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XU-2 Where to begin??

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 07:05 PM

I acquired late last year a Tangerine 8/73 LJ GTR with everything to bring it back to original. I want to turn this car into an example of what could have been expected to be purchase as an XU-2 or XU-1 V8 optioned (many schools of thought on this) from the dealership floor (many theories of what could be included).

Although to conflict with what could be expected from the dealership floor to a (2006) perspective.

I want to add a COME Racing 400ci alloy block as the power plant, 9 inch diff and a set of Custom made 8inch front and 9inch rear sprint masters as upgraded additions. At this point I am not sure on the gear box. If and where possible I would like to stick with/retain the M21 box (strengthed) for the driveline. Add the 36 gallon tank.


Using the above link as a starting point.

Forum members/avid readers will/may ask why a genuine GTR, why not take it back to original. For me, I have to do this with a genuine GTR as to do it with and XU-1 would be unforgiveable and to do it with an 'S' would not be suitable.

Further to my rationale, my passion is to own, preserve and present prime examples of the golden era of the Torana from 1967 -1974. Original examples of the 69 HB Brabham, LC & LJ GTRs & XU-1s. The XU-2 added to the stable as a prime example of direction lost due to GMH's blundering, caused by Federal Government scare tactics of 1972. I am almost there.

I hate to admit but I get around in a TA four-door as the every day driver.

Your thoughts on the above would be most appreciated and a starting point??

Edited by GTRXU1, 17 February 2007 - 07:07 PM.

#2 _rorym_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 07:30 PM

Genuine GTR?..I think I speak for most here...Go outside...give yourself 100 uppercuts ...both hands...then sell the car to someone else. :huh:

#3 _Monkey_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 07:42 PM

^ :spit:

just start with an S mate.

#4 _82911_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 07:44 PM

A 400 cube alloy engine with an M21 behind it.....
sorry if you want to be taken seriously I'd rethink your choice of powerplant!
What is wrong with an L34 spec 308 red anyway? Harry rekoned the XU2 was good to 170MPH so why would you need 400cubes?

Cheers Greg..



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Posted 17 February 2007 - 07:56 PM

Reasoning as presented, intentions absolute and objectives clear, baring any further critiques of my motivations from the purists this project will be as stated. The stable is near complete, my simple request is guidance, suggestion and practical advice to see through to completion...



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Posted 17 February 2007 - 08:03 PM

To reiterate: ..."Although to conflict with what could be expected from the dealership floor to a (2006) perspective"...

#7 _user asked to be removed_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 08:11 PM

Wasn't XU-2 ment to be a LH anyway...? And was never actully a LJ. Don't touch it mate, start with an S.

[EDIT] Go outside and pull cash from your wallet, and start burning it. Thats practicly what ya doin, and ruining a car such is that is even worse.

BUT, it is your car, your money, your choice. Good luck with it :huh: :fool:

Edited by Liam.W, 17 February 2007 - 08:13 PM.

#8 _rorym_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 08:40 PM

Better still...Buy mine for $25K and transfer all the bits into your body...VIOLA!..Done!! Everyone is happy! Then again..mine is a GTR but doesnt have the VIN plate..maybe you can leave it alone?

Edited by rorym, 17 February 2007 - 08:44 PM.

#9 _JBM_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 09:17 PM

If the COME block has the Aussie pattern the M21 will bolt up but is not a strong option.
For the Chev pattern block in a 4 speed a T10 would be the best, then Muncie, then Saginaw which are now a bit old. The strongest 5 speed would be a Supra box but you would need a custom bellhousing and clutch setup.
If you want a super strong box have a look at Litre8s homepage.
The XU2 was the original name for an LH special which later became the L34, the LJ version was referred to as the XU1 V8, of which the early prototypes were LCs.
To save yourself some heartache buy Rorys car, you couldnt build what he has for 25K starting from scratch.


#10 _big_als_army_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 09:53 PM

If oy umust build your car from a genuine GTR, all the original parts you pull off it, store for possible later use. A V8 conversion is basically a bolt in type job so anything you do can be easily reversed without leaving any significant trace. I agree with what was said above about the M21 behind a 400ci engine, it WILL break and very quickly. If you are using a new motor, why not use a new box? Go for a T56. Holden would never have put Ford parts into one of their cars so maybe the 9" diff idea should be re-thought too. An alternative is the 28 spline Borg Warner diff from a V8 or Turbo VL Commodore. Have you looked into the cost of the COME 400ci engine. They are like $25k complete. 8" & 9" Sprintmasters are going to set you back about $4k too.

#11 _tassietorrie_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 10:24 PM

only one thing i can say bout GTRXU1s idea about butchering a genuine gtr,du du du du another one bites the dust.....Oh well fellas,if it wasn't for butchers,there would be more good examples about,and all yours would be worth a lot less....

#12 _Monkey_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 10:33 PM

Mines got a v8,9",tubbed etc..but it's an "S"
I would never mod a gtr like that!

#13 GTRXU1


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Posted 17 February 2007 - 11:39 PM

Reasoning for COME an Australian Alloy engine with capacity from 304 to 427. What stops someone from getting their vehicle registered and certified at 304 then stretched to 427 and strengthen drive line?? Whilst at the same time keeping it registered??

XU-2 or XU-1 V8, the magic of the myth remains we can speculate all we like on GMH's labelling choices. Whether designated to Bedford or LH, I believe that the natural/logical progression would have been XU-2 for us romantics retrospectively looking back through rose colour glasses.

If memory serves me right and history bears witness, GTR/s were modified to serve as prototypes as a forebear to the theoretical XU-2 not the 'S' model. If one is to do it 'Right' then a GTR of either model, LJ preferably would be deemed suitable as the representative sample. Forecasted production of the XU-2 appears in publications as favoured for the LJ model series prior to final development cancellation. Hence my reasoning, need I say more??

#14 _Monkey_

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Posted 17 February 2007 - 11:56 PM

need I say more??

No, just do it then,if that's what floats ya boat,seems like your mind is made up, i think it's a bit pedantic but no point arguing. Pedantaphile=1 GTR=0

what about the Torque Power Big Paw alloy engine..it's aussie..308 up to 500 cubes
Posted Image

Edited by tuf73, 17 February 2007 - 11:59 PM.

#15 _lurkin308_

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 04:25 PM

mate im not telling you how to build your car but you are saying you want to make it like the ones that should have been then dont put a come engine in use a cast 308
cheers caine

#16 _finer70_

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 04:27 PM

Never saw an XU1 V8 or an XU2 in any show room. (And I am old enough to remember) To produce a myth or a rejected prototype is to produce nothing that has any more value than the many prototypes produced prior to production. And that was scrap value.

What might have come off the dealer floor is anyones guess as until development is complete the production model is not defined. So whatever the result, it will not represent what would, could have come off the floor but just be a figment of imagination of what might have been. So the result is a custom LJ GTR hot rod and not even an example of a specific reject from manufacture.

Life is full of ifs, buts, should haves and could haves but mose certaintly XU1 V8's and XU2's are no more the just that in the real world.

What is real, are genuine GTR's and XU1's and there are not enough of those to satisfy an ever increasing interest in owning a genuine piece of Australian Motoring History.

#17 Peterpilot


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Posted 18 February 2007 - 05:05 PM


Using the above link as a starting point.

The webpage that you are using as a basis for your project isn't 100% on the facts and has been briefly discussed in this thread:

#18 _LX8VD69_

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 06:35 PM

mate its your car and your money so dont let any one talk you out of doing what you want but like previously said seeming how you are using a genuine XU1 as you starting point keep all the bits you take off so that you can always put it back to original. but i have to agree about your choice of engine i mean you are trying to build what might have been so why not use what they would have used if they had of built it, also dont let any one talk down the aussie 4s im running one behind an approx 400hp (at the crank) stroked 308 with no problems but i dont abuse it either, but as proof of my babying abilities im still running a course spline banjo too. good luck mate but i still think youd be better to use a holden motor i mean you may as well use a chev or even a bloody lexus V8

#19 _TJ253_

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 07:53 PM

I recon get a s dont wreck the GTR thats just stupid why do people like to stuff Orginal GTRs SLR etc a guy local is building a Drag car out of a Xu1 and yes its a original Xu1 Yes its ure car but do u really wanna do that to a original GTR sell it and get a s

#20 _tassietorrie_

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 08:08 PM

I recon get a s dont wreck the GTR thats just stupid why do people like to stuff Orginal GTRs SLR etc a guy local is building a Drag car out of a Xu1 and yes its a original Xu1 Yes its ure car but do u really wanna do that to a original GTR sell it and get a s

Simple answer toddles,they are butchers.I am not a purist,far from it,but these are peices of motoring history that need to be kept intact.I have a 2 year old son,another one on the way.I want them to be able to see a origional gtr/xu1/slr5000/A9X and admire what these stylists done in the 60s/70s.Too many plastic fantasics on the roads these days.Most peoples kids will be wondering what that shiny stuff is on bumper bars"Thats chrome son,lots of cars used to have it".Buy an s,butcher that,sell the gtr to someone who can appreciate a peice of history,lovingly rebuild it,and preserve it,so the next genaration can admire the way things used to be

#21 _Feigz_

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 09:30 PM

I'd be inclined to get a shell and do a practice fit on it first. Use it to make any mistakes or modifications on so that if it turns to poo, you still have a good GTR.

#22 RIM-010



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Posted 18 February 2007 - 09:43 PM

I can offer you a straight, rust free LJ 2 Door 'S' in about 18 months, I will accept a direct swap for your GTR.

Seriously, starting with a GTR or XU-1 to build a quite modified example completely defies me. You can start with an 'S', and get EXACTLY the same end result as you would with a GTR, but without the fact that you've just hacked up a rarer car.

Please name me something on a GTR or XU-1 that can't be bolted straight onto an 'S'... Why is an 'S' shell not suitable for what you want?


#23 GTRXU1


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Posted 19 February 2007 - 12:24 AM

I have pondered and appreciated your written thoughts. To give myself a little perceived credibility. I already own a 73 XU-1, 72 GTR and 70 GTR with a 71 XU-1 and 69 HB Brabham in the pipeline for complete restoration. It�s taken 12 years of my life to get to this point. None of these have been butchered but brought back to original condition. My sole desire has been to own a cornerstone of motoring heritage and preserve it being the 67-74 Torana/s.

XU-2 a Myth, archetype, classic, prototype or example, many words typify to equal scrap value to some, nothing but a moot point to others and some a �What If�. A piece of historical �could be� or �might have been� but repealed by political intervention.. A figment of imagination from a team of people striving with determination, led to GTRs and XU-1s in defining a small moment of reality from 1971 -1973 in Australian Motoring History. This has left a mark ingrained into my psyche. This was kept in check by politics, GMH profits and peoples pay packets.

I want to you sit back, re-read my above posts, and the above paragraph and think to yourself, �WHAT IF�, the giant of politics had not changed the course of history as we know it, �WHAT IF�, the XU-2 project had got off the ground along with the Phase four etc. For me, it�s a passion to think and imagine, what would it have been like???

Since I was 18, I have had a burning determination to create an XU-2 but quite simply, it must be done with a GTR as this I believe would have been the basis for the production model. Therefore it�s a long shot but could a combination of ideas that led to the LH SLR 5000 interior and driveline, concept models of the Hurricane and Torana GTR-X interiors and driveline. Ideas and trialed examples from the LC GTR V8s along with ADR rules of the time and changes on pollution approaching 1974 lead to an agreeable and feasible example of an XU-2.

AS previously stated this goal is clear, compromise on driveline I am happy to do. The showroom floor from a 2006 perspective was as idea as a start point in terms of driveline but completely stock 73 LJ GTR interior is the intention.

The vehicle in question is a Tangerine 8/1973 LJ GTR, complete but nothing more than a rolling shell in primer at this point in time and acquired as such, hence a perfect starting point for my project. The driveline and interior are all out of the car.

Your suggestions on using the Holden 308 I have pondered and like the idea. My idea on the alloy COME racing engine is also based on weight. I wanted to try and keep the weight of the front end similar to that of the 1973 XU-1 at around 1100-1150kg. Obviously structurally the car requires strengthening in all the right places to cope with the stress of the increased torque etc etc etc�..

Avid readers and forum members, I respectfully ask that you take on board my vision and if you could I would gladly take on board any suggestion and advice that you can give me in reaching this goal. I stress though I will not change my mind on using an �S� it has to be a GTR. Some will say why and most will shake their heads in dis-belief and ask, �how and why??� but in mind I want people to see this car at a car show and say that it is an example of, �What could have been�, as an LJ Torana GTR XU-2.

Thank you for your time in reading this post

#24 dattoman


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Posted 19 February 2007 - 12:35 AM

Its yours........ do what you want

However...... concourse ???
You can't build a concourse car with modifications I'm afraid...... so you'd have to rethink your direction or call it something else

#25 TerrA LX

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Posted 19 February 2007 - 01:06 AM

It wouldn't make any difference to me how i percieved the car as all two door LC-LJ toranas started out with the same shell and are what they are due to what was bolted and rivited to them during assembly unlike say a A9X.
In saying that tho i would be shelling out for a S before stripping a perfect GTR for the build.
as suggested before, but rorym's one, it's a V8 XU1 replica, and just mock it up with XU2 war paint. :spoton:

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