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#1 _racyrabbit_

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 08:13 PM

Hello needing to find a particular panel beater in SYDNEY he sells manaro bonnets on ebay ,he says he is in Camdem? Another address i have is in Ingleburn , I have 2 names a LUKE and a Daniel COMER , Can any body supply me with their address ??Just PM or email me the matter is urgent , TREX

#2 _1badgt_

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Posted 29 October 2008 - 07:53 PM

hi you are looking for daniel comer,hope you havent paid for anything from him,brought a monaro bonnet last month,still waiting for it get a different story every day,contact no.0415309812,if he will answer,mike

#3 _racyrabbit_

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Posted 31 October 2008 - 07:58 PM

I got him eventually , and after 2 months got the bonnet , it took a bit of prodding but he saw the light , thanks for help, TREX

#4 _chefsR1_

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Posted 29 November 2008 - 09:23 AM

Hello needing to find a particular panel beater in SYDNEY he sells manaro bonnets on ebay ,he says he is in Camdem? Another address i have is in Ingleburn , I have 2 names a LUKE and a Daniel COMER , Can any body supply me with their address ??Just PM or email me the matter is urgent , TREX

What sort of Prodding as I'm now trying to get my money back as he has sent absolute rubbish and when I asked for it to be replaced he sent even worse quality gear and still only received half my order and thats after 10 weeks. He now says he's arranging to claim on insurance but say's he has to arrange pick up and inspection of parts and then repair or replace them. I've got his ABN No. ,trading names, 1 address in Ingleburn, a privates phone No. from his Ebay rego. and 2 bank acc. no. I'm thinking of going to Fair Trading. Any ADVICE would be greatly apprecciated.

#5 _bathurst-racer_

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Posted 29 November 2008 - 07:47 PM

Yep, Dept of Fair Trading and/or if he is selling stuff though a panel shop then the Motor Vehicle Repair Industry Council.

#6 _mercsilver_

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Posted 19 January 2009 - 10:37 PM

This sounds very familiar,had dealings with this DANIEL HAMILTON COMER,from CAMDEN, ABN:90 607 127 267,now selling under the business name of AUTO PANEL COLOUR SUPPLIES, on Ebay was under the sellers name of frances_live; timmy_live21: volvo.power;now I think there is a new one on there,but not selling any more,same feeback,no communication,no response to emails ,sends incomplete, damaged,disgusting paint work(air bubbles),ova 3 months wait 4 goods,does this sound familiar. If you know any more info on this guy,please e mail me & we can do a swap meet on him.

#7 _branmet_

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Posted 21 January 2009 - 08:01 PM

he's doing the same thing to me. i have been waiting 3 months for a monaro bonnet, and have heard nothing but bullsh*t from him. its a different story everytime, when you can get onto him. i questioned him about this site and he blamed his brother 'luke'. he has told me i can send a courier up there friday but he wont give me an address for his factory (make sense of that). its really annoying. can anyone tell me how they ended up getting there items?

#8 _mercsilver_

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Posted 22 January 2009 - 07:14 PM

Hi there, for everyone that has been ripped off by this guy, get onto your computer type in business.gov.au, put in his ABN no: this will show all his so called registered business names,

Next type in Office of Fair Trading &Trader Services (NSW GOV. DEPT of Commerce). Thank you

Lodge a general complaint. Next step is to ring your local Police (you�ll have to talk to a detective whom knows about online fraud, make a statement, than you�ll have to get them to do a stat. dec, to have your info forwarded on to "Online fraud squad" Sydney police HQ Parramatta, or give them a ring & explain what�s going on 02)88359270, the more complaints lodged the quicker.

This guy will be shut down, we've got evidence from all round Aust, have spoke to quite a few, & emailed, try ebay feedback ohmygoditsallme0404, different name same mobile.

You don't want the gear, its pure shit. I've just maybe $4k+ on pure crap.

Edited by tinkers, 24 January 2009 - 05:51 PM.

#9 _easprint_

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Posted 24 January 2009 - 11:30 AM

Hello people...I am a Ford man...But i'm in the same situation as all of you. I found this topic after doing a search for Daniel Comer on google. My transaction with him was done privately..not on ebay. I puchased a Bonnet and side skirts and then i posted him a Boot spoiler. This was in mid December and now he doesn't wanna answer his phone or respond to messages. I have a copy of his drivers licence and also the address were i posted the spoiler to which includes a signed delivery note. Maybe we could organise a road trip to go see him?

#10 _branmet_

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Posted 26 January 2009 - 07:59 AM

hey mate, im all for a road trip to go see him. what address was on his drivers licence? im thinking about headin up in the next couple of days.

#11 Tiny


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Posted 26 January 2009 - 12:05 PM

Hey Guys.

It's terrible to hear of dogey people like this around the place.

As some others have suggested above, PLEASE make sure you make OFFICIAL complaints and follow them through. Use the legal and official channels that are open to you rather than by taking any sort of peronal action as if this guy is not permanently shut down then others can and will be taken as you have been.

Once again i urge you to go see the local police with evidence of this fraud, and also to contact the office of fair trading and any other authorities that can bring their power to bear on this low life.
But please.. follow it through. Even if your case is resolved individually follow the proceedings through till this bloke is finished.

#12 _jensvs_

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Posted 30 January 2009 - 09:24 PM

Hey, can i get this guys address as i have a mate who is going to pay him a visit as he is also rippin me off for a few months and still waiting for my bonnet that i bought off him on ebay and sick of all the lame excuses and rude txts from him. We all should join together and get this dude to stop his trading as he sounds like his doin it to alot of people and getting away with it. I have contacted ebay and reported him to them to stop him trading on there and ebay has instructed me to contact the police also. So if anyone could give me adress that would be grately appreciated and if anyone would like to take this guy down and report him let me know as alot of us together will get it done quicker through the police.

#13 _mercsilver_

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Posted 30 January 2009 - 10:08 PM

Don't know if this will be posted,but my son,my mechanic,&myself did go to the CIB & all they could say was "Cannot do anything for you,have to go to small claims",what aload of croc,"there's a lesson to be learnt,"don't buy stuff of Ebay,what can I say to that,well I did buy off Ebay & my rear bar turned up 2day, [email protected] & ask for Grant,mob:0409182869,you won't be dissappointed.As for the other just do it the right way,read the other posts which should give you enough info on the hows,well we've got a PI on his tail at the moment,as all info has been passed on to him,in sydney.

#14 Tiny


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Posted 31 January 2009 - 02:58 PM

Thanks mercsilver for pointing out someone who has obviously been able to provide you with good service! That's always good to know!

Again i emplore you all to take all LEGAL means to ensure that this bloke is shut down. I'd be contacting the ACCC and/or any governing bodies whom he may trade by ( MTAA?) to discuss what options they could undertake to shut him down.


#15 _mercsilver_

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Posted 31 January 2009 - 08:52 PM

Hi Tiny&,I like to trust people & take them on their word,sure there are alot of reputable people out there but since August 2008,I have come across 12 people,plus the ones on this forum whom have been shafted by this person,if you require any further info or peoples names etc,whom have been affected by this character & assoc's, I will gladly re-contact them by phone &ask if they don't mind if I pass them on to you.he has been operating since 2005,so no doubt there are alot more out there.Well the cops over here don't want to do anything,so come Monday will be back at consumer affairs(fair trading in NSW) to see what else can be done.I have a confession to make I am aford owner,but am in the process of re-vamping an EK holden ute,its been sheded for the last 10 years up on the farm,just got a bell housing to suit a celica 5spd,& sigma bucket seats fit in real easy,this is a ground up build,proberly take a few more years but it will be worth it.I work to do up my cars,& it gets pretty expensive when d...heads rip you off. thanks for all the advice,I just hope everyone else heeds it also.One more thing,seeing your an adminstrator,can yuo tell me why I keep getting warning signs on my posts, thanks.

#16 Tiny


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Posted 31 January 2009 - 08:59 PM

Hiya Mercsilver,

Ford owner or not, your always welcome here! (I own a ford too... as a daily.. but i try and keep that a bit hush! heheh!)

Unfortunately there is not much we as the forum can do to help the situation other than to have threads like this warning (Without defaming) of the dodgey dealings that seem to be occuring.

Can i ask what you mean by warning signs on your posts? If you mean the "Warn : (0%)" Bar, that is on everyone's posts and it's only visible to the admins. It's just our system to be able to keep an eye on unruly members and give them a warning if they overstep the mark. It's nothing to worry about unless you start seeing the % rise! (Which i'm sure you wont!).

Hopefully some of our members who are more up to speed with teh legal system might be able to offer some advise on how to track down and shut down this bloke so he cant rip others off in teh future.


#17 _daniel01_

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 12:26 AM

can all people involved in this chat please prepare the following item/documents.

all payment details relating to the purchase
all names and payment dates
all ebay user id's

in the next few days i will be posting a contact number please phone this number and the issue's will be fixed if possible

thank you.

#18 _daniel01_

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 12:31 AM

all issues will be rectified please phone the number posted in the next few days

#19 _jensvs_

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 10:12 AM

all issues will be rectified please phone the number posted in the next few days

Well hello Mr Daniel Hamilton Comer or is it Ben James Wilson or every other name you have used? If we ring you in which we all have your number anyway are you going to answer even if its a private number? Im sure we have all wasted enough money in phone calls to you. And if we do decide to ring you how long will it take you to provide us with our money back or with our item? another 2 to 3 months? Really mate we are all off better going to the police all at once to have you shut down for good and to get our money back!

Edited by jensvs, 01 February 2009 - 10:16 AM.

#20 tinkers



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Posted 01 February 2009 - 02:17 PM


#21 _mercsilver_

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 03:37 PM

All I can say about this subject is "KARMA",seeing is believing.Australia is a big country,its amazing how the internet makes it seem so small.I have never met so many people in the same situation;I-d just like to say "hello" to all of you,I think ours voices have been heard, eh,we'll see in a couple of days.

#22 _wallys_

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Posted 01 February 2009 - 05:32 PM


#23 _branmet_

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 08:13 PM

anybody else notice the lack of this phone number he talks about? its another lie, ive been trying to contact him for days and although i have been able to talk to him he still wont give me the info needed to get my bonnet. i wish he would get his act together. im going to stop wasting my time and money chasing him down and seek help from the authorities like most of the other people in this forum. you know my number daniel, when youve actually got something useful to say call me.

#24 _easprint_

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 08:18 PM

Im hearing ya Branmet. Im trying to keep the peace, because i want my stuff. But i suppose you can only give someone so many chances.

#25 _branmet_

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 08:24 PM

ive given him too many chances, it was mid november i paid for my bonnet, $690. was my xmas present and i didnt see it, now a month after xmas still waiting and no closer. ive got all my reciepts, emails from him, phone msgs from him so ive got plenty to got to the authorities with, ive tried with him but he couldnt care less!

Edited by branmet, 04 February 2009 - 08:25 PM.

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