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#76 tinkers



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Posted 08 January 2009 - 09:08 PM

You guys are just as bad as the dickheads at the Nats. Have you never seen a set of tits before?


#77 _evil UC hatch_

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Posted 08 January 2009 - 09:11 PM

...... the entrants, they are killing off the thing they love with selfish stupidity.


thats got to be the wisest thing that I have heared in a long time, very true

all they have to do is tell the d**khead spectators encouraging it to p**s off, they keep acting like that cos the entrants keep doing burnouts when they are told to

all I have to say to that guy in the Camero is suck that, I had a bit of a giggle when he popped the radiator/hose (whatever it was)

and that commodore doing those donuts with all those people standing around, what a moron!! accident waiting to happen

*rant over*

#78 _Herne_

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Posted 08 January 2009 - 09:37 PM

You guys are just as bad as the dickheads at the Nats. Have you never seen a set of tits before?


LOL I am always open to be shown another set Tinks ;) And no, I didnt see any displayed at the Nats this year, I was too busy with my car to be where the trouble spots were.


Edited by Herne, 08 January 2009 - 09:40 PM.

#79 _CraigA_

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Posted 08 January 2009 - 09:51 PM

This is what I don't like about Summernats:

Completely dumbfounded at that video????????????????????

Go figure why this event is going to the shitter. Over the past 20+ years I've been to lots of car events and have never seen that sort of behaviour.

We all love a few too many beers but WTF???

Ban the grog and the tit focussed MTV outcasts and get back to being the main showcase for Aussie car enthusiast.


#80 Heath


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Posted 08 January 2009 - 10:36 PM

Did this excitable group of young pissed males element even exist when I was born? I just can't picture that happening in the days that I've seen footage of

#81 _slydog71_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 07:45 AM

Wow just watched video unbelievable stupidity , I think Chick needs to take a long hard look at where he is taking summernats and understand that it defines street machiners / car lovers as a group . ( not a professional look )

Security was evident in alot of the footage but with so many drunken yobbos I would assume that security putting their life on the line is not worth the hassle. ( Alot more security is needed )

I could also recommended life bans from all car shows (organiser to ban together for the better of the sport) for cars owners doing the wrong thing and general spectators caught mis-behaving as well. (hard line approach)

The summernats needs a new direction and fast !

#82 _NRV051_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 08:31 AM

I have said in the past and I will say it again. These wankers are the reason I will never ever go back to the summernats. As usual the minority group destroys what was once a great event.


#83 GML-31


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Posted 09 January 2009 - 10:34 AM

This is what I don't like about Summernats:

But I still need to go...

what a bunch of wankers....
fancy putting your face into an engine bay where the hoses just split...
some people should just not be served alcohol

#84 Heath


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Posted 09 January 2009 - 11:26 AM

As usual the minority group destroys what was once a great event.

But I don't think that that is even the case. Obviously these dickheads and worse examples than most, but it seems to me (yes I haven't been there so I am just going off footage and second hand information) that a very large amount of the people there think it is okay to pressure the women there to rip out their tits, or burn some rubber in an inappropriate environment:

You might only have 10 dickheads in a group of 50 that are gonna be stupid enough to run up to the car, but if the other 40 look impressed when a driver smokes it up, those 10 will make it look like other 40 are just as stupid and excitable , unless the other 40 are up the back shaking their heads and telling the 10 dickheads to leave the entrant alone

(there's a difference between 10 dickheads egging you on and 50 dickheads egging you on)

#85 _NRV051_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 04:13 PM

Heath you are correct. But when I meant minority I meen the people there who dont own a nice car, they prolly have a 500 clam commonwhore in the car park ruining it for those of us who do have the nice cars. Either way they are still dickheads and should have been dropped on their heads at birth. Also the Nats get around 100 000 people there over the four days so lets set a minority at 10% which still allows for 10 000 dickeheads as a minority. Thats a lot of dickheads in one place in one weekend. 10 000 dickheads are very noticible so maybe I am right when I call them the minority. The fact that they gather in two main areas on the cruise circuit (Tuff street and Main street) makes them even more noticible.


#86 _LHoon_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 05:22 PM

Ban the grog and the tit focussed MTV outcasts and get back to being the main showcase for Aussie car enthusiast.


Unfortunately the grog is where the money is. It seems Chic Henry is a businessman before he is a car enthusiast.

#87 _LHoon_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 05:28 PM


Have any of you actually written to Chic Henry about this? It wouldn't be such a bad idea to send him that video, along with a few suggestions.

My number 1 suggestion is to control the sale of alcohol in designated areas only. No consumption of alcohol outside of that area.
Second suggestion would be to start selling alcohol after midday.

#88 _Herne_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 06:12 PM

Second suggestion would be to start selling alcohol after midday.

Mate they didnt open the bars (sell booze) until 12 noon on the Friday and the idiots were well pissed by mid afternoon and getting out of control before tea time.

Thursday on the other hand was a great day (no booze sold until 6:00pm) Am pretty sure I have that right....
The difference in the days/evening was very noticeable and Saturday as we all saw and know was the worst.

I am sure Chic is aware of the consequences of drunken idiots and enjoyed the grog free Thursday but on the other hand the bars probably help pay his bills. Perhaps the correct approach is to make it no alcohol at all and get other sponsors in to help with the money side of things.
Having said that I noted in that video that idiots were smuggling in what looked to be half bottles of bourbon. Again another security matter....


#89 _HRV74_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 07:50 PM


Have any of you actually written to Chic Henry about this? It wouldn't be such a bad idea to send him that video, along with a few suggestions.

My number 1 suggestion is to control the sale of alcohol in designated areas only. No consumption of alcohol outside of that area.
Second suggestion would be to start selling alcohol after midday.

Hi all
Yeah I wrote a little letter to Chic early last year. I sent the same letter to SM who printed it in the March 08 issue. They did edit the letter a bit, but the point was still made. At Summernats 21, they promoted the Friday as "Family Friendly" which I thought was an absolute croc - this is why I referred to it in the letter. The unedited version of the letter was more critical than the one they printed. I didn't get a response from Chic. Having said that, Thursday this year was good.

Posted Image

#90 _Herne_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 08:02 PM

Nice letter Harvey :) What a shame that the sound advice freely given wasnt heeded.
Thursday this year was proof enough that alcohol free days do work.


#91 _HRV74_

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 08:10 PM

Indeed they do, another reason why I'm looking forward to Powercruise.

Back on the cars, check out this beautiful LJ. Has run 10.38 over the quarter (no gas!!) and made it into the Elite Hall, even though the owner, Frank, only originally intended entering the Street class. Not sure if you're on here Frank, but top stuff all the same! :spoton:


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#92 LX 0076

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 08:42 AM

Totally agree with you Harvey. My wife and i went to the nats ( 20 / 21 ) and have vowed not to go back due to the event having lost its way. This is a shame as i would have liked to one day take my kids to enjoy the excellent cars on display.
As Harvey stated Powercruise is the go, the whole family went last year as spectators and we loved it. Tough cars, grate attitude and no booze make for a great day out. The comentators even chucked my kids on the pa and they were extatic.

#93 _Herne_

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 09:05 AM

Crying shame you ^^^^ took that stance this year, Thursday was the perfect environment for entrants and families alike.

Of course we weren't to know how perfect Thursday would have been though.


#94 LX 0076

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 12:40 PM

Crying shame you ^^^^ took that stance this year, Thursday was the perfect environment for entrants and families alike.

Of course we weren't to know how perfect Thursday would have been though.


Yeah i can see how thursday would have been good, however saturday is the main day of the nats and since we have to travel 12hrs round trip (and further for others) it would be nice to have thursdays enviroment across the whole weekend.
Anyway my point is horses for courses. The nats dont suit this horse anymore, where as Powercruise does. Each to their own.

#95 _keith1962_

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Posted 10 January 2009 - 01:29 PM

Powercruise seems to survive every year without booze & all
entrants can be breath tested at anytime, so if things like
summernats come to Sydney you can rest assure it will be
booze free, which means a low rate of dickheads will be
present but not for long as they are not tolerated.

thats my rant

cheers Keith

#96 FastEHHolden



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Posted 10 January 2009 - 07:16 PM

(o) (o)

^ :P

If it comes to Sydney expect the police responce to be much harder.

Umm Struggler... where is the link to the forums that was talked about about a page back????

Edited by FastEHHolden, 10 January 2009 - 07:21 PM.

#97 gtrboyy


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Posted 10 January 2009 - 10:41 PM

HRV74: I spent some time checking out that red lj...she is a beauty!!!

#98 _NRV051_

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Posted 11 January 2009 - 05:06 AM

Hey guys I was just reading a Tattoo mag and there is a four page article on these guys in the video. We may want to be carefull about what we say about these people as individuals as they are loaded and would have sufficient resources to sue if they wanted. They own an online entertainment buisness called shock mansion, they also own crooked uniform skate clothing, and have a photography buisiness under there wings. They are the face of high roller energy drink also.

#99 _trna76hb_

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Posted 11 January 2009 - 05:38 AM

I heard the grog sponsors have pulled out of summernats, not sponsoring it any more.

That is why he was thinking of taking in to Sydney next year?


#100 GML-31


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Posted 11 January 2009 - 06:52 AM

Did this excitable group of young pissed males element even exist when I was born? I just can't picture that happening in the days that I've seen footage of

no Heath I think we were brought up a little differently....
I say bring back the days where a little discipline was allowed starting at home and school.
Going back to the old days... the local cop would give you a kick up the arse if he saw you doing something stupid.

I still cant understand the youth of today going to an event, then getting so drunk that they cant remember it the next day, why go, stay home and get pissed and leave the enthusiasts to enjoy it without stupid incidents, oh and by the way I know you Heath dont come across as one of these dickheads, just a shame there isnt a lot more like you.

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