A9X four door MHDT promotional cars ??
Posted 09 December 2008 - 08:20 PM
I believe ther were 2 A9X four door MHDT promotional cars, is this correct?
I believe as with the hatchs they were they prepared to resemble race cars - roll cages, harness, even L34 spec motor etc. is this correct?
Does anyone have pics of 4 door examples?
Thanx for any help
Posted 10 December 2008 - 06:32 AM
HDT used one ex race L34 converted to A9X specs as a promo car, this car is now in Peter Champions Brock Experience museum.
One hatch had a roll cage in it and a few other little mods the other was stock, not sure about the sedan, I think it had a cage from memory.
One hatch is now in Tasmania, the other in NSW while the sedan is is SA. Holden had another hatch which was the car used in the magazine "Torana from Viva to Victory" and it's now in Tasmania, it's in last weeks Auto Action. Several dealers also had hatches painted up and there was at least one other road L34 converted to look like an A9X in race colours
_chrome yella_
Posted 10 December 2008 - 08:19 AM
Posted 10 December 2008 - 03:10 PM
great info, although I had an oppurtunity to have a little chat with Harry Firth at sandown (november) and he suggested that there were (in addition to upspec L34) 2 A9X sedans and 4 A9X hatches completed for promotional work?
I am aware of the South Australian example. But due to harrys comments I looked into a little further and belive there were two 77 A9X sedans released to Internal GM-H public relations dealer codes?
is this correct?
does any of this ring true to any A9X Heads?
does any one have a pic from the days?
thanx again

Posted 10 December 2008 - 05:58 PM
Posted 10 December 2008 - 07:47 PM

thankyou 05torana,
anymore info on these promo cars anyone?

Posted 10 December 2008 - 08:09 PM
Posted 10 December 2008 - 08:32 PM
now that you mention it I think I can remember a photo of this second promo four door a9x in an early wheels mag???
I say this because it had a number plate that started IXT ???
it was decaled in mhdt colours. and had a role cage.
can anyone help with this???
Posted 10 December 2008 - 08:38 PM
Posted 10 December 2008 - 08:41 PM
Posted 10 December 2008 - 09:36 PM
I can only sumise that the 4 door promotional car is possibly the vehicle that is described 6 sections down the same page as it is directly above the 2 door hatch that Brock used when he was photographed with the other two door promotional vehicle IXT-374 that clearly did have a roll cage on the front cover of Motor Manual back in February 1979 that according to the Holden Torana performance manual does show the 214 dealer code. Does anybody know how to find the tread that relates to the photograph of the 4 door promotional car when it left Holden.
Posted 10 December 2008 - 09:49 PM
215= GM PR Sydney
Posted 11 December 2008 - 12:04 AM
Does anybody know how to find the tread that relates to the photograph of the 4 door promotional car when it left Holden.
I did a bit of a search:
Posted 11 December 2008 - 04:17 AM

great info,
I'll start looking into some of your suggestions.
As discussed in one of the threads, does anyone know where this second four door is now and confirm the other part of its
reg IXT-???
more pics?

Posted 11 December 2008 - 04:39 AM
Ref the picture of the promo 4 door A9X. (in before mentioned thread)
there was some debate if there was a full cage in it?
Does the SA promo car have a full cage?
and if not could that possibly mean the car in the pic is the other victorian promo car I remember?
more pics? I'm sure there out there!

Posted 11 December 2008 - 04:44 AM
Click on "More Search Options"
I typed in "A9X promo" first and on the second search "Promotion".
There are pages and pages to wade through if you have time.
A lot of pictures were lost when the forum was re-vamped a few months back but all the text is there.
Joshua might be able to shed some light on how to find old pics (forum admin.)
Good luck!
Posted 11 December 2008 - 02:46 PM
thanks for all your help everyone.
but anymore help or leads, photos would be great.

Posted 11 December 2008 - 05:36 PM
RED did your mate in the A9X club have anything to say about it?.
The photo was taken in Glenorchy in Taz -- it was sent over by WD and HR Wills who of course flog Marlboro durries.
The local rep had it for a couple of weeks and done the shopping centre's etc and then it moved on
Tim doesn't rmember any roll cage as such (self abuse) but he does remember it being a very tight fit -- possibly due to a roll cage being fitted The photo suggests that as well
Have the reps name but weather he will be of any help or is even still round (Marlboro will do that to you)i dont know.
LXXX-- have quizzed him again and he cant add anything further, the rep was the girlfiend at the times dad
Cheers D
Posted 11 December 2008 - 05:46 PM

Posted 11 December 2008 - 06:40 PM
Every bit of info helps.
I'll keep on digging.
this must stir up something out there somewhere?
Just another thing that might help, when I spoke with Harry Firth he stated that when these four door vehicles went in for up specing that the original motors were removed and replaced with L34 visually speci engines, then later retro fitted with original motors prior to release to sale?
Does this sound correct??
Posted 11 December 2008 - 07:07 PM
This is a photo i took at the 2007 Phillip Island Historics. It was owned at the time by a guy that owns the 73 Brock LJ in the background. He apparently bought it of a guy in Adelaide who had owned it since it was retired by HDT. It had not been restored since used by HDT. He has since sold it for I think around the $500,000 mark.
It's amazing how stories start.
This car is the one used in the Torana Viva to Victory magazine and also used in The Muscle Car Legend. This is the third hatch I spoke of, it wasn't one of the 2 owned or used by HDT and Marlboro. It was a Holden internal car but spent most of it's early life in SA. A guy here in Sydney owned it for a while and sold it a few years ago. It went to Tasmania and has since changed hands again, it was in last weeks Auto Action. I don't know about the price, but I don't think it was that much. I don't belive it's been restored, the guy from Sydney refitted all the signage to it, but the MARLBORO is a little thin. It was also used on a crate suspended in the sky at Bathurst in 1997 when Brock retired. This car had some work done to the engine reportedly by HDT but it was reasonably mild.
Swarbs, I believe the car you pictured is the car owned by a SA member. He is on the site, but he has changed his name here. He started the thread about the L34 gathering at Phillip Island next year.
Posted 11 December 2008 - 07:42 PM
Would your mate have any more photographs taken of the car showing the number plate that would clear up any doubts as to which of the two promotional cars it is.
REDA9X are you able to access information on the registartion numbers of both the cars.
Dont know if both the 4 door sedans had the same treatment in respect to the fitment of the rollcage, L34 spec engine.
As was the case with the two hatchbacks where the Brock/Harvey car IXT-374 clearly shows it had a rollcage and IXT-375 is shown without a rollcage and was described as a 5.0 Litre L31 engine by the writer of the Wheels publication.
Posted 11 December 2008 - 08:56 PM
Posted 11 December 2008 - 09:13 PM

Here's IXT-374 in my shed last year
It has a cage
Posted 11 December 2008 - 10:02 PM

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Edited by slr5640, 11 December 2008 - 10:04 PM.
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