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genuine LJ 5 litre?

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#126 _rorym_

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Posted 01 May 2009 - 09:23 PM

very interesting discussion guys , well two of the gmh produced cars were crashed at lang lang but joe felice's orange car was not.......joes car was stolen at one time and the motor and box were removed, it was recovered in tact otherwise and was refitted with an xu1 engine and gearbox......joe continued to use the car as his daily until his new slr 500 was delivered(as mentioned earlier)...it definately was not destroyed unlike the other two !
besides the pic in the thread at bath.'73 , on the old race photo's site under l34 you will find a pic of it at phillip island in 74 in the background.


I re-post for the forgetfull.

#127 REDA9X



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Posted 01 May 2009 - 09:37 PM

Ray Borret says in AMC the cars were destroyed in the barrier, so does Harry. There is a note saying the orange car was converted to a six and sold, but that proves nothing on the other cars. In 1998 when I went to Melbourne I met up with Ian Tate and we sat for a few hours after he closed down for the day and discussed this and a few other things. One thing that sticks in my mind was him saying, "Ray walked in one day and said, well, we just put the last one into the barrier". Harry was a bit miffed about losing all that money, he showed me a lot of pics of the cars when I was at his place in 2006, but he said to me they were destroyed. As he said he was less than impressed, but, he got his money back a few years later when Holden were going to get rid of him, unfortunately, the way he did it causes another arguement about a couple of other ex HDT cars running around.

#128 meanmachine72


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Posted 02 May 2009 - 08:11 PM

Ha Ha
I Have had Tons of Torana's,and own Torana's.
Now REDA9X seen the stuff,he can quote it.And the stuff not from any car mag LOL
I only sent him the stuff due to non believers on the Subject,and REDA9X seems to be a Guy
that you Guys Believe on this site.So he can tell u what i sent him.?????????

no proof...ha ha .. your full of -h-t SHOW US !!!! no torana.. no proof... no idea...!!
your a joke... go haunt another forum, got some rice burner mags have we??? :thebird:

Edited by meanmachine72, 02 May 2009 - 08:20 PM.

#129 xu2308


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Posted 02 May 2009 - 10:13 PM

no proof...ha ha .. your full of -h-t SHOW US !!!! no torana.. no proof... no idea...!!
your a joke... go haunt another forum, got some rice burner mags have we??? :thebird:

Very Childish there meanmachine72
Rice burners u joking or do you Drive one.
REDA9X seen the proof,i emailed him the stuff,i asked him to say Joe felice car was not Destroyed and was still around to 1985 untill stolen,He seen it and did not say.Thats up to him.
Thats all he had to say,orange car was not destroyed.

Edited by xu2308, 17 February 2018 - 04:38 AM.

#130 _Pallbag_

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Posted 03 May 2009 - 08:04 AM

I thought he (REDA9X) did say exactly that ?

There is a note saying the orange car was converted to a six and sold, but that proves nothing on the other cars

#131 _rat catcher_

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Posted 03 May 2009 - 06:22 PM

I spoke to Joe Felice about three years ago at the all holden day at the hawksburry show ground. Me and a couple of mates were standing behind our xu1;s when he just walked up and started chating to us. He told us all about his lone o ranger V8 LJ XU1 and how much better than a six cylinder it was. He also told us the car was converted back to a six cylinder then sold.

#132 _purpleLC_

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 01:06 AM

Umm, after 130 replies, it has come down
to the fact that the whole intention of this post was to convince RedA9X that the
Orange LJ XU1 that once had a V8 in it, all be it fitted by GMH and then fitted with a 6 cylinder
and then sold and then stolen was not crashed into the test barrier and destroyed??? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Or am I missing something in the detail? :ZZZ: :ZZZ: :ZZZ:

#133 REDA9X



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Posted 04 May 2009 - 07:31 AM

We got past that bit, it certainly looks like that one may have got away, but now Allan is trying to prove tha other 2 got away as well, but he won't send me the proof he has on those

#134 _Herne_

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 09:26 AM

Umm, after 130 replies, it has come down
to the fact that the whole intention of this post was to convince RedA9X that the
Orange LJ XU1 that once had a V8 in it, all be it fitted by GMH and then fitted with a 6 cylinder
and then sold and then stolen was not crashed into the test barrier and destroyed??? :blink: :blink: :blink:

Or am I missing something in the detail? :ZZZ: :ZZZ: :ZZZ:

I cant see as it matters that much who put the friggin motor in. We know they can be made to fit and they are a common conversion. Its all a big want to my Torry is rarer than yours..... Who cares. Its this sort of b/s that is prepetuated by a few o keep the price up.


#135 meanmachine72


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Posted 04 May 2009 - 09:30 AM


#136 bullitA9X


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Posted 04 May 2009 - 12:18 PM

guys i told you i have one honest

Posted Image

#137 _Herne_

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 04:09 PM

Corrections to my above post, sheesh typos and not making sense.

I cant see as it matters that much who put the friggin motor in.
We know they can be made to fit and they are a common conversion. Its all a big wank about my Torry is rarer than yours..... Who cares. Its this sort of b/s that is perpetuated by a few to keep the price inflated.


#138 bullitA9X


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Posted 04 May 2009 - 04:23 PM

Corrections to my above post, sheesh typos and not making sense.

I cant see as it matters that much who put the friggin motor in.
We know they can be made to fit and they are a common conversion. Its all a big wank about my Torry is rarer than yours..... Who cares. Its this sort of b/s that is perpetuated by a few to keep the price inflated.


hey herne do you think when the new laws come in about what size motor you can have legaly in an lc lj the prices of the v8 ones will go up a fair bit?????

#139 _Herne_

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 07:20 PM

hey herne do you think when the new laws come in about what size motor you can have legaly in an lc lj the prices of the v8 ones will go up a fair bit?????

I personally am far from convinced there are any factory V8's around in that model, and then not sure how the NCOP will be interpreted when and if the car comes up for sale, it will probably be a nightmare and that is IF it exists as per factory fitment. And no I dont wish to receive 400 emails stating it is :)
But hey keep going, dont let me stop you trying to convince the masses.
I reckon this debate is good for at least another 139 posts ;)


Edited by Herne, 04 May 2009 - 07:20 PM.

#140 bullitA9X


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Posted 04 May 2009 - 07:51 PM

I personally am far from convinced there are any factory V8's around in that model, and then not sure how the NCOP will be interpreted when and if the car comes up for sale, it will probably be a nightmare and that is IF it exists as per factory fitment. And no I dont wish to receive 400 emails stating it is :)
But hey keep going, dont let me stop you trying to convince the masses.
I reckon this debate is good for at least another 139 posts ;)


hey herne i didnt mean factory v8 ones m8 as there are not any as there is no proof i mean the ones that have v8,s already fitted to them and are legaly registered as once they ban them whatever is out there will be it and i know from when i had mine passed here in s.a mine was only the 5th one

#141 _Herne_

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 08:21 PM

hey herne i didnt mean factory v8 ones m8 as there are not any as there is no proof i mean the ones that have v8,s already fitted to them and are legaly registered as once they ban them whatever is out there will be it and i know from when i had mine passed here in s.a mine was only the 5th one

Ahh sorry mate lol my bad :) I agree re no proof lol.

Yes the ones reg'd now are OK until they get re-sold or re-engineered (thats my understanding and I could well be wrong) But what happens then I dont have a clue and yes it will probably impact in a slighly negative way. However I am guessing any prudent seller will do what it takes to make the car legal upon sale (well some will).

The problem is if the car changes owners from a different state it has to pass their engineers interpretation of the NCOP which is B/S its high time what is accepted UNDER the NCOP in one state should be good enough for another state. Same goes for a national licensing scheme an rego. Sorry to prattle on, this is one of my pet grievances :)


#142 bullitA9X


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Posted 04 May 2009 - 09:03 PM

Ahh sorry mate lol my bad :) I agree re no proof lol.

Yes the ones reg'd now are OK until they get re-sold or re-engineered (thats my understanding and I could well be wrong) But what happens then I dont have a clue and yes it will probably impact in a slighly negative way. However I am guessing any prudent seller will do what it takes to make the car legal upon sale (well some will).

The problem is if the car changes owners from a different state it has to pass their engineers interpretation of the NCOP which is B/S its high time what is accepted UNDER the NCOP in one state should be good enough for another state. Same goes for a national licensing scheme an rego. Sorry to prattle on, this is one of my pet grievances :)


yeah i know what you mean m8 i got my lj gtr from nsw it was registered with the 308 and had been for 10 years i gave all the rego details to regency park here in s.a before i got it they said as long as its been engineered it only needs an engine inspection.

well was that crap i took it down to have it changed from nsw to sa rego and was informed oh you have to have a full inspection and you may also need another engineers report if the engineer is no longer working (get that) i was fuming

i couldnt understand if the engineer was no longer in business i had to have it re,engineered the car had already been passed lucky for me he was still current i said so what your telling me is i was driving around an unregisterd car then if you say that as once it comes across the border the laws change he thought i was being a smart ass i wasnt its just how i understood it

then came the emissions crap i was told because you have late model heads you will have to put all the polution stuff on i said why its a 1972 car with a 1971 block they said we dont care we are going by your heads pollution heads mean pollution setup crap

so i set up all the pollution take it back they put it up on the hoist and say great job but why did you put all the pollution on i explained what i was told they laughed and said you dont need it as its a 1972 car fuming as getting all the pollution setup on and working with the reports from the gas anylizer cost me $800 i point to the guy that inspected it it first time he says thats why he only does engine inspections as he knows fxxk all

so yeah make it one law across the board

Edited by bullitljv8, 04 May 2009 - 09:06 PM.

#143 lakeside


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 07:22 PM

if no one can produce the cars with all the matching numbers whats the point of all this bullshit.

#144 bullitA9X


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Posted 05 May 2009 - 08:41 PM

if no one can produce the cars with all the matching numbers whats the point of all this bullshit.

who asked you :tease: but yeah no proof no cigar

Edited by bullitljv8, 05 May 2009 - 08:50 PM.

#145 _evilsim_

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 09:45 AM

if no one can produce the cars with all the matching numbers whats the point of all this bullshit.

Some enjoy the topic and discussion ... others are just cranky.

#146 orangeLJ


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 01:25 PM

I think the point is the debate.

But I think some people take it all way too seriously, no one involved owns a car they are saying is one of the three, so there is no financial interest or anything of the sort to get upset over, only egos it seems.

I dont see the point in tormenting or constantly getting on a pedastal when someone happens to comment "against the grain" with their opinion or the facts they may or may not have.

The name calling and general speed at which people are quick to jump up and down on others is pretty astounding. I though all us "young people" were meant to be the ansy, rude and intolerable ones?


#147 _cruiza_

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 05:02 PM

I think the point is the debate.

But I think some people take it all way too seriously, no one involved owns a car they are saying is one of the three, so there is no financial interest or anything of the sort to get upset over, only egos it seems.

I dont see the point in tormenting or constantly getting on a pedastal when someone happens to comment "against the grain" with their opinion or the facts they may or may not have.

The name calling and general speed at which people are quick to jump up and down on others is pretty astounding. I though all us "young people" were meant to be the ansy, rude and intolerable ones?


But if a person cann't post abuse and personal insults without "knowing" the facts what is the point in posting
Try posting an intelligent thread ... then watch it die a natural death :tease:

#148 bullitA9X


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 05:56 PM

Some enjoy the topic and discussion ... others are just cranky.

yeah i thought this was a forum where we can talk cars and pick each others brains but lately its getting worse everyone seems shitty for some reason so i think if you dont have anything constructive to say maybe you shouldnt say anything at all!!!

#149 _rorym_

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Posted 06 May 2009 - 06:23 PM

Alan has a passion...it is the V8 LJs...He has been on this for years..I know..we talked as I built Yellow..He has an opinion..I respect that...his views are different to mine...I merely ask for evidence.
Throwing crap replies just denegrates the forum...try to be on the topic guys....we all have opinions..lets express them without personal attacks...I am over that stuff.

Oh..and here is a thought...have a 3 minute break before attacking the keyboard to reply if you are worked up....if that happened we might even get to play nice together.
I say respect others opinions..even if they are not yours....and I promise to try and not reply after the 4th drink...that's when I get into trouble myself, so I am doing my bit as well.

Edited by rorym, 06 May 2009 - 06:26 PM.

#150 VitcLJ


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Posted 06 May 2009 - 07:13 PM

this has been (is) an interesting discussion.

Its obvious there are some very passionate people around.

The whole thing with the Felice car is interesting, I reckon the original question has been answered in a roundabout way.
There is no such thing as a "GMH built Genuine V8 LJ" The closest thing(s) were those built by H F and according to the people in the know at the time two of the three were wrecked against the barrier at Lang Lang.

One car may have survived but it was last known with a six reinstalled.

Dealers did build a number of V8 LJ's However you can't consider them "genuine". (They came from the factory with a six fitted.)

The VIN and ID is used by those in the know to establish a "genuine" from a mockup along with some differences peculiar to the type of car for XU1's, A9x's,l34's ETC. I get the impression that even H F's cars did not have ID for a V8.

I reckon the LJ is a great little car and anyone who has one with an eight in it has a fantastic ride.

Whether it"s "genuine" or not doesn't matter, all of them I've come across have been well looked after excellent cars with happy owners.

The only reason anyone would claim "genuine" is in my humble opinion due to ego, hoping to increase the value of said car or plain just not knowing and having bought it as such.

Still keep it going, I along with many others are always happy to get more info, its an interesting area and it may eventually bring a "genuine " one to light. (in my opinion pigs will be defying gravity but hey that my opinion)

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