Ahh now that was fun

. Very happy with a flat 17 in 40 deg heat! I spoke to a few people that i hadnt spoke to before and overall it was great
1)gtrtorana - 2 door LJ 202
2)rhysandhisLX - lx Sedan injected 5litre
4)TORANR AMORE..........0.00 Sec (Yep speed of light)
5)WYLDLC 6 - LC Torana 202
6)Toranaman24 - LJ Torana 173
7)LhMusL - LH Torana
8)RoDoMo - Thunderbolt grease slapper
9)73LJWhiteSL - LJ Torana....... 17.48 @ 77MPH (new PB wooo) rockernana.gif
10)Makka - LH Torana
11)Scott (friend of gtrtorana) - Blown 355 VN
12)RTS Guy - LX torana torana didnt make it VK Calais 16.22 85mph (2.60 diff)
13)staind 91- lx torana maybe even a VQ Statesman? only lx ran ........16.94
14)Brad1979UC - UC torana 202.......17.03 gasresearch 202
15)LX2DR - LX Hatch 18.15 74.95mph, Without the louvre on too!
17) wraith75 - LX Hatch, Inj 5litre
18)MickLX - Commodore 13.41 114 mph
19)Danny (friend of gtrtorana)- X2 carbed LJ Torana
20)azzapove - 202 gold uc torana
21)Stewart (Friend of Heath) - XB GT sed. std stroke 351
22)MRLXSS - 290 LX Hatch - Going to beat Makka..........14.74 Sec
23)hz304- Not so stock LH this time (50/50?)
24)WILDUC - 202 UC Hatchback
25)Matt- Orange Turbo'd Six Lj
28)Lockie (Friend of Heath) - Orange flying GM/Ford cross
32)Heath - Marlboro UC ..........25.9 Sec
**(ohh i couldnt figure out an easy way of making the times red and the names white :S?)