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#26 _mercsilver_

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 09:25 PM

Well a couple of days have come & gone,the pressure must be just too much,& still no contact number,have given benefit of doubt,.Tomorrow I will be in contact with Parramatta,to push this further.Had time to think this over(August 08),how in hells name can you rectify all the no show of goods/all of the s..t work/all of the incomplete orders that we have paid for.I give you no sympathy,You deserve all that you get,plus more.Should'nt do shonky deals with people,as you can see you have a huge following, for being popular in the wrong ways.

#27 _branmet_

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 09:45 PM

cheers to that. i hope he comes down in flames. everyone has been more than patient with him, enoughs enough.

#28 _daniel01_

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Posted 04 February 2009 - 10:45 PM

i wil do my best to rectify all ssues regarding delivery of your items.
i have left a contact number below if everyone can please contact me

I need all details regarding your purchase.
delivery details.

some of you have already been contacted by phone, i wold appreciate as you get your item to advise other members of this site so you all are aware who has been fixed and who has not.

again, there is extreme cercumstances here, this is not the place or time to air them. i understand wrong have been done, with your co-operation I WILL FIX THIS.

please all of you phone me asap, sms is better for me but phone calls are fine. if i do not answer i will call back.

please keep in mind i want to fix this. please help me.

MOBILE NUMBER: 0415 817 946

#29 _MindGames_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 06:47 AM

Lets see what happens...shall we.

#30 _jensvswag_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 08:53 AM

Lol another phone number Daniel the phone companies must love you hey? And no one is going to be satisfied until they get their money back or the goods they bought of you! So none of us will post nothing until you have come through. Told you thats wat you get KARMA for being dodgy. :tease:

#31 tinkers



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Posted 05 February 2009 - 09:48 AM

Jensvswag & jensvs: On this forum members are to only have 1 login not many. If you forgot your password use the correct process please.

jensvswag will be deleted.

#32 _mercsilver_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 10:36 AM

Well,thought it was to good to be true,rang the above number this morning,all we got was "RESTRICTED CALLS SWITCHED ON",like you really want to sort your crap out,not happy Daniel,see you soon,eh.Got a business meeting in the next 2 weeks ,ain't far to get to your area. Be seeing you.LOL. KARMA says it all. :nopity:

#33 _MindGames_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 12:47 PM

By the way. Heald rd is vacated now. Try minto area

Well,thought it was to good to be true,rang the above number this morning,all we got was "RESTRICTED CALLS SWITCHED ON",like you really want to sort your crap out,not happy Daniel,see you soon,eh.Got a business meeting in the next 2 weeks ,ain't far to get to your area. Be seeing you.LOL. KARMA says it all. :nopity:

#34 _mercsilver_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 01:38 PM

By the way. Heald rd is vacated now. Try minto area

Yeah I know,from 2 weeks ago,know area pretty well,grew up around Holsworthy army base,cheers for that anyway :clap:

#35 _branmet_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 03:55 PM

hi guys, i havent tried that number yet but i did speak to him last night and he was making an attempt at getting my bonnet to me (even if he was being difficult about his address). so, im yet to hear more from him but will keep posted with how it goes....hopefully he will actually come through hey?

#36 _easprint_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 04:28 PM

So he's still alive then?...i cant get him on either number.

#37 _jensvs_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 05:41 PM

Try this other number as well 0404552686 but on this one his name is ben. And yes he did speak to my partner lastnight cause he wont speak to me cause i have giving him heaps about my bonnet i havent recieved. He has claimed he wants to resolve but claims he now cant send my bonnet interstate cause he cant organise it but hes willing to drive it to the courier company of my choice so go figure!Prob cause ill find out his adress. Is that right Daniel?

#38 _branmet_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 06:36 PM

yeah, same problem im having with him being able to deliver it to a courier company but im not able to pick it up. i am going to contact him tonight again so if i get anywhere ill post it.

#39 _mercsilver_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 07:05 PM

Try this other number as well 0404552686 but on this one his name is ben. And yes he did speak to my partner lastnight cause he wont speak to me cause i have giving him heaps about my bonnet i havent recieved. He has claimed he wants to resolve but claims he now cant send my bonnet interstate cause he cant organise it but hes willing to drive it to the courier company of my choice so go figure!Prob cause ill find out his adress. Is that right Daniel?

Can't do interstate freight,normally uses NQX/Toll with a fictisous driver called greg, & an incorrect cart note and when the gear turns up ,its all damaged,
& not from freight,my spray painter here said he wouldn't touch them(he takes pride with his work),done all wrong,pop rivets hanging out,bonnet scoop not put on straight(on angle),paint well what can I say,shouldn't paint over wet paint,& it helps if you sand them down.He can have his s..t back & refund $4.5k,maybe he'll have to sell his king cobra golf clubs,onya danie/luke/ben.Nice drivers licence mate.

#40 _darrenmark1_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 07:23 PM

No offence to any of you, it is very unfair what this guy has done to you. All you can do is report this dude, and that is it. Bite the bullet. Give all you info to fair trading etc. But they will probably do stuff all. all you can do is spread the word that this guy is a prick, it's amazing how fast it can travel.
I know you have all lost a lot of hard earned money, but take it from experience it is better to move on. What goes around comes around. He will get his in life, unfortunately there is to many people out in the world that are like this guy. I have met a few, but what can you do? Try to buy from people that you know or have heard of that are good etc, Ebay watch out, look at the feedback! this will tell you a lot, i would never pay over a couple of hundred for something of a private person. Business names are only $75.00. anyone can get one! doesn't mean you are registered. If it is more than you can afford to loose, pick it up! COD. then if they don't have it you don't loose. Or pay a deposit until they have it. No more than 20%. Or COD post it that way you don't have to pay until you see the goods. As you deal with more people in your life, you will see the true nature of people, and let me tell you 95% are out to line there own pocket and stuff you. Be careful out there.

#41 _branmet_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 07:36 PM

hi again guys,
i just got off the phone to him and i am able to pick my gear up tomorrow, pending on an address. if i actually recieve the goods i will post it and maybe it will be a step further to everyone getting there stuff. hopefully mine will be in good condition and i can move on.

#42 _jensvs_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 09:22 PM

We actually spoke to him as well lastnight and he said excactly the same thing so watch out buddy hes full of it.

#43 _mercsilver_

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Posted 05 February 2009 - 10:15 PM

All my paper work is all sealed up (2 copies),one to fair trading & 0ne to Parramatta.Thats it for me guys,may I suggest you all do the same,only way,

#44 _easprint_

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 06:34 AM

Yeah...I'm just about over it. I'll give him a couple more days to contact me.

#45 tinkers



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Posted 06 February 2009 - 09:54 AM

He is asking people to contact him, not him contact you.

To be honest I would have done the fair trading thing long ago if someone ripped me off.

#46 _2DR_

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 10:20 AM

i feel for you guys i have been there except my dillema was a motor . cam tunnel was 40thou out and snapped the cam resulting in bits of camshaft rolling through the whole motor stuffing it completely and i let it sit for 12 months because i didnt know what to do , before i bit the bullet and went to fair trading .
it got resolved very quickly and was happy with the result .

so in my opinion take action before waiting for this fool to stuff you around even more

#47 _wally_

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 12:46 PM

Yep my paper work is up and ready to go..I always new it would pay off keeping copys of absolutly everything! Office of Fair Trading have been emailed and have spoken to the police and they are eagerly awaiting the paper work. Have also left a message for Mr Comer on 0404552686 you have 1 hour!! Just realised I can add yet another name to the list he scamed us with the name LUKE COMER!!!

#48 Collo


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Posted 06 February 2009 - 12:54 PM

I've been through this over a dirtbike we bought about 6 months ago. Won't go into it now, but suffice to say, Fair Trading sorted it out and we eventually got our money back.

#49 _jensvs_

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 01:56 PM

Wally try Ben James Wilson too with that same phone number cause thats what ebay gave to me

#50 _wally_

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Posted 06 February 2009 - 04:16 PM

Wally try Ben James Wilson too with that same phone number cause thats what ebay gave to me

Cheers will add to police paper work if anybody else has any thing else to add let me know Ive now got quite a folder to hand over!!

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