Ahh sorry mate lol my bad
I agree re no proof lol.
Yes the ones reg'd now are OK until they get re-sold or re-engineered (thats my understanding and I could well be wrong) But what happens then I dont have a clue and yes it will probably impact in a slighly negative way. However I am guessing any prudent seller will do what it takes to make the car legal upon sale (well some will).
The problem is if the car changes owners from a different state it has to pass their engineers interpretation of the NCOP which is B/S its high time what is accepted UNDER the NCOP in one state should be good enough for another state. Same goes for a national licensing scheme an rego. Sorry to prattle on, this is one of my pet grievances 
yeah i know what you mean m8 i got my lj gtr from nsw it was registered with the 308 and had been for 10 years i gave all the rego details to regency park here in s.a before i got it they said as long as its been engineered it only needs an engine inspection.
well was that crap i took it down to have it changed from nsw to sa rego and was informed oh you have to have a full inspection and you may also need another engineers report if the engineer is no longer working (get that) i was fuming
i couldnt understand if the engineer was no longer in business i had to have it re,engineered the car had already been passed lucky for me he was still current i said so what your telling me is i was driving around an unregisterd car then if you say that as once it comes across the border the laws change he thought i was being a smart ass i wasnt its just how i understood it
then came the emissions crap i was told because you have late model heads you will have to put all the polution stuff on i said why its a 1972 car with a 1971 block they said we dont care we are going by your heads pollution heads mean pollution setup crap
so i set up all the pollution take it back they put it up on the hoist and say great job but why did you put all the pollution on i explained what i was told they laughed and said you dont need it as its a 1972 car fuming as getting all the pollution setup on and working with the reports from the gas anylizer cost me $800 i point to the guy that inspected it it first time he says thats why he only does engine inspections as he knows fxxk all
so yeah make it one law across the board
Edited by bullitljv8, 04 May 2009 - 09:06 PM.