Posted 14 November 2008 - 08:53 AM
With any gathering of people you are going to have differences of opinion. And that difference is what makes the world go around, and makes us individual.
As a moderator/Admin it's a really difficult line to walk whether to close a topic, delete it, warn or suspend a member for what they've said or done, But it HAS to be done at times.
When i was first asked to join the Mod team, It was stated to me that the forum "Self Moderates" to a large extent and that we rarely need to intervene. The problem is that people seem to be more willing to personally attack and taunt other members based on their comments and beliefs.
I remeber a time when we would "attack" a rotary owner who came on here, Mostly out of fun than anything malicious. But what we've noticed these days are members who actively seek out and attack other members for their ebay ads, projects, plans or the percieved value of their equipment. Now think about it if it was coming the other way!
You've got an item for sale and youve got a value in your mind that YOU think it's worth, yet someone comes along, Or even a few people come along and "tell him he's dreaming", and often not in such a nice way! Understandably you'd be angry and likely to retaliate with comments toward that member which only bring another retort and on it goes.
As much as we possibly can we like to allow "Free Speech" but unfortunately this is more and more being taken from us in many ways.
Those members who see The admins removing a post as "anti-free speech" should have a look at the value of that thread to the forum as a community.
IF the thread was started only to say "Geez have a look at this bloke's car in the trading post for $150,000... he's a dreamer" - and he comes on and starts a tirade of abuse, What value has that thread added to the forum? None in my eyes so it's fit for removal.
If a thread descends into chaos due to some posts, then those posts are pruned as much as possible and the thread either left to run it's course, or closed.
This thread comes up from different people about every 6 months or so, so it's about due again.
And yet again all i'll say is this:
If you cant say anything nice - dont say anything at all
If you have a negative comment and MUST say it - think about HOW you word it... that can make a HUGE difference.
We all try our best, The mods/admins AND the members, so let's try and keep helping each other out!