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genuine LJ 5 litre?

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#151 _rorym_

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 07:15 PM

And I for one respect that opinion!!

#152 lakeside


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 07:34 PM

rorym, i'm lost. So dose Allen, have the info that proves they didn't go through the crasher or just a theory?

Anyone know what happen to the 427 Monaro?

#153 LJ383


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 07:35 PM

Not exactly directly on topic...but i always wondered how were they to fit the 2 big tanks in the boot? I presume it was two xu1 tanks but they wouldnt fit side by side inside the rails...


#154 bullitA9X


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 08:14 PM

Alan has a passion...it is the V8 LJs...He has been on this for years..I know..we talked as I built Yellow..He has an opinion..I respect that...his views are different to mine...I merely ask for evidence.
Throwing crap replies just denegrates the forum...try to be on the topic guys....we all have opinions..lets express them without personal attacks...I am over that stuff.

Oh..and here is a thought...have a 3 minute break before attacking the keyboard to reply if you are worked up....if that happened we might even get to play nice together.
I say respect others opinions..even if they are not yours....and I promise to try and not reply after the 4th drink...that's when I get into trouble myself, so I am doing my bit as well.

well said m8 :spoton:

#155 _rorym_

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 08:47 PM

Anyone know what happen to the 427 Monaro?

Michael sold it.

#156 _rorym_

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 08:48 PM

Not exactly directly on topic...but i always wondered how were they to fit the 2 big tanks in the boot? I presume it was two xu1 tanks but they wouldnt fit side by side inside the rails...


One big tank sitting in/on the floor, 2 fillers, 36 gallons.

#157 REDA9X



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Posted 06 May 2009 - 09:25 PM

Going back a few posts to answer the question, yes there were 3 cars made by Holden and a forth by Harry Firth, so yes there was such a thing. The whole argument with this thread was what happened to those cars once the Supercar Scare came along, were they converted back to sixs and sold, simply sold, or destroyed. The story has always been these cars were destroyed at Lang Lang crash barrier. Allan seems to have dug up some evidence that may suggest the orange car actually got away and was coverted to a 6 and later stolen. You would need to see the evidence and make that determination yourself. The problem now is Allan believes because one got away, the other 2 may have too. He seems to think Harry sold the cars, however, those cars did not belong to Harry, they belonged to Holden, which would make it very hard to explain for Harry when Holden came knocking on the door looking for their cars, especially considering the times, I would suggest Harry would have been sacked on the spot. I'm sure he will keep looking, but I think if someone does come along with an idea, as has been said, whilst it's one thing to argue against, it's another to call them names and generally go on like a child.
As for the 427 Monaro, it was sold to some bloke in QLD who apparently has a large collection of Monaros, unfortunately, I would have loved to have driven it again at some stage, oh well.

#158 lakeside


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 10:19 PM

i'm talking about the HQ 427 Monaro 4spd, they had at Lang Lang in the early 70's

#159 sagman


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 11:23 PM

pretty dissapointed to see the personal attacks in this thread as it does little to invite people to share info....i have previously posted that the 'joe felice car' did survive and that is a fact, it was not destroyed, period.
nobody knows this better than joe.....he kept on using it after the the car was refitted with a 6 cyl.....the car was stolen early in the development and the 8 and box were removed by the crooks who perhaps thought the motor was a little special being as it had involvment with the dealer team, as joe said it wasn't anything but a stock engine.....
because it had a 6 refitted early in the piece there was no need for it to be destroyed especially as joe was still using it !!
i spoke to joe yesterday and informed him of the thread and he said that alan had been in touch with him over a number of years and had indeed sent him info on the orange car post gmh and had done a lot of research on this subject....he went on to say that people can and will have their own opinions on the subject but the reality is his car was not destroyed , the other two were.....
when it was time to get his first slr5000 company car , as that was what the company was selling after all, the xu1 was simply sold off....just like daz's car was !
in the end it was just another car , it was a special car for a time though and would he like to own it now ? yes he would !


#160 xu2308


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Posted 07 May 2009 - 02:45 AM


Edited by xu2308, 17 February 2018 - 04:36 AM.

#161 orangeLJ


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Posted 07 May 2009 - 10:09 AM

See, we can all play nice when we try!


#162 GML-31


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Posted 07 May 2009 - 10:36 AM

..and I promise to try and not reply after the 4th drink...that's when I get into trouble myself, so I am doing my bit as well.

gee that would knock a few people off the forum by 10am

#163 REDA9X



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Posted 07 May 2009 - 11:40 AM

Yes, HDT race cars were effectively Holden property, however, they were controlled by Harry, so he could easily say one was destroyed in testing or whatever, and he sold them off once they lost their usefulness, the money put back into the team to upgrade to the new equipment. The three XU1 V8's were a different story, they were bulit by Holden and loaned to Harry for testing purposes. When the Supercar Scare came along, Holden didn't want these things being sold off to just anyone, so they would have come knocking to get them back, not just say to Harry, mate can you dispose of those cars for us please, never going to Happen. If it did, and Harry simply sold them off and Holden found out, there would be hell to pay. Imagine someone killing themself in one and the whole thing coming back to Holden, especially considering these were pre production prototypes. If Harry sold a race car, it would be sold as a race car, not a road car, so the responsibility is on the new owner should he then decide to put it on the road

#164 xu2308


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 05:17 AM


Edited by xu2308, 17 February 2018 - 04:33 AM.

#165 _The Baron_

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Posted 10 May 2009 - 11:08 AM


You have a very nice LJ mate. It and all your cars are a real credit to you and your family. I would love to own it or any V8 LC LJ.

With a V8 the LC/LJ are no longer little boy's toys. ;p

#166 bullitA9X


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Posted 10 May 2009 - 12:54 PM


You have a very nice LJ mate. It and all your cars are a real credit to you and your family. I would love to own it or any V8 LC LJ.

With a V8 the LC/LJ are no longer little boy's toys. ;p

as i woud love to own your hatch m8 :spoton:

#167 enderwigginau


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Posted 11 May 2009 - 09:58 PM

Did the 20 or so on the line, that were sold with their sixes back in, have the twin fillers?

Are there any good pics of the fillers?
On the tank issue, wouldn't Harry have used his Cortina design, with a large tank across the shelf of the boot?


#168 xu2308


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Posted 12 May 2009 - 03:41 AM


Edited by xu2308, 17 February 2018 - 04:31 AM.

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