I thought that it would be worthwhile to start a SMP Register (which may carry on to other collectable cars) to see what we can achieve.
If anyone has a list of those XU-1s built in SMP, by VIN perhaps we can start to account for those that exist.
All cars will need to be confirmed by someone - eg. you've seen one local, but never been able to look it over and check it out - unconfirmed. I have three very good friends with SMP cars but have only ever seen one of them - thus I could only confirm the one.
You cannot confirm your own car - you know who you are!

Lets start it like this, and adjust as required. No full owner names or precise locations please. We came up with 30 built and nine left before if I remember rightly.
Cars built
month/year VIN
1 x South of Sydney - 6/72, VIN................... confirmed by: 82911
1 x Sydney - VIN...................... confirmed by: enderwigginau
1 x Northside Brisbane - VIN............................ confirmed by: unconfirmed
(Yes, but until we actually see it driving to T/fest

1 x London - VIN............................... confirmed by: Miss Pinky
1 x Cairns - Rego: PWH-161, VIN: 82911JH221723, prod: 25.01.72 & stamped 1/72. confirmed by: GML-31
1 x Melb under resto - 6/72, VIN..................... confirmed: unconfirmed at this time
1 x NZ (Ex-QLD), delete rear spoiler - VIN.......................confirmed:rorym
1 x Perth, 6/72 VIN.............................confirmed: not fully confirmed but exists.