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TINY's HQ Monaro Coupe

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#151 _Keithy's_UC_

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Posted 30 March 2007 - 02:20 AM

^^^ What he said!! I'm intereste to hear some more info about your new combo... Has it run down the 1/4 yet?


#152 orangeLJ


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Posted 01 April 2007 - 02:00 PM

Hey Tiny, what was that interior quote for (what material, vinyl, velour, leather etc)
and for whichparts?? so just the front and rear seats, or carpet and stuff too. i can put you in contact with the bloke who did my interior (family friend) and he is pretty decently priced too. works from his shed at his house so gets things done quickly as he is always down there to avoid the wife. :spoton:

#153 Tiny


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Posted 01 April 2007 - 08:45 PM

Hey guys! it's been a while ( Just a bit!) since i posted, Thanks for bringing it up!

Unfortunately due to a hectic workload I've not been able to run it down the 1/4 mile yet. THe afternoon i took off work to do it we had a monster storm in sydney!

As soon as i get time to get down there i'll let you know.. May not be till well after the drag day though!

Orange: the quote was for nearly 6 grand, It was in a faux suede material, and around $1200 worth of cutom carpet ( i think it was mercedes or porsche carpet that i loved). Front and rear seats, door trims custom made to suit the spakers etc etc etc. I'm not *too* worried about the interior for now, ive got a dash to re-do to fit in all these gauges i got, and also the "new" stereo that i got for xmas... LAST YEAR! (05!!!)

Will keep you guys updated as to the drag racing, but the car is just running so nicely now that i'm enjoying cruising it every opportunity i get!


#154 _GMH355_

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Posted 01 April 2007 - 10:10 PM

Tiny, I have been reading about this car and finally saw it in the flesh, metal so to speak. You have done an awesome job. Well thought out and executed project, engine bay is a treat with some impressive hardware. Goodluck when you decide to go out to WSID.

Bet it felt good opening her up on the highway during the GMH-Torana cruise :spoton:

#155 Tiny


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Posted 02 April 2007 - 08:07 AM

Heya GMH! Thanks for that mate :) yeah it does feel ( and sound!!) great when your able to bury that right foot a little bit more than normal! It makes all the headaches worth while :) Thanks for the comments mate!

I'm still kicking myself that i didnt get a chance to have a good look at your beast, especially under the bonnet!! Next time for sure!


#156 lxsstorana


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Posted 02 April 2007 - 02:13 PM

I agree with GMH, it was great to finally see your car. Sounds and looks great. All that hard work and money has paid off. Here's a photo from our run on 31/3/07 to refresh your memory,

Cheers Mick.

Posted Image

#157 Tiny


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Posted 02 April 2007 - 03:38 PM

Thanks Mick! It's just great to be able to get out there and drive it at the moment! MOST of the dramas have been sorted so i'm pretty happy right now!


#158 Tiny


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Posted 30 January 2008 - 05:10 PM

April 2... 2007.... Shit hey... a while has passed!

I dont really know wehre to begin other than to say that things have been going well with the old Q of late!

I put it back in with Mark from Eze-10s today for a dyno tune.

And well... the fuel mixtures were absolutely perfect and after stuffing around with the timing we found a whopping 7 horsepower! Goes to show that mark had the tune VERY right using his skill and lambda meter!

This is the first time this engine has been on the dyno and it ran a best of 367hp at the bags. I'm pretty happy with that!

The next thing is the stallie, I've priced one but it's going to be my wedding gift to me :P It'll be done after the wedding :)

Just thought you might like to know the result!

#159 _GMH355_

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Posted 30 January 2008 - 07:02 PM

Hey Tiny, coming along nicely. Now that fuel supply is no longer an issue, bring on that converter and we will see what times the beast can do. :spoton:

Edited by GMH355, 30 January 2008 - 07:03 PM.

#160 Gump


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Posted 31 January 2008 - 05:04 PM

sounds good tiny. have your run any more 1/4 mile times recently? or is racing on the back burner till after the wedding/honey moon?

#161 Tiny


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Posted 31 January 2008 - 09:11 PM

Hey Guys!

GMH355: Yeah fuel supply is great now, 8-9Psi consistant and spot on mid to low 12s in the air fuel ratio! Gotto love 02 sensors!

Gump: Last time i ran was at the GMH-T night and i ran consistant 12.0s all night, I havent been back since and i dont think i'll get time till well and truly after the wedding!

Picked her up tonight.. was a shambles of a night for weather!! We got hailed on BADLY in the ford, luckily there was no damage! THen the trip home was in full driving rain... still loads of fun :P

Anyway will keep you posted with some more info as things progress!

#162 _82911_

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Posted 31 January 2008 - 09:35 PM

We got hailed on BADLY in the ford

There you go hey...... Great weather man I'd make... :blink:
Think I'll stick to rings and things....

Cheers Greg..



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Posted 01 February 2008 - 09:44 AM

Tiny, man that is making some serious power now!!!!

367HP @ wheels = 273 kW, very impressive mate!

What size stallie are you going for, and who will be making it, TCE???

All the best for the upcoming wedding too!

#164 Tiny


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Posted 01 February 2008 - 04:41 PM

Greg: That's what i thought too! :P Ahh well no damage done!

Brett: Thanks mate! I think it's pretty cool at the moment, very drivable and enjoyable and 367 at the treads is nothing to be sneezed at ( Yes.. that was a lame attempt at ricer humour LOL )

The stallie will be a TCE, Mark spoke to Phill there and game him all the specs and cars intended usage... Stallie is going to be rated at 3800RPM, however i'm assured it'll drive nicely away from the lights too!
Hold it hard on the foot brake and it'll probably see around 3200 and it would take a trans brake to get it to the full 3800 stall speed!

I'm going to race the car ( one of these days) as it is now, before the stall to see if the tuning gave us anything at all, but i think teh real test will come after the big day when we get that stallie done and REALLy see what it can do!

Driving it home in the pouring rain last night was an interesting thing.... Cruising down the M4 and just gave it a stab into the secondaries and the revs came up.... the engine unloaded and i just didnt go anywehre at all! LOL! Felt rather funny actually!

There were a few other things where i can chanse some more power if i'm keen too and one area is the exhaust... i could go ALOT bigger in the main system to and we all think that would show some gains. Dont think i'll bother at this stage though! I'll race it how it is.. then with the stall.. THEN maybe drop the pipes off and see how much THAT makes!

Thanks again guys!

#165 Tiny


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Posted 28 October 2008 - 07:15 PM

February.... What kind of an updater am i!! - Hopeless!

Anyway, Lots has happened since my last update and most of it has been driving!

The car's been going extremely well, We've taken it on all manner of cruises including a run to Orange and around the mount (Oh what a drive!), Lots of around town cruises and even a little racing thrown in there.

I've been saving since the wedding to get my Stallie done as i mentioned before and it's FINALLY happened!

We asked TCE to build us a stall that will enable the car to drive reasonably in traffic, but still carry the revs needed for some hard launches at the track, and supply one they did!

Ive found that the car drives away from lights at about 2500Rpm with "aggressive" throttle, yet idles along in traffic without too many hassles, and when you stand on it... Whoa!
On the brake i can see around 3200Rpm before we start to push through the brakes, and a flick of the throttle and off the brake just releases wheelspin! I've made myself a problem! TRACTION!

It's really woken the car up... the way it revs, and how nicely the gearbox shifts is just awesome.. I cant wait to race it now. Just have to find the time off work one wednesday!

Other than that, we fitted a big trans cooler, gave the gearbox a service.. and pin pointed an oil leak that's hassled me for ages.. the damn balancer! It had a ridge above where the keyway was and that damaged the seal! Anyway.. a new balancer solved that and we're good to go :)

Anyhow, That's about all ive got at the moment, We're going to get out more in it now that it's summer so keep an eye out for some more video, but here are a couple of little clips from a monaro club cruise we went on the other weekend!


Oh yes... the sound!





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Posted 18 November 2008 - 06:04 PM

I finally get to go for a ride in your beast Tiny, next time take the movie from the driver�s seat and I�ll feel like I�ve had a drive.

That little blip and cherp in the tunnel put a smile on my face.........you hoon, I�d never do anything like that !!


#167 Tiny


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Posted 18 November 2008 - 07:23 PM

*GRIN* HSVGTS, Your welcome to come for a drive any time mate!

Hoon eh, Takes one to know one? :tease:

Ahh i love it mate! I just cant get enough of the feeling of acceleration! It's just a shame that the tyres dont like it as much as i do :P

I'll be sure to take some more video, And with a propper video cam next time too! And HOPEFULLY it'll be on a closed road/track somewhere so i can REALLY demonstrate the sound a bit better! :)

Cheers mate


P.s (Halil... dont you say ANYTHING! i know your reading this! :P )

#168 orangeLJ


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Posted 19 November 2008 - 08:04 AM

All the christmas party attendants that were standing around after pizza are reading this and laughing right now.... hahahaha :P

#169 Tiny


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Posted 20 November 2008 - 05:32 PM



#170 _CHOPPER_

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Posted 20 November 2008 - 07:34 PM

So did you overcome that vibration issue on launch?

#171 Tiny


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 06:15 PM

Actually Yes thanks chop!

We stiffened up the rear konis full hard (adjusted tight then backed off one turn so they werent bound), and have changed tyres since we had that problem!

Havent changed anything else but it's dissapeared! (in a cloud of smoke! heheh!)

Cheers mate!



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Posted 26 November 2008 - 06:46 AM

"So did you overcome that vibration issue on launch?"

Lucky it wasn't a faulty o-ring in the rocket booster..........you would have been in some serious shit !!

#173 Tiny


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Posted 26 November 2008 - 03:34 PM

LOL! NASA - Need Another Seven Astronauts!

All i can say is i hope i dont hear the same noises we heard in the TT when i DO get to give it some curry!

Cheers mate :)

#174 Tiny


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 05:04 PM

And a little update!

I've recently used 2 "Seal Tabs" - a great little product that i found via another forum for the cooling system.

For those who dont know, I was suffering some kind of water leak in the engine. Basically the oil was clear, Rocker covers were clear of water yet in the catch can there was thick emulsified milkshake and the cooling system was drinking about 100-200Mls of water on a good drive.

I used 2 of these Seal Tabs ( if you need more info on these.. PM me!) and Viola! THe catch can now contains only "clear" water and oil nicely separated and the cooling system now doesnt drink water any more! I'd say it's a victory for the stuff!

Anyhow, Since then i've been driving it a bit, Cruising here and there and getting a feel for how it drives with the new stallie.

Just after Christmas it came time to rip it off the road and commence the dash install however!
I took the dash out of the car and ive spent the last few days Drawing up the replacement fascia so i can head to work (hopefully tomorrow) and cut it on the CNC Router! Then we'll see how good i was ( or wasnt!) with my measuring and CAD techniques!

I'm installing Autometer Guages, Speedo, Tacho + Shift Light, a Warning light and buzzer as well as switches for all the essentials! along with my Alpine Stereo that was a Christmas present 3 years ago!

I've taken some pics of the "before" and the "during" wiring - and i'll post some up as i get some more time.


#175 Tiny


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 08:52 PM

Some may have seen the Wiring diagram i drew in Autocad, but of not see below!

I've also added my other Autocad work which is the dash layout all in actual size ( well.. the full file is actual size... the PDF is compressed to fit on A4!)

Lots of stuff to fit into not alot of space in the end! I'm considering buying the mini prolite warning light AND mini shift light to help save some space around the centre of the dash!

The square you see is actually the bottom part of the original guage that housed the normal Brake fail and Altenator light.. I'm going to re-use these so as not to give myself more headaches with charging circuits with the altenator... I'm considering using the third port as a temperature warning light (standard incandescent bulbs) to make the other circuit more simple!

Let me know what you think!


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