to you about it. I'm hoping that the plans are to keep your xu1 original, including if that's a restoration. There's not a lot, not touched nowadays. Special part of Aussie muscle history.
Cheers Gary, pretty confident on what I got, tags never removed, I had a pretty experienced guy check it out for me to verify my research. She is unrestored, only non genuine part is the distributor which I am currently chasing up a correct one for it (after market on it works good and the motor purrs but its the one thing not right about it ) some little touch ups here and there over the last 47 years. Some crows feet here and there, roof is a little sketchy with the sun damage but overall in pretty good nick. I'm getting advice to repaint in a couple of years but I think I will resist and leave it original untouched as I personally think its true history is in the crows feet and faded roof.
Posted 24 June 2019 - 07:44 PM
Posted 24 June 2019 - 08:40 PM
Reason I am asking is I heard that only 10 of the 200 red bathurst 5/5V were produced and I wanted to see if I could verify that.
There were 300 5/5V cars produced by Holden in there August and September run of LJ GTR XU-1s. These 300 cars had nibless rims and were responsible for the homologation of the XJ cam, 19lb lightened flywheel, springs and the 3.55 diff ratio. The homologation of the 3.55 diff ratio required 100 extra cars + the minimum 200 cars. These 300 cars were not required to have been fitted with the sprintmaster rims.
Posted 25 June 2019 - 02:18 PM
There were 200 2/2V and 4/4V cars produced by Holden in there August and September run of LJ GTR XU-1s. These 200 cars had sprintmaster rims and were responsible for allowing the 2 ammendments 2/2V and 4/4V to proceed and were responsible for the homologation of the sprintmaster rims and track. These 200 cars were required to have been fitted with the sprintmaster rims.
Ammendment 2/2V Sprintmasters required a minimum of 200 cars to complete as did ammendment 4/4V Track
It was the 200 October and November run of LJ GTR XU-1s with the option of the second batch of 200 sets of self locating sprintmasters dated the 11/72 witch completed ammendments 2/2V and 4/4V and completed the homologation process for 1972.
11-72 2.jpg 355.28K
Posted 25 June 2019 - 08:08 PM
Posted 25 June 2019 - 08:51 PM
Posted 25 June 2019 - 09:43 PM
Man there was some L34s that got stolen, I am suprised any are left........
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