The Shed Thread
Posted 26 July 2007 - 12:53 PM
Posted 26 July 2007 - 03:41 PM
Posted 30 July 2007 - 04:29 PM

No problem - it's just a small job to disassemble and reassemble a 4 x 8 metre pergola isn't it?
Oh, one small problem - there was a verandah where I wanted to relocate the pergola

- ahh, what's a bit more deconstruction work while I'm at it.

Hmm, better dig out some dirt, and put in a few tons of cement treated road base, so the slate floor won't mind having cars driven over it

Now, the pergola's up, there's a nice flat piece of real estate for the 6 x 9 metre garage. Got sick of waiting for 'experts' to quote for construction, so we built it ourselves

Bought it in kit form from Alpha sheds - they've done quite a bit of business out of our Club in the last couple of years, selling new homes for Toranas.
Hmm, shed's up, but we need some decent power. Ran a fair chunk of copper from the house supply back to the garage, with a main breaker at the supply end,

and undergrounded from the back of the house to the garage, and also in a trench under the garage to the back wall, so I would have supply points at the front and the rear of the garage without having to run conduit over the roof, or around the wall.

OK, time for some concrete

Hmm, better check that the Torries like their new home

Then etch it and paint it with 2 pack concrete paint

Oh, and try out the Pergola slate floor with the weight of a car

Add a power board with individual circuit breakers and RCDs, and a separate 20 amp power point

The garage is three 'bays' - two will be for car storage, and one will be for parts storage and 'clean' work. Better head down to Sharman Shelving to select some heavy duty shelving

and heavy duty workbenches
Oops - hit the picture limit - see next post
Posted 30 July 2007 - 04:31 PM

Hmmm. Looks clean, but I doubt it will take long to fill it, and get it dirty

Oh, here's a ripper souvenir that I picked up to decorate one of the walls - what do you reckon??

Now all I need is some time to spare to spend in the shed......
Posted 02 August 2007 - 12:36 PM

How difficult was it to put it up yourself? Im going the 6x9m too but with the opening on the 6m side.
Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:16 AM
Posted 03 August 2007 - 10:56 AM

Posted 03 August 2007 - 09:09 PM
It was a fair bit of (weekend) work, but I'm very pleased with the results. The garage was bought in kit form, and although the parts were reasonably correct, the instructions were abysmal.How difficult was it to put it up yourself? Im going the 6x9m too but with the opening on the 6m side.
Luckily I had access to a theodolite and a few mates. We started with the back wall, assembling it 'horizontally' ie laid out on a flat surface. The theodolite was used to check that points along the back wall frame were all at the same height/level as we built it, and screwed the cladding panels on. Then we stood it up and aligned the heights of the end and centre posts, and because the rear wall was dead square to start with, once we got the heights of the three main beams set at the right levels, this became our datum, and we built the rest of the frame around it. once all the vertical beams of the garage were in place, we used the theodolite again to check their heights (side to side, and front to back) were correct by packing underneath with bricks and parts of bricks cut to the right thicknesses, and we concreted in all the beams. From there, because the frame was square, all of the wall cladding and roof went straight on. We ended up with 5mm tolerance over the 6 metre span, and 10mm tolerance over the 9 metre span. We built the garage dead level, and then sloped the gutters by 20mm over the 9 metre spans, and that is plenty for the rain that we are likely to get.
Posted 03 August 2007 - 09:10 PM
_Yella SLuR_
Posted 03 August 2007 - 09:41 PM
Interesting skin toned car posters on the back wall.
_Yella SLuR_
Posted 03 August 2007 - 09:42 PM
You've finally seen the light.Now time to start ripping into that yellow thing thats parked in there

Posted 03 August 2007 - 09:51 PM
Posted 03 August 2007 - 09:53 PM

Time to fill it full of cars and spares now.
_Yella SLuR_
Posted 04 August 2007 - 08:13 PM
A privelidged moment then.you wish, everyone knows reds better and it's not mine
Posted 04 August 2007 - 10:07 PM
Re, it looks a bit deceiving in the photos, but it's 500 mm under ground level outside the shed, and 300 under the concrete slab, as per requirements. It also has the warning tape laid above it and all the other stuff.Dangerous. how far down does your conduit go, Mine had to go down 600mm by the law, yours looks half that
Yellow thing huh - what have you been collecting???

Posted 04 August 2007 - 10:10 PM
Thanks hatchy - the hatch gang will have to come around for a coffee, chat and a looksee.Nice work Dangerous
Time to fill it full of cars and spares now.
Oh, and as for filling it - at the moment, I think I could do that three times over.

Posted 04 August 2007 - 11:07 PM
Posted 06 August 2007 - 10:56 AM
Ah, so you finally get to work on a real one - one with the right amount of doorsThe yellow thing is a certain members A9X hatch I am doing a little work on.

Just kiddin'.
Posted 07 August 2007 - 03:15 PM
Posted 09 August 2007 - 06:35 PM
Inspiration...Interesting skin toned car posters on the back wall.

Posted 13 August 2007 - 08:43 PM

Posted 14 August 2007 - 12:39 PM

Posted 14 August 2007 - 12:57 PM
This is strange, we are sharing the very same dream, scarey!now this is a shed of dreams
Oh and for all those thinking of buying a home with a shed or building a shed and you want a hoist be sure to look at the headroom req'd.....
Posted 16 August 2007 - 08:32 AM
Posted 01 September 2007 - 04:15 PM
Here's a pic of the inside of my shed:

OK, not really, but I thought it'd be funny....
Some awesome sheds in here, I'll keep a few in mind for when I decide to build one of my own.
RpM, is your 'shed' basically just a small warehouse space? Or self-storage, something like that?
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