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#1 _GTRXU2_

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Posted 07 January 2008 - 10:48 PM

Hi, I am new to this forum...my brother and I have always been big fans of the LC and LJ Torana. We understand that Holden were going to build an XU2 but it got canned at the last minute.

We are looking for more information on how to build an XU-2, where do you suggest we start and how do we do it??


Trev and Roy

#2 Dr Terry

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 06:07 AM


Holden did build them, but they weren't LJs, they were LHs. The only change was that they re-badged them SL/R5000 before their release.

I think you are actually thinking of the XU-1 V8.

Dr Terry

#3 _LGN347/24C_

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 06:37 AM

^^not totally correct,gmh built 3 proto's ONLY,, not counting the first (lc xu1 KSN116) done by HDT .GMH did a white,smp, and joe felices orange(tangerine) xu1,they only had stock 308's fitted and harry and the hdt guys built larger fuel tanks with a bladder.joe's was stolen/recovered minus the motor/box,a pro job not a single wire cut, zero damage to car, that one was reverted back to 6 cyl and sold off ,the other two were destroyed at lang lang proving ground,this has been confirmed by joe felice/ray borret ect.so i guess you could build a copy of a prototype.cheers daz :D

Edited by LGN347/24C, 08 January 2008 - 06:38 AM.

#4 Dr Terry

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 07:06 AM

Hi LGN347/24C

I know they built 3 XU-1 V8 prototypes, but they DID NOT call them XU2s.

This error comes up so often it should be made a sticky.

I thought the ACM article sorted it out once & for all.

Dr Terry.

#5 RIM-010



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Posted 08 January 2008 - 07:20 AM

It seems that not even Dr Terry is immune to typo's...

A good start would be a half decent LC/LJ 2 door shell, an M21 and a 308. You need V8 engine mounts and a few other bits like LH/X steering knuckles.





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Posted 08 January 2008 - 07:27 AM

I once read Holden had actually built more than 3, yes they had the 3 prototype factory cars, but more were on the production line, and some were near completion when the project was canned. This came from an employee at the factory at the time who used to go down and have a look at the line and remembers seeing the carson the line one day and gone the next. Ian Tate told me about 10 years ago Ray Borret walked in one day and said "we pout the last one into the barrier today", in other words the three V8 XU1's were crash tested.

#7 _LGN347/24C_

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 07:28 AM

hey doc where in my reply do i refer to the xu1 v8 proto as a xu2 ?????,and as for the article's in ACM ?? is this the same 4wd mag that that has jail bird /conmen do articles??refer issue 29.cheers daz

#8 _LGN347/24C_

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 07:48 AM

hi red ,my information about joe's xu1 comes from a very recent conversation when i visited him in melboune recently. so if you want the correct info, a call to joe will sort that one.cheers daz

#9 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 07:55 AM

They were also testing them at Lang Lang Test track, I will ring the fellow who helped me find info about my car, and see if he remembers what they use to call it .

#10 Dr Terry

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 08:19 AM

Hi Guys.

I think LGN347/24C & RIM-010 have misunderstood my reply.

What was meant by "^^not totally correct" & "It seems that not even Dr Terry is immune to typo's..."

What was not correct & what was the typo.

All I was saying (in an around-about fashion) to Mr. GTRXU2 was that the XU-1 V8 that he obviously want's to build, was never called the XU2.

You 2 guys are talking about XU-1 V8s, I was talking about XU2s, they are 2 different things.

Dr Terry

#11 goxu1


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Posted 08 January 2008 - 10:32 AM

who's on first ?

#12 _sunburst_metalic_

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 12:46 PM

Wow there is tension after Christmas, there is a book called how to build a XU2 or correctly named XU1 V8, but we all call them XU2's as this is part of the dream. Check EBay for the book, I have read it goes off on a tangent about 500Hp motors, basically says sort the steering with 2 LH steering knuckles, upgrade the brakes and strenghten the chassis. BTW better check with the local RTA as this upgrade is outlawed in some states, probably better to buy one and restore or clean up, if already regoed you can run it with the V8. rgds Sunburst

#13 _UFO XU1_

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 12:57 PM

I think you will find the Xu-1 v8 was in fact called the Xu-1 SERIES II as told by Harry....
Check it out....
cheers ufo xu-1

#14 LOWS2


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Posted 08 January 2008 - 04:09 PM

Hi GTRXU2 welcome to the forums, dont worry about the above posts just everybody trying to share there knowledge which is good but can get a bit much/heated some times lol.

In regards to your V8 conversion there is a pretty good tech article around here somewhere, just cant remeber where it went to?? Your car will be a weapon when its done, I have a mate with a Yellow LJ GTR V8 and it is a real machine!!

EDIT - Send a PM to rorym he did a V8 conversion on a replica of the original LC V8 built by HDT, he would be more than happy to help you out.


Edited by LOWS2, 08 January 2008 - 04:13 PM.

#15 _rorym_

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 05:19 PM

This will get you started...ask about the rest...forget Wouldbees description of the gearchange...mine bolted straight in...think he was smoking something the day he did the gearshift.

#16 LX2DR


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Posted 13 January 2008 - 09:48 PM

A mate dropped in today with this magazine for me
Posted Image

Interestingly it has this on page 60
Posted Image

Reading the text it goes like this and confirms what has been said
LH range was to have the XU2 with 300hp and 4 wheel disc's.
This was later to become the L34, it was to do with negative hype about super cars at the time (1972).
The Brock & Harvey No3 cars were that spec.
Posted Image


#17 _rorym_

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Posted 13 January 2008 - 09:53 PM

I am not doing the history lesson...someone elses turn.

#18 LX2DR


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Posted 13 January 2008 - 10:50 PM

I am not doing the history lesson...someone elses turn.

Hi Rorym

I gather that i might have put something above that is not correct or has been taken incorrectly?

I have added the text i took the info from here, always possible that this is incorrect?

Posted Image

#19 _73LJWhiteSL_

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Posted 14 January 2008 - 12:57 PM

I prefer XU-1 Series 2 or XU-1 V8.

Call it what you want, but from what I have read (and no I wasn't around at the time) the name was never finalised.

All we can agree on is it would have been one hell of a GT eatter. :rockon:


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