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Its Official - GMH-Torana.com.au\QTCC Drag Day at Willowbank

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#51 _Pallbag_

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Posted 09 March 2009 - 09:51 PM

28 March benno81

#52 benno81


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Posted 10 March 2009 - 08:31 PM

cheers mate will b there and there better b somone that can show the rice burner how to do it there lol

#53 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:41 PM

hehehe unless that burner is running sub 11's I reckon we should be well and truly ok.

There are some pretty heavy hitters coming along I can assure you of that !!

#54 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 10 March 2009 - 09:48 PM

awe, i could have won a trophy :/

dam my torana and it's myriad of problems

Bring one of your other cars then mate. Chuck on a skirt and skimpy top and I'll even consider you elligible for the chicks trophy (you wil have to shave your legs though) :D

#55 _Pallbag_

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Posted 10 March 2009 - 10:11 PM

Hehe the rice burner wont be any real threat.

When we were at Roma last (1/8th mile), we were both struggling to out do each other, so if we both break into low 15's or high 14's we will be happy.

308NUT and others wont need to be scared!!!!

#56 _Big T_

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Posted 11 March 2009 - 02:12 PM

Update on Trophies and Prizes.

C&G Auto Upholstery (Boomfunk's business) has kindly sponsored a Trophy with a great prize.

The Quickest Torana (Male) now has a $150 Gift Voucher from C&G Auto Upholstery attached to it !! How good is that :spoton:
The Most Entertaining Run will be a GMH-Torana.com.au Trophy with negotiations currently underway for prizes.
QTCC will sponsor one or two trophies. Possible prizes will be free membership or membership renewals to the club (I still need committee approval for this).

Stay tuned for more sponsorship and prizes. If anyone else would like to pitch in, give me a hoi. All a sponsors will recieve 12 months worth of advertising in the "Torana Times (QTCC Newsletter)".

#57 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 11 March 2009 - 11:22 PM

Brian from Street Cruising has kindly offered to come out and cover the event for his online magazine. Check out Street Cruising HERE

#58 _mumstaxi_

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 12:44 PM

Please add 14RCD to the list Mr T (payments posted today)

Its only a VK, but it will give Sarsha another "commodore" to race (it has run 10's tho) :rockon:


#59 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 12 March 2009 - 01:03 PM

Excellent, Thanks MT I will update my spreadsheet.

I'm stoked hey. Xtreme Holdens Magazine are coming out to cover the event too now :spoton:



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Posted 12 March 2009 - 01:19 PM

Hey Tone,

Have you fixed that orange clapper of yours? :tease: Can it make it more that 100m now? :tease:

#61 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 12 March 2009 - 05:14 PM

I will see on Saturday mate. I ordered some go fast bits and they arrived today.

BTW - does anyone know how to hook up NOS? :P

I spoke to Willowbank today and we have access to the tower where the announcer dude sits and where the times for runs print out. As I will be busy on the day running around taking photos, racing, meeting and greeting folks etc I was wondering if any would be interested in doing a bit of announcing? Even if it is just for 15-20 mins whilst your car is cooling down or what ever that would be great. We dont NEED an announcer but I reckon it would a bit of fun for the day.



#62 _rocket_

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 07:48 PM

U have a way with words Benno !

#63 _rocket_

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 07:49 PM

Which dissappear quick

#64 _Pallbag_

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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:05 PM

We should get RIM to do some announcing, he never seems to shut up - where is that lad lately ???

#65 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 12 March 2009 - 08:09 PM

I wanna what benno said which disappeared?

#66 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 18 March 2009 - 03:11 PM

Willowbank has been paid. We are all systems go for The Drag Day on the 28th.

The following have all paid and secured their places. I still need to hear from Rollo and NSS308. If you guys are out there and keen, give me a call on 0410 032 727 so I can organise payment with you.

We still have a few trophies looking for a sponsor. If you have a spare $15 and want to sponsor a trophy, please let me know. So far C&G Auto Upholstery, Rodomo, Myself, QTCC and GMH-Torana.com.au have kicked in sponsorship and/or prizes. Big thanks guys !!

Steve (mumstaxi) will be judging the Most Entertaining Run. Make sure you have his attention before you decide to blow a diff or pull a half track wheelstand.

I will be judging the Best Burnout. Make sure you have slipped me a sly $50 before lighting 'em up.

I am still looking for announcers as well. C'mon guys, surely some else out there apart from myself likes the sound of their own voice?

Feel free to add or correct the details I have for your vehicles.

# Name Club Model Engine
1 Big T QTCC UC 308
3 Mums Taxi GMH-T LX?
4 Skapinad GMH-T LJ 202
5 boblhslr GMH-T LH?
6 mra9x GMH-T
7 Juicey QTCC LX
8 Tim QTCC VY Ute 350
9 Possed QTCC LX 308
10 Brian QTCC LX SLR 308
11 Torana308 GMH-T LJ? 308
12 waz355 GMH-T LX 308
13 308nut GMH-T LX 308
14 Brett QTCC UC 350
15 Stains QTCC LH SLR0 308
16 Glynn QTCC ?? ??
17 David QTCC LX Hatch ??
18 Pallbag GMH-T SV8 ??
19 Rod QTCC ?? ??
20 Cactus AUSV8 HQ 308
21 casiered GMH-T LX 350
22 casiered GMH-T LX 400
23 Shorty QTCC UC ??
24 Murray QTCC LX 308
25 DAMO Other Doof Doof
26 PRO 192 QTCC
27 Carby Col QTCC LJ ??
28 XU1 Dave QTCC LX SS 308
29 Mandy79 QTCC LX 308
30 14RCD Other VK
31 Scott Other VC

#67 _mumstaxi_

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Posted 18 March 2009 - 11:13 PM

Steve (mumstaxi) will be judging the Most Entertaining Run. Make sure you have his attention before you decide to blow a diff or pull a half track wheelstand.

:bowdown: Thanks Mr-T, I do wonder if someone not racing a car may be a better/more fair judge of this tho ?, as much as id like to watch "every car" run down the track, i will (unless my car broken) be in the staging lanes getting ready to race my own car and could miss some important stuff ?

How about i just sponsor the Trophy instead ?....... call it a exemption from judging fee :spoton:

(PM sent)


#68 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 19 March 2009 - 12:06 AM

No worries Steve. PM sent and I am looking into a judge for the GMH-T sponsored "Most Entertaining Run".

BTW - Looks like Just Holdens magazine have kindly offered prizes, sponsorship and a write up. I just need to confirm something with the admin team to get this happening.

#69 _Pallbag_

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Posted 19 March 2009 - 05:57 PM

Good point about racing and prob being in the staging lanes most of the time, I got a couple of mates coming with me, I'll ask if they might be interested in being judges of the burnouts ...

#70 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 19 March 2009 - 10:14 PM

Pallbag - We need a judge for the Most Entertaining Run. I have the Best Burnout covered already. Ideally some GMH-T representation for the Most Entertaining Run is sought, however if none is forth coming, I personally dont have a problem with your mates judging it.

GMH-T members, does anyone have a problem with this, or does someone want to put up their hand to judge?

I still need big mouths in the tower too while I am at it. The alternative is me mixing up a collection of John Denver and Aqua to play over the PA..... your choice. :D



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Posted 20 March 2009 - 07:18 AM

If someone wants to fly me up... I'll happily be a judge! :tease:

#72 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 20 March 2009 - 08:38 AM

Your flight is booked Matt. Go to Tullamarine and hop on flight UC308. You will have to go the Dreamer Airlines terminal. Flight departs at 5:30am on Saturday morning. :P



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Posted 20 March 2009 - 08:41 AM

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Am I allowed carry on baggage?

#74 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:16 AM

Leave your baggage at home mate, we dont want your problems in Queensland !! You can bring your car though, we like Orange Toranas up here :D

#75 _mumstaxi_

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 10:28 AM


Don't fly with that ^ Airline they have the worst ever maintanence record, as they don't do correct pre-flight inspections.

Below is a photo of a plane apprehended by the Aviation Safety Bureau ,you can see that they clearly missed a HUGE CRACK ! in one of the windows.....

Posted Image



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