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RB25DET in UC torana coupe

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#201 _studricho_

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 12:39 PM

Gday im new here, but ive already done the rb25det conversion into LX hatch before, so any questions let me know, ill try post some pics up on here of what it used to look like before i ended up puting the v8 back in. :spoton:

Welcome to the forum and my first question is why did you go back to a V8?

I wish you join earlier as I had so many questions. Here's a pressing question that I need to sort out asap. What did you do to work out the speedo drive from The R33 5 speed electronic speedo to the mechanical speedo in the the torana?

Also could you PM me your number that way I can talk to you direct?

#202 _studricho_

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 04:42 PM

It was good chatting to you ssmokin. I managed to get some work done under the car ready for the brake guys tomorrow.
I've taken some pictures so you guys could the amount of work that has gone into this car...

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Here you can see the 9 inch diff, boxed in control arms, new bushes and heavy duty lowered springs.

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Here's a picture of the fuel pump set up. It was taken from a donor VL years ago. It clears all moving suspension parts and I did this set up in my single car garage..was not fun I can tell you. I need to chase up the new link pins/bushes for the rear sway bar.

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Another pump picture set up.

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Picture of the heavy duty tail shaft and the exhaust system.

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Rear UC calipers and HZ disc and HZ reaction flange. Calipers have been rebuilt, new hoses, new pads and the discs machined. The springs and shocks were a second set from ebay. the rear sits about 15 higher than I want and I'd like to change to pedders sports riders down the track. Also having them painted the same colour as the car will be on my to do later list.

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Another rear shot showing detail under car..It will be wierd when this car is done and registered..What will I do then? Drive it...

#203 _studricho_

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 06:00 PM

Well it just gets better. After some conversation with neurosurgeon it seems that my plan to get the Torana on the road so I can drive to Melbourne in December for Christmas will not happen now.

Looks like I'll be in hospital for 5-6 days now and 4 to 6 weeks recovery after operation.

And the clincher is that I'm not allowed to drive my car to Melbourne for Christmas, I can only fly down now.

The best part is that the doctor will allow is for me to be a passenger only in my own car around the time I want to head down to Melbourne, but I would have to stop every half an hour to rest my body and stretch.

Imagine how long that will take, so yeah a good kick in the head today. I have 8 days before surgery, they have me working Tuesday, wednesday and Thursday at edman employment group as a data entry on computer.

The thing is my pay won't change compared to if I was at home.
That leaves me Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to finish Torana for blue slip on Monday. If it passes then I can drive the rest of the day/night before the operation on Tuesday.

Can I do it in that time, well I'm up for the challenge. I was down for about 30 mins today, but something in has kicked up a gear or 2 and I'm going for it.

I also have a CBR250 with engine noises to sort out and finish stripping the RZ500 engine before the operation.

I think if my life was normal I wouldn't cope...I'll keep you guys posted..

#204 _evil UC hatch_

_evil UC hatch_
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Posted 17 November 2008 - 06:44 PM

Good luck with the surgery mate, I wish you well and a speedy recovery.

the car is looking tops :spoton: have fun getting it all finished off and keep up the good work

#205 76lxhatch


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 06:51 PM

Sounds like quite a challenge, best of luck on all fronts

#206 _studricho_

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 07:11 PM

Thanks for the best wishes...I did manage to get the Torana in for the brake lines and stuff. I got some pictures of the car on the hoist. I'll be in the shed tonight sussing out my mates bike and I have a rack and pinion I need to fit new boots/tie rod ends.

I can't stop now as I'm so close...

#207 DanWA


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Posted 17 November 2008 - 08:28 PM

Best of luck with the op mate!!!! Your torana is coming along great to

#208 _studricho_

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Posted 17 November 2008 - 09:58 PM

All goes to plan I may get to drive it for one day and then not for another month..Hardly seems worth it..LOL.

#209 76lxhatch


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Posted 18 November 2008 - 05:55 AM

It will all be worth it when you drive it, even if only for a short time

#210 enderwigginau


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Posted 18 November 2008 - 12:09 PM

Make a list of things that can wait - i.e. interior tweaks etc.

Then you'll be able to sort them out while you can't drive it and she'll be damn near perfect when you can drive her again!

Good luck with it all.




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Posted 18 November 2008 - 12:26 PM

Can you fly down, and get someone to drive the car down for you? Will you be ok to drive it back home?

Good luck with the surgery mate! Hopefully you have a super quick recovery so you can drive the beast ASAP!!

#212 _studricho_

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 04:07 PM

Can you fly down, and get someone to drive the car down for you? Will you be ok to drive it back home?

Good luck with the surgery mate! Hopefully you have a super quick recovery so you can drive the beast ASAP!!

That's a great idea..

#213 _studricho_

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 09:38 PM

Well it seems I have brakes now. Picking up the car tomorrow and I'm so glad that I decided to get these guys to do the lines and sort out all the brakes. The guy working on the my car owns a LX hatch. He work is very neat and loves a challenge. I still don't know how the hell he got the brake line between the fire wall and the engine.

He also kept me posted and asked me to come down to make sure I was happy with his work and what he was up too.

Anyway some pictures...

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Here you can see just how close the master cylinder is to the inlet manifold. He used a banjo bolt with a flexible hose down to a custom bracket welded on the chassis under the guard. He made sure nothing will touch.

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Brake line from L/H rear wheel.

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He used the breather hole to support the new splitter and swap the diff breather to the other side.

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Picture of the type of flexible lines used for the front brakes.

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Here's the brake line from the L/H front. You can see that he used a special clip fitting for the hose to line connection.

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Just a random picture of the inter cooler and how it fits under the guard/rail.

I also picked up my brand new gearbox speedo drive unit for a mechanical speedo drive.

#214 _evil UC hatch_

_evil UC hatch_
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Posted 18 November 2008 - 09:45 PM

whats the notch in the passenger side chassis rail for?

looking sweet btw

#215 _studricho_

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 10:23 PM

whats the notch in the passenger side chassis rail for?

looking sweet btw

It was suppose to be a very small notch to clear the supercharge pipe running when I had the RB30 in it. I asked the beater for a very small notch. By the time I saw it next it was painted and he wanted the car out of the shop. The whole repair and paint took less than 6 weeks..

Down the track I decided to go the RB25 path and wanted to wait and see if I need to cut anything from engine bay/rail.

Now it serves a purpose. It reminds me that clear written communication is vital in every step of a project. I have 2 options. Cover both sides with some plate or just wait until I change the turbo/manifold to a high mount monster.

That will be one way to hide it.

#216 _studricho_

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Posted 19 November 2008 - 09:55 PM

I've decided to finish off a few electrical issues in the car and then leave until I'm back on my feet after surgery. No point in having the car registered, in debt and unable to drive for a month or so.

I rather spend the last weekend with my wife and kids before being flat out on my back for a month or so. I may disappear for a while who knows...

#217 _youngy_11_

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Posted 25 November 2008 - 06:28 PM

Hey Paul looking great.

Who did you get to do the brakes?

Dave from Reliance Brakes?



#218 _evil_lh_

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Posted 25 November 2008 - 06:51 PM

hey your car is looking great iam keen to know who did your brakes. sorry to here about your back but hang in there and youll be ok. all the best with the operation.

#219 _studricho_

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Posted 27 November 2008 - 07:09 PM

Yes, Dave from reliance brakes in fairy meadow on 42848188. Tell him Paul sent you.

#220 TerrA LX

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 02:52 PM

It was suppose to be a very small notch to clear the supercharge pipe running when I had the RB30 in it. I asked the beater for a very small notch. By the time I saw it next it was painted and he wanted the car out of the shop. The whole repair and paint took less than 6 weeks..

Now it serves a purpose. It reminds me that clear written communication is vital in every step of a project.

Even then the only guarantee is to do it yourself.

#221 _SS Hatchback_

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 06:31 PM

Even then the only guarantee is to do it yourself.

Couldnt agree more Terry

Studricho, who did your rear screen? i see your local and i have just ordered a rubber and organised the guy to come out and do mine but that is one nice setup. Nice job on the car too , looks great with those wheels .


#222 _studricho_

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 07:40 PM

The guy that did my windows name is Kevin. He's a top bloke and he does go up to Sydney to do work up there. Here's his number if your keen 0413760070

#223 TerrA LX

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 07:49 PM

^ thanx studricho, im very keen for his work, in the future.

#224 _studricho_

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 08:09 PM

Mines only the second torana from memory done like this...

#225 Bart


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Posted 28 November 2008 - 11:43 PM

Hey Sudricho, do you have to do an emissions test for your engineer? And is your engine an import?

Edited by Bart, 28 November 2008 - 11:43 PM.

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