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Holden 6 waterpumps

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#51 _FCCOOL_

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Posted 19 November 2009 - 05:31 PM

Anyone know now were to buy cast impeller pumps now? im after the early eh, hd, hr pump, i am changing over from the commodore type to get room for a supercharger belt, my old pump with a cast impellor has been on the motor with water for about 12 months and done about 5000 ks but the pulley is in the way.

To gain more space you don't necessarily need the very early pump. The HT to HQ one will do the job. The only difference between the two is the pulley bolt pattern, they have the same (short) offset.

Dr Terry

the reason for using the smaller bolt pattern is that i will get about 4mm extra room as the diameter of the front part of the pulley is smaller, its not alot of difference but it means the idler pulley wont have to take the supercharger belt as far across, reason i dont want to go to far over is becuase its getting close to the other side of the belt, distance between the radiator and pulley is no problem as i already have the radiator slightly forward to clear the supercharger belt.
i have a old one here but the bearing isnt very smooth, i also have a fairly new jumbo pump with a cast impellor that i was using before i started fitting the supercharger.

#52 LOWS2


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Posted 05 August 2010 - 03:48 PM

hey all, just spoke with McGrath Holden Parts at sutherland nsw regarding a water pump. I quoted the part numbers that steve supplied on page 1 and they are NLA from Holden - although some dealers may still have some in stock on shelf.

next best place to purchase is ebay...

#53 _Drag lc_

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Posted 08 August 2010 - 04:15 PM

mmm im now in the need for a new water pump will try the local holden dealer this week.............

#54 _hutch_

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Posted 08 August 2010 - 08:44 PM

When i had the black VK engine in the HZ i had a overheating issue,i ended up using a jumbo water pump not sure of what it is exactly but i had to make a special pulley to make it all fit IE i had to split 2 pulley's and reweld them to get a different offset.
Regards phillip

#55 _Drag lc_

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Posted 09 August 2010 - 05:36 PM

Yes the local holden dealer confirmed my fears that they are no longer available new. i have purchased one off fleebay will check it out if not i might need to try and repair the one i already have.

#56 _Drag lc_

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 11:22 AM

ok they must still be around on fleebay as this is what $25 got me a brand new cast impeller type still has tar type rust preventative still on hub and impeller.
Posted Image

also i saw a brand new gmb holden v8 water pump that was brought from repco yesty it had a cast impeller do the gmb 6cyl ones have a cast impeller?

#57 _bunkerjest_

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 11:41 AM

every manfacturer uses parts sourced elsewhere and puts them in a genuine box. its nothing new.

#58 LOWS2


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 01:58 PM

ok they must still be around on fleebay as this is what $25 got me a brand new cast impeller type still has tar type rust preventative still on hub and impeller.
Posted Image

also i saw a brand new gmb holden v8 water pump that was brought from repco yesty it had a cast impeller do the gmb 6cyl ones have a cast impeller?

The gmb one i got off ebay was not a cast impeller - it was in the green 'power max' box

#59 Collo


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Posted 13 October 2010 - 05:38 PM

I went to change my fan from this one back to standard as it has two broken blades

Posted Image

And found the bit that locates the fan isn't long enough for the standard fan.

Posted Image

What I want to know is, is there different fan I can use, that isn't the flex type.

The standard fan I have was off an LX from memory.


Edited by slr_v8, 13 October 2010 - 05:39 PM.

#60 Collo


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Posted 13 October 2010 - 06:16 PM

Also, it's in an LC.

#61 rodomo


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Posted 13 October 2010 - 08:08 PM

That looks like a later water pump with the bigger bearings. VC onwards.

#62 Collo


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Posted 13 October 2010 - 09:16 PM

In case you're wondering, my engine isn't pink either haha

Do I need a different water pump to put a normal fan on?
Or is there a standard non flex type fan that will fit it?

Edited by slr_v8, 13 October 2010 - 09:17 PM.

#63 EunUCh


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Posted 21 May 2011 - 09:35 AM

dont throw those cast impella types,the impella is usually ok and they can be fitted to another pump,the open steel types dont build enough pressure in cooling system specialy at high revs,2 holes must be drilled and tapped in recessed part of impella to fit a suited puller,me mate went to exremes on the mill one day and made a couple from aluminum,got sick of gettin told nla

#64 _Inj gtr202_

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Posted 22 June 2011 - 11:22 AM

Hi all
I've read this post a few times now and am still a little confused.
Is the problem with the new steel type impeller pumps not enough flow at idle? or cavitation at high revs?

I went to a local auto shop and the guy who owns the place used to run a supercharged 6 in speedway. He said the steel ones flowed better but at high revs (above 6,500) they cavitated. To overcome this he said to remove every second fin. Obviously this is not practical for an engine that idles a lot.

So is the problem high revving cavitation or not good enough flow at idle for the new style pumps?

#65 _Drag lc_

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Posted 23 October 2011 - 03:09 PM

ok im in need of a cast impeller water pump badly has any one tried to fit the cast impeller to a new water pump?.

ive got the oem impeller off and the gmb water pump has the same shaft size my only issue is with the mech seal as the oem one ran on the impeller and the gmb one has its own sealed mech seal and i dont want to machine the purchase area of the oem impeller down to fit the new seal.


#66 Peter UC

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 03:14 PM

Does anybody have more information to what is being asked above? I need a water pump for my new engine and for obvious reasons I want one with the cast impellor.

#67 Steve TPF

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Posted 25 February 2012 - 05:24 PM

I'll go out on a limb here and ask the (probably dumb) question: If you fixed a flat disc on the back of the "open" impeller blades to emulate the cast item would that help?

#68 EunUCh


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 09:21 AM

^^ was thinking along those lines myself but just put it down to
some of the "strange" shit i dream up sometimes and forgot about it.
I wonder if anyone has tried it, might give it a go and see what happens,not that big a job.

#69 _mick74lh_

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 02:14 PM

Does anyone know where I can buy the seal and bearing for the original style water pump? The pump on my VK 202 has started to weep and would like to fix it soon. I've got a spare pump lying around which was also leaking and the bearing was starting to get noisy on (which is why I replaced it then), which I will rebuild and fit if the right bits are available somewhere.

There doesn't appear to be any bits on ebay. I know other people are in the same boat trying to get or fix up cast impeller style pumps. Has anyone had luck getting rebuild parts, or whole cast impeller pumps for that matter?

ok im in need of a cast impeller water pump badly has any one tried to fit the cast impeller to a new water pump?.

ive got the oem impeller off and the gmb water pump has the same shaft size my only issue is with the mech seal as the oem one ran on the impeller and the gmb one has its own sealed mech seal and i dont want to machine the purchase area of the oem impeller down to fit the new seal.


Have you had any luck with this?

#70 _jklumpp_

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:00 PM

Anyone had any luck recently with where to buy the cast type impeller pump?

#71 TerrA LX

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:41 PM

Japanese GMB brand is the one to ask for, most stockest only stock the pressed ones but they can order in the cast type if you insist, usually for the same price.
If you are really that hard up to find one (try ebay too) then send us a PM and I will try my guys for you.

Not GMB but cheap enoug

Just message them first to confirm, I never used them myself.

#72 _jklumpp_

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:52 PM

Also need to work out which pump I have... The engine that was in the Lj when I got it was out of an EH (HP block), which I have now swapped over to my new black motor from a VK....
I'm not sure if my pulley & fan are EH or Torana.... Rough measurement across the bolt holes shows about 55mm centre to centre?

I found these guys that offer a cast impeller as an option - not sure yet on the cost.

#73 TerrA LX

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 07:15 PM

Best you identify your pump first.

#74 _jklumpp_

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 07:56 PM

Well I've not had too much success with finding the cast type pumps, except the guys on ebay that I linked above, who have informed me the pump is $26, and then $50 to supply & fit the cast impeller, plus postage....ends up being a pretty expensive option, so at the moment it's considered 'plan B'

My pump definitely appears to be the LJ style pump, not the EH style.

I pulled the water pump off my old HZ motor I had lying around, and it has a cast type impeller on it. The housing is pretty badly corroded though, but I'm wondering if I can remove the impeller and fit to my old pump, or a new pump myself? I know others have asked the question above, but no-one has responded... has anyone successfully done it? If so, what's involved, and how do you do it?

#75 EunUCh


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Posted 27 January 2013 - 08:06 AM

You can remove the cast impella by carefully drilling and tapping 2 holes at 180deg.into the cast impella
and use a purpose made puller to remove it.
Remove the steel impella from new pump then press the cast one onto the new pump.
Be sure to give about 10 thou clearance between impella blades and pump body.

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