^^^^^^^^^^^ Same car ??????????
HDT L34 Rally car
Love the Tassy number Plate on the HDT Beast,they must of drove it in Tassy at some stage,i Guess to S/Plains as a HDT Race car
Posted 22 May 2009 - 11:21 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^ Same car ??????????
HDT L34 Rally car
Posted 25 May 2009 - 09:33 PM
Posted 25 May 2009 - 09:37 PM
That car is for sale at the moment at Chris Bowdens place in Sydney.
Posted 25 May 2009 - 10:36 PM
The car you are talking about is in NSWGday Folks
I was looking around a few weeks ago and came across the rally articles. I owned this car many years ago. It was Ed Mulligans and then was sold to Brian Callahan who raced the car at oran park a couple of times. It was sold again to Ken who lived in Glenbrook NSW. I bought the car in full race trim in about 1981. I wenr to see brian and grabbed a bunch more spares. It had all the standard gear and the also the race trim. I rebuilt the car, resprayed it salamanca red. I sold it in 1984 to buy my house. It had just 7,000km on the clock when I sold it. I later sold the spares to the next owner and gave him the photos so he might have them copied. The rally photo I obtained from Ed Mulligan it is a beauty. That is the one on the forum. I contacted the owner some time later and yes the car was stollen. He was without the car for a few years. One day he was driving past a car yard in liverpool and noticed the car on the lot. He called the police and the car was impounded while the true owner was determined. He did eventually get the car back. Not sure what happened after that. This car was a very nice one. It still had the race engine but I had to remove the cam and detune it for registration. I did drive it with the fresh race engine very strong between 3,000 and 7,000 revs. Where is it now? If any one knows or want to know more please post and I will fill in the gaps if I can. Regards
Posted 26 May 2009 - 12:32 PM
Does anyone know the Tassy history on it Rory
Posted 13 June 2011 - 10:42 PM
Posted 07 July 2011 - 01:03 PM
Posted 07 July 2011 - 01:54 PM
Posted 08 July 2011 - 08:17 PM
Hi All, IAP 317 is the same car Harry drove Colin to the 75 Man Champ at Philip Island [back up car for the two L34's trailered down]. Theres a great shot of it going over the San Remo bridge in the "SLR 5000" dvd.
Posted 08 July 2011 - 09:31 PM
Posted 17 August 2011 - 12:20 AM
Posted 24 August 2016 - 09:20 AM
Hi Im new to the board. I was looking through google images and found pics of the Colin Bond L34 rally car which led me here. Yes I read all the posts and know how old they are but thought i may be able to answer some questions posted about this car.
The back on shot of the Marlboro coloured L34 on page 1 is most definitely the ex HDT Rally car raced by Colin Bond at the time of this pic my father was the navigator in this pic and the owner was David Thompson ( tommo ) of Devonport Tasmania.
David owned and raced the L34 for many years in the tasmanian state forests series around the 80's and sponsorship was by Speedy Tyres and Yokohama.
After many DNF's in this time it was decided to replace the M21 with a super T10 and the sulsbury with a 9" .
In the late 80's the car got a full respray and was painted red with reflective yellow signage ( I have pics somewhere ) and still run the same sponsorship.
Around this time my father purchased the car of David Thompson ( swaped a 2 door green 308 LJ Torana for it ) And ran it for a couple more years with Andrew Lawson driving and him still navigating. ( I worked on the crew but was only a school kid back then )
The car was eventually retired from comp and lived in our shed for around 4 years only being driven around occasionally because it ran on avgas and was a pain always having to get drums.
Yes the car was sold to David White as mentioned in a previous post and it still HAD the original engine in it.
DW repainted the car white, lowered the suspunsion and put a side pipe on it and ran it in Targa Tasmania for many years.
If your looking for pics of it ? i could only find 1 on google.
images.jpg 9.2K
and as you can see it was drastically modified from when we had it back in the early 90's
As far as ive been told David still owns the car and its now in SA being restored back to HDT Colin Bond colors
If you would like any more info on the history of this L34 just ask
Posted 01 September 2016 - 12:32 PM
The Bowden's had it for sale, there is a video of it on You tube where they are trying to Sell it. HDT L34 Torana is the video name on You tube.
Posted 01 September 2016 - 12:42 PM
Posted 02 September 2016 - 02:14 AM
Found these ads today for the Mulligan/ Callaghan car today. From memory I think it was about the late '80s.
Posted 30 March 2017 - 12:44 PM
Found another one. Same colour, but definitely not the Ed Mulligan car.
L34 rally (3)small.jpg 84.92K
Plus a couple more shots of the HDT car.
L34 rally (1)small.jpg 72.73K
L34 rally (2)small.jpg 68.35K
Posted 31 March 2017 - 07:17 PM
i used to go on volunteer control duties with my dad and mum when i was a kid
i think part of the light car club of w.a
don,t quote me
way way out in the middle of bum f#ck nowhere
or so it seemed as a kid
my best memories were the massive campfire that we would have
i heard this car coming for the longest time
seemed like it was cumming from nsw wherever the frock that was
but when it arrived at the control point
maybe 1 am
i was in awe
a beautiful dirty brown L34
and when it left the control point
oh what a noise
think it was shepherd
could be wrong
remember the car and the noise not the driver
god dammit he drove it hard
loved it and still remember it 4o odd years later
Posted 18 June 2017 - 12:47 AM
Posted 19 June 2017 - 10:02 AM
So this is the David White car? I only ask because of the differing paint job.
Posted 03 July 2017 - 12:41 AM
I'll stick this up to replace the photo that has disappeared from the opening post.
bf.jpg 32.18K
And then there is this one.
7757222906_d67807df6f_z.jpg 246.23K
Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:05 AM
10450039_1445573225698587_7425203895374410950_o.jpg 117.23K
Posted 29 September 2017 - 09:14 AM
21768399_10212077322240179_5543243608255641053_n.jpg 89.62K
Posted 11 October 2017 - 04:53 PM
Emanl34, hello once again! I still have the photos you gave me as well as a few bits n pieces including the original steering wheel of all things. As eluded to further on, I completely restored the car I bought from you after getting it back and kept it for a total of 14 years until I sold it to a chap who to the best of my knowledge still races it. I was a little misty-eyed the day it left my possession and there are times when I wish I still had it. It was a very good car and had a very strong engine, I replaced the cam and had it retuned to suit and yes, it was on song between 3000 and 7000 RPM. Regards, Whitey.
Posted 23 December 2017 - 04:52 PM
Bond Sheppard '76 Southern Cross.
Bond Sheppard 76 Southern Cross.jpg 244.45K
ED Mulligan '75
Ed Mulligan 1975.jpg 284.06K
Ed Mulligan '75 W.A. round
Ed Mulligan George Sheppard L34 1975 WA round.jpg 146.37K
Vic round '75
First round for HDT L34 Victoria 1975.jpg 125.58K
Mulligan Gocentas round 3 '76
Mulligan Gocentas round 3 1976.jpg 184.66K
Mulligan Gocentas round 5 '76
Mulligan Gocentas round 5 1976.jpg 409.05K
First place round 2 1975
Second round for HDT L34 Victoria 1975 1st place.jpg 158.03K
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