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VIN identification

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#51 _UFO XU1_

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Posted 25 April 2007 - 09:42 AM

has this silenced the lambs???????????

#52 jamecs


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Posted 20 December 2009 - 06:44 PM

Hi GTR-1, have got any further info ?


Went to see this car in the weekend.

Engine number ck43845 Does that engine belong in the car (ie factory fitted)
Body 20239B
Trim 1193

Haven't got much more than that

Hi guys, i've picked this up slighty late in the piece, well two years later.

I've just had a look on my LC's re-registration papers from 1992, and it has the same CK engine number as mentioned in the above post. I've had my LC for the past ten years, it's got a different engine number now obviously, but i've been trying to find out the previous registration details on the car to prove authenticity. It's got all the XU-1 bits, but no tags unfortunately. I'm hoping to try and trace the original plate number through NZ land transport but their records only go back to 1995, i've asked the original owner etc but to no avail.

Can anyone do a check on the following details? This is all i've got i'm afraid. The 'original' owner at time of re-registration said he wouldn't have spent 40k on it back in the early 90's if it wasn't the real deal, not much help otherwise though! The original paint is liniment green if you look on various parts of the body underneath the current paint job.

engine number CK 43845
chassis number ALC 42183A

Thanks for any help


#53 joeseph


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Posted 27 September 2016 - 06:28 PM

CK 43845 turned up again today on Trademe: http://www.trademe.c...-1169186621.htm


does that mean the same engine number is in use in two places at once?

#54 _Skapinad_

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Posted 27 September 2016 - 06:41 PM

CK 43845 turned up again today on Trademe: http://www.trademe.c...-1169186621.htm

does that mean the same engine number is in use in two places at once?

Almost bought that in late 06, early 07.

But the tags were mismatched.

Ask him for the engine cast date ??

#55 S pack

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Posted 27 September 2016 - 06:42 PM

CK 43845 turned up again today on Trademe: http://www.trademe.c...-1169186621.htm


does that mean the same engine number is in use in two places at once?

I like how they have used the body number to restamp the chassis number cause they didn't know the original chassis number

#56 _Skapinad_

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Posted 27 September 2016 - 06:56 PM

I regret not buying it then, was $25k NZ. Around the same in Aussie dollars landed. Wanted it to offload the block when they were fetching stupid money!

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