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#26 _purpleLC_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 06:24 PM

Is this the same car that Tony was selling about
a year ago on ebay as a GTR with XU1 options?

Or am I getting mixed up with another car and another seller????


#27 bullitA9X


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Posted 05 September 2007 - 07:56 PM

strange vin tag appears to be xu1 but betsbac code on disc is not

I would be checking diff and gearbox as this would give
an idea if car is xu-1..human error??? tag stamped wrong??
(like john gongs GTR)
if human error..well one number maybe but three??? or
GTR with XU-1 options..the reason i say this is on page 163
of the antoniou book there is a service letter
SUBJECT: engine modifcations and idle settings
Iam yet to see a tag that says 82900
any ideas or a printing error???

meanmachine72 its more than likely a typo error the car needs to be inspected if anyone is serious about buying it :spoton:

#28 tonys2r


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Posted 05 September 2007 - 08:17 PM

Hi nzgtrxu1,I am just woundring how did you get the colour of the vin tag so early,when tonys2r didnt even list the paint number at the begining of this thread,cheers.

i send him the numbers by personal message, also i tried to post pics but had no success??? :fool:



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Posted 05 September 2007 - 08:19 PM

Fly, My car was not bought from a dealership's stock but ordered from the dealer. Its build date was 14.11.72 and was delivered 24.11.72.
hope this helps, the nut.

Gidday L34nut
It certainly appears i was wrong about this starting in 10/72, Jamie (gtr-xu1) seems to think this took place late 11/72, certainly was in place throughout 1973 though !

#30 tonys2r


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Posted 05 September 2007 - 08:26 PM

when one says to take a good look at the tags, with the vin tag are you saticfied that someone has not turned the l into a p ???. tony you have being wheeling and dealing in these cars long enough to know if this car is or is not the real deal.

:tease: :rockon: just like me.

cheers john

thats right this car got me stuff? thats why i need some help guys. looks like up on the hoist to check diff & gearbox :rockon: :cry:

#31 Bazza


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Posted 05 September 2007 - 08:45 PM


Also check for evidence of holes that may have accommodated a GTR badge on the boot lid.


#32 _tuffgong_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 09:02 PM

cumon bazza, boot lids are easy changed. tonys2d, does the paint tag have the xu1 stamped near the engine at the bottem of the tag ??? what about the rear quaters have the holes being bogged or welded up thay are still easy to pick, panel off torch and a bit of sandpaper, gtr fuel brether hose holddown in boot has that hole being welded??? is it flat or dimpled. there are many way to check these cars, but let me tell you this that car once had a l where the p now lives, iv being around these cars all my life, and have loved and made love too and in them and meny times i have seen wankers tamper with the tags, and my freind there are some smooth workers out there.

ps thats all i have to say about this thread, has i know where its leading.

cheers john

#33 Bazza


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Posted 05 September 2007 - 09:08 PM

Jesus John, I didn't say it was the only way to check authenticity - just trying to help. Perhaps everyone should just defer to your obvious expertise and just shut up!


#34 _tuffgong_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 09:21 PM

bazza, mate i never ment that coment to hurt your feelings, and if it has im sorry mate.
ps and it takes a man to apoligise.

cheers john

#35 Bazza


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Posted 05 September 2007 - 09:31 PM


No worries John - there's only two things I ask in life: 1 - credit me with some intelligence and 2: - spell my name right.

Take it easy, but take it -


PS I have already compared his boot photos with mine. This is a strange one.

#36 _tuffgong_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 09:46 PM

bazza, what do you mean BUT TAKE IT-???
i said i was sorry, but dont take my apolige as a weakness.

cheers john

#37 Bazza


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Posted 05 September 2007 - 09:57 PM


John, we're obviously thinking on a different plane - let's just forget it. Sorry if I have confused you.


#38 _tuffgong_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:00 PM

BAZZA, to easy mate.

cheers john

#39 _tuffgong_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:04 PM

now lets get to the bottom of this car, BAZZA, you said you checked the boot with the boot in your car, what was the vedict ??? should the hole that holds the clip that suports the breather pipe be alot closer to the circle on the back of the seat suport panel???.

cheers john

#40 _smiley_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:06 PM

much as i hate to admit it ,it is becoming very obvious that there is many flaws/human errors in the vin disc,i would look at the car first, if all is right , nos match/all the right parts in the right places, not a 's' reshell, then its a xu1,be a pity to have a genuine xu1 knocked on the head by human error/poor record keeping from years ago. cheers daz

Sorry but I have an issue with the theory of a "typo" that can turn 77403 into 76203 and thus create another xu-1 out of what is obviously a gtr. Yes the disc isn`t the bullet proof "be all end all" that some beleive it to be but REALLY come on that is a stretch.

Edited by smiley, 05 September 2007 - 10:08 PM.

#41 _tuffgong_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:29 PM

well said, and what we need to remember once this vin disc is scared any old lc, lj can then become an xu-1.

ps and i has already said this twice check the vin ??? and after looking at a pic of the vin number that was sent to me by tonys2d, the p has bein tamperd with.

cheers john

#42 _1973bathxu1_

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:29 PM

tony hi its aldo give me a ring tomorrow regarding the torana you have my ph no regards

#43 _LGN347/24C_

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 06:04 AM

much as i hate to admit it ,it is becoming very obvious that there is many flaws/human errors in the vin disc,i would look at the car first, if all is right , nos match/all the right parts in the right places, not a 's' reshell, then its a xu1,be a pity to have a genuine xu1 knocked on the head by human error/poor record keeping from years ago. cheers daz

Sorry but I have an issue with the theory of a "typo" that can turn 77403 into 76203 and thus create another xu-1 out of what is obviously a gtr. Yes the disc isn`t the bullet proof "be all end all" that some beleive it to be but REALLY come on that is a stretch.

guys im not bombing the disc,there is not just 2 or 3 mistakes on that disc there is dozens of mistakes ive found on it, doubled up eng nos, eng nos next to the wrong chassis no and vice versa,im dam sure i wouldnt want my car knocked on the head by a typo,would you??. a mate of mine has put the vin disc in spreadsheet form alph numericly and printed it up, and filled in the blanks over the years,and agrees lots of holes.i know this disc is all we have , i use the disc as a guide also,but ignoring the FACT that it has lots of errors is counter productive.i fully support the fine toothing of a car , if between us supposed experts we cant pick a fake/genuine xu1 by now,were stuffed disc or no disc .

ps spoke to tony last nite about possible previous owners of this car, being a brisi/sydney car ,i think most of you will know where im going with this,jeez i hate this shit ,hope it all turns out ok. cheers daz :spoton: :D

Edited by LGN347/24C, 06 September 2007 - 06:06 AM.

#44 _tuffgong_

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 06:25 AM


Posted Image

its a mighty fat outer place p, dont we think.

cheers john

#45 _LGN347/24C_

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 06:39 AM

as i Prevoiusly said with a big P,check for Previous dodgy owners,this kinda stuff really Pisses me off,PPPPPPPPPPOSITIVLY. :spoton: :D daz

#46 _tuffgong_

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 06:53 AM

and wait theres more.

Posted Image
no xu-1 stamped next to eng

cheers john

#47 _LGN347/24C_

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 07:09 AM

hi john ive been sent the same pics, no diff ratio either.id be going back to the seller at light speed for an explanation and refund , if bought as a xu1. :spoton: daz

#48 bullitA9X


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Posted 06 September 2007 - 07:31 AM


Posted Image

its a mighty fat outer place p, dont we think.

cheers john

Hey gong as if you couldnt tell that plate has been fuxxed with plates are gtr as to the car who knows until you look at it

Edited by bullitljv8, 06 September 2007 - 07:35 AM.

#49 frash da bucket

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 09:22 AM

Hi tuffgong,Have you got apicture of this cars boot please,Iv'e just looked at my fuel breather pipe and its close to the circle,just behind boot hinge,cheers John.

#50 Bazza


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Posted 06 September 2007 - 10:08 AM


Clearly different. Having said that - the one on the right is an Adelaide car.


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