Just my stupidity for loosing the wire code for the control switch, i'll keep looking.
Thanks for your ideas, if it doesnt work i'll go that way.
Umm, the wiring colours I gave you were for the VK Calais, which uses the same system as the WB Statesman, so you should be able to work it out with that info.
You do know that the WB system has no accel, decel, or resume functions, don't you? You just press the button when you've reached the desired speed, and if you want to accelerate you need to speed up to the right speed and press the button again. If you want to decelerate, you have to hit the brake to cancel teh set speed, slow down to the desired speed, then press the button again.
The later systems, including the AP50, 60 etc have all the accel, decel, resume functions, in 1.6 kph increments - much more user friendly.