Puberty Blues Tv show
Screen shot 2014-04-30 at 9.08.52 PM.png 477.8K
Posted 30 April 2014 - 11:44 PM
Posted 01 May 2014 - 12:00 AM
Nice Find Marty,
see, getting Married in a Torana is Cool. Dave I
Just need Flares on the Gents Pants hey
Posted 22 July 2014 - 04:16 PM
'Man From Hong Kong' with Aussie ex James Bond George Lazenby as a baddie - features a cool chase
of the Chinese hero driving a VJ Charger by various cars - including an LJ Torana..
Posted 25 July 2014 - 04:33 PM
Ok, found it, Man from H.K., & it was a white/black vinyl roof 2-door LC, & it gets punted through a roadside billboard,
~1:20min in..
Posted 29 April 2016 - 04:00 PM
Most would remember the HG Monaro used as the cop car in "Matlock Police"; GM-H also supplied Crawfords with an LC GTR (KSR-860) which was used as Michael Pate's character's car in the series.
Holden also supplied a HB Torana (KHY-224) for use in "Division 4", although it also popped up in at least one "Homicide".
Posted 29 April 2016 - 07:38 PM
Posted 01 May 2016 - 01:32 PM
Was watching Bruce Lee in 'The Game of Death' last night,
and noticed that what I thought was a Torana,
but when I looked again and took the photo,
the Cascade green car maybe a Viva Vauxhall, 7 minutes into the movie,
having no front door quarter window,
and the blue car does look like it has a Torana bonnet about half way through the movie,
just after the second street parade of dancing dragons, and as the crackers are going off:-
Cascade green Torana look the Game of Death.jpg 45.44K
Blue Torana look the Game of Death.jpg 42.06K
Posted 01 May 2016 - 04:35 PM
The top one reminds me of this
Posted 02 May 2016 - 11:41 AM
Hey the Craig,
I remember that picture, and is still a torana. Needs to be in a film.
The top one reminds me of this
Posted 03 May 2016 - 08:38 PM
Hey the Craig,
I remember that picture, and is still a torana. Needs to be in a film.
It sort of is.
It is a Frankenstein project that someone has done.
Still for sale but no one is biting at $1k
Posted 18 December 2016 - 06:18 PM
Posted 11 August 2017 - 08:53 AM
Edited by Shiney005, 11 August 2017 - 08:54 AM.
Posted 11 August 2017 - 10:35 AM
Posted 20 September 2017 - 06:34 AM
There is a movie called * They call me Mr. Brown * l think about a guy who trys to extort money from an airline ? ( haven't seen it for years ) , anyways towards the end there is what looks like an XU1 police car that pulls up the baddies .
Posted 20 September 2017 - 07:57 AM
*Call me Mr. Brown* towards the end there is what looks like an XU1 police car that pulls up the baddies .
From @ 1:28:36
Edited by StephenSLR, 20 September 2017 - 08:41 AM.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 08:12 AM
Right hand drive Camaro too.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 08:34 AM
Right hand drive Camaro too.
LHD foreign cars in Aus. is very recent. Back in those days all cars had to be RHD for rego here. Not all were mirror conversions, some had a sprocket on each side under the dash and a bike chain linking the steering column on LHS with the new steering column on the RHS and engineers would pass it if done correctly.
Edited by StephenSLR, 20 September 2017 - 08:42 AM.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 08:43 AM
Not in N.T. or W.A. You just had to have a big ugly red and white bumper sticker that read "Caution. Left Hand Drive".
Posted 20 September 2017 - 08:50 AM
Not in N.T. or W.A. You just had to have a big ugly red and white bumper sticker that read "Caution. Left Hand Drive".
I remember seeing those in Sydney but I heard they were temporary so you could drive around to get it converted; they gave you a time limit, had to be converted before your next rego check iirc.
Edit: The cars I seen with the stickers may've also had interstate plates and they were often jeeps, 4WD's, etc.
Edited by StephenSLR, 20 September 2017 - 09:29 AM.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 12:01 PM
Edited by Shiney005, 20 September 2017 - 12:02 PM.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 12:23 PM
Certainly the guys working out at Pine Gap and the radar station near Carnarvon never had theirs converted.
Didn't they enter US soil once they passed the fence?
I recall meeting an Asian looking guy who was a French citizen because he was born on a French military base in some Asian country his parents were from. He'd never been to France.
Edited by StephenSLR, 20 September 2017 - 12:27 PM.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 12:46 PM
LHD foreign cars in Aus. is very recent. Back in those days all cars had to be RHD for rego here. ~
That can't be right? I know they had to have the caution LHD signs on them but I know of a few registered examples...
I remember back in the 70's when my old man had the panel shop they resprayed this massive Cadillac for a guy which was still LHD (and registered in NSW)... pretty sure it was a Caddy, I remember the rear doors were suicide and you could seat about six people across the back seat with their elbows out.
Then there was another guy around here who used to import those old rag-top boxy Citroens from Europe, don't ask me why but he loved the things, I'm positive they were all LHD and he had them registered and used to drive them regularly.
Unless you mean "recently" like in the last 40 years?
EDIT: Now that I think about it some more, I'm sure there used to be a question on the NSW Application for Registration form with check boxes for RHD, LHD or BOTH.
Edited by Bigfella237, 20 September 2017 - 01:01 PM.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 03:55 PM
Unless you mean "recently" like in the last 40 years?
No I mean in the last decade. It may have been permissible in the 70's but somewhere along the way all LHD had to be converted. The govt. changed the ruling recently hence the influx of so many older American cars, we can now leave them LHD making them much cheaper to own. All imported LHD cars built less than 30 years ago however have to be converted to RHD for rego.
I recall quite a few American cars built for the Aus. market, in the 80's a friend had a Parisienne RHD. Some 60's Mustangs were also sent here and converted to RHD in Aus.
Edited by StephenSLR, 20 September 2017 - 03:56 PM.
Posted 25 June 2020 - 07:25 PM
Spotto an LC in a muffler shop on a Telstra TV ad...
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