I found out that i will be receiving much needed funds to pour into my long awaiting (6 year) project UC.
A recent death (long story) in the family has enable me to secure funds to get this baby up and running.
Like many other people on here i have a wife, 3 kids and mortgage to think off. Finally i've been given some funds to kick this project into gear.
the hard part has been done. the car has been stripped, repaired and painted. New headlining is in aswell.
The funds should pay for gearbox, clutch, diff repairs, motor rebuild and other associated details.
I'm so excited at the moment cause it looked like it never was going to happen.

Picture of my car in case you may have forgotten what a uc looks like.

The engine in when i did the trail fit and got it all running before painting. Sorry about bad phone picture.
It will be very handy that my neighbor builds drag cars and does custom fab work.