Where are they now ??
Posted 01 April 2017 - 11:27 PM
A very rare photo of genuine HDT car,and still alive these days.
Posted 02 April 2017 - 08:46 AM
John,Only colour photo i had.
Posted 02 April 2017 - 09:58 AM
Both BJD440 and KRK720 (which became BIO812) Lina mint XU1,s 6 Month ADR plated 1970 completed in the 1971 Australian rally Championship from 20 march 1971 to 18 September 1971.
And the two track xu1's in 1971 KSA302 and KSN116 completed from 28 February 1971 to 15 August 1971.
Both CK Xu1,s KZR545 and KZR565 were built on the 1/9/71 and both registered on 15/9/71.
Posted 02 April 2017 - 08:27 PM
Posted 19 May 2017 - 09:29 PM
How many genuine hdt cars are left
24C HDT that was Reshelled after 1972 Bathurst race, 1973 No.1 HDT Car, 28c HDT LJ XU1 and Saggy Sarah plus LKW111 HDT LJ XU1 Rally Car.
So Five Cars left out of the Gang.
Posted 26 May 2017 - 01:32 PM
Hey toranalover the sandwich board is confusing at best..but he did so so he could attach himself to 3100x 020859, if you look on vin disc its the first car that
had its engine number recorded, but that car IS NOT 40c/KSA 302
The funny part of the sandwich board is his claim about the glove box..he got the Brock trifecta by saying geoff brock graffitied peter brock glove box that
was confirmed by phil brock..the guys a name dropper
The concerning thing about about the sandwich board is the fact he used ian tate name as doing the correct stamped HDT engine..so is he saying ian tate
re-stamps motors? and its ok because he once worked for the HDT team?..last i heard its illegal to re-stamp motors, and again he uses a famous name to further
his false claim to car being KSA 302
And his claim that the car was re-regoed in 1979 with rego number IHN-781..that is a false statement and i will put a document up to prove the claim wrong
the sandwich board is full of lies and fantasy claims to try and make his car KSA-302/40c
i have talked to a few people about this car and most say it started life as a GTR..a 1969 GTR!!..hence the reason its presented without tags
what we do know about KSA-302 is its engine number is 3100X 18131 with chassis being LC 14726-A..not 3100x 020859 chassis LC 16500-A
also i have been informed that the first xu-1 built there was a group of 12 not 11 as i first thought
so KSA-302 is in this group of vin numbers
date vin number sale date dealer number area code
3/7/70 L153805 11/70 857 5
10/7/70 L155234 000 000 4
10/7/70 L155235 9/70 151 4
9/7/70 L155236 000 000 4
9/7/70 L155237 000 000 4
3/7/70 L155335 9/70 828 5
3/7/70 L155334 8/70 848 5
3/7/70 L155336 9/70 815 5
14/7/70 L155337 8/70 140 4
10/7/70 L155338 7/70 144 4
9/7/70 L155339 000 000 4
9/7/70 L155340 7/70 000 M
area codes 4= South Australia 5= Western Australia M = Melbourne
note that he did say HDT cars were sold by reg hunt at Rhodes and that dealer number is 437
so my guess is that KSA-302 is L155340 and it got 3100X 18131 chassis LC 14726-A and iam going from the area code M to make that guess about Vin Number
Johno now todd's got his mate on facebook holden lc gtr xu1 that the 40c car is the real deal
Attached Files
Posted 26 May 2017 - 04:37 PM
well....so looks like alf needs to be educated on 40C... strange his booting anyone one who has the real story of this car..so he owns what facebook page?
Posted 26 May 2017 - 08:56 PM
Many Many Years ago I did work experience for the SEC in Mt Beauty in Victoria, the guy that i was assigned to used to drive an XU1 im sure it was, an ex colin bond rally car, I cant remember to much more info other than his name was Chris perhaps? this would have been 1979 or 1980 ish
Posted 18 June 2017 - 01:51 PM
got a few more pics i what to share
MQcadfuxStKNpKyacMEBdQ.png 1.08MB
note the wrong 3100x motor number to match his restamped motor
RIMG0201 (3).jpg 90.38K
and where you can buy these rego stickers, when you buy these the seller will put in any details you tell him to
DSC00292.JPG 213.5K
this guys car is just a REPLICA..not the real KSA 302/40C
interesting thing here is thats its illegal to have an expired rego sticker on your car, not sure what the fine for that is in sunny Queensland
Posted 18 June 2017 - 03:09 PM
Posted 18 June 2017 - 03:27 PM
The requirement to display registration labels was removed from 1 October 2014.
You will not be fined if you leave an expired registration label on a vehicle that no longer receives a label.
Posted 18 June 2017 - 03:57 PM
Apparently not....
The requirement to display registration labels was removed from 1 October 2014.
You will not be fined if you leave an expired registration label on a vehicle that no longer receives a label.
Yes since it is no longer a requirement to show a valid label here in QLD an old expired one just becomes another sticker, no different to any other sticker you put on your car, and its not illegal to have an old one on the car
****EDIT***** sorry aarimar i didnt realise that yo uhad cut and pasted directly from the QLD transport site
Edited by fx48_eh64, 18 June 2017 - 03:59 PM.
Posted 18 June 2017 - 08:04 PM
Who has a copy of the entry form for the gtr xu1 nationals the toddo event at phillip island in 2018.I'm hearing that it's $385 per car.
Posted 20 December 2020 - 07:18 PM
Have you seen the latest Australian muscle car magazine??
Posted 20 December 2020 - 07:22 PM
Interesting article in Australian Muscle Car Magazine issue 120 on KSA302
Posted 20 December 2020 - 07:24 PM
Posted 20 December 2020 - 07:34 PM
Hey toranalover the sandwich board is confusing at best..but he did so so he could attach himself to 3100x 020859, if you look on vin disc its the first car that
had its engine number recorded, but that car IS NOT 40c/KSA 302
The funny part of the sandwich board is his claim about the glove box..he got the Brock trifecta by saying geoff brock graffitied peter brock glove box that
was confirmed by phil brock..the guys a name dropper
The concerning thing about about the sandwich board is the fact he used ian tate name as doing the correct stamped HDT engine..so is he saying ian tate
re-stamps motors? and its ok because he once worked for the HDT team?..last i heard its illegal to re-stamp motors, and again he uses a famous name to further
his false claim to car being KSA 302
And his claim that the car was re-regoed in 1979 with rego number IHN-781..that is a false statement and i will put a document up to prove the claim wrong
the sandwich board is full of lies and fantasy claims to try and make his car KSA-302/40c
i have talked to a few people about this car and most say it started life as a GTR..a 1969 GTR!!..hence the reason its presented without tags
what we do know about KSA-302 is its engine number is 3100X 18131 with chassis being LC 14726-A..not 3100x 020859 chassis LC 16500-A
also i have been informed that the first xu-1 built there was a group of 12 not 11 as i first thought
so KSA-302 is in this group of vin numbers
date vin number sale date dealer number area code
3/7/70 L153805 11/70 857 5
10/7/70 L155234 000 000 4
10/7/70 L155235 9/70 151 4
9/7/70 L155236 000 000 4
9/7/70 L155237 000 000 4
3/7/70 L155335 9/70 828 5
3/7/70 L155334 8/70 848 5
3/7/70 L155336 9/70 815 5
14/7/70 L155337 8/70 140 4
10/7/70 L155338 7/70 144 4
9/7/70 L155339 000 000 4
9/7/70 L155340 7/70 000 M
area codes 4= South Australia 5= Western Australia M = Melbourne
note that he did say HDT cars were sold by reg hunt at Rhodes and that dealer number is 437
so my guess is that KSA-302 is L155340 and it got 3100X 18131 chassis LC 14726-A and iam going from the area code M to make that guess about Vin Number
Wonder if he knew about this paper work
Obviously he didn't know about vic roads rego paper copy that circling around with the vin engine number and chassis number which don't even match to his info
Posted 20 December 2020 - 07:45 PM
KRT5## belongs to IHN781 which had a engine change on the 3/12/76 with 186A25####.........Chassis LC16500A
Posted 20 December 2020 - 07:52 PM
I saw this car at a car show,I noticed it was a 1969 body and front end too,with its bump stops,right up the top on the inner guards in place,so did 8/70's have those bump stops too?
Edited by crabba67, 20 December 2020 - 07:55 PM.
Posted 20 December 2020 - 09:39 PM
131726681_2247150638755142_3381196544919991710_o.jpg 47.87K
geeez someones really desperate with that fake Signature,
note you can hardly see the details of said car? cut and paste on real GMH doco..
Edited by meanmachine72, 20 December 2020 - 09:42 PM.
Posted 20 December 2020 - 09:51 PM
Johnn hasn't been on here for probably 2 years, so don't hold your breath waiting on a reply. + i can't see him sharing photo's, especially via a public forum.
Posted 20 December 2020 - 09:52 PM
KRT5## belongs to IHN781 which had a engine change on the 3/12/76 with 186A25####.........Chassis LC16500A
you do a AOMC search on LC 16500-A crabman? if not i will, only 90 bucks to get the truth, and thats the first XU1 on vin disc with engine number, so it went and had its first service, and thats why he attached himself to it..check engine number pics with extra digit..
Posted 20 December 2020 - 10:04 PM
remember race cars did not have warranty and would not go to dealer for a service and as such no engine number would be recorded on vin disc
Edited by meanmachine72, 20 December 2020 - 10:06 PM.
Posted 29 December 2020 - 05:02 PM
Not sure where this is going not were are they now
The mag with the car on the front cover is going to put a spotlight on the car
re engine stamping ? as photos of block and the rego label ?
Chassis number is not Ksa302 chassis no
ksa302 is a 6/70 yellow dolly car not a 8/70 yellow dolly which is details are the numbers in book
Insurance companys will be looking at these cars as well
i hope people can talk there way out of this one as there must be answers out there
sad day for the little Toranas
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