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#26 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:22 PM

well mabe rorym, u should find something else 2 do, ho yeh and take your fan club with u.

cheers gong

#27 wot179


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Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:25 PM

So ya gunna buy that yella car and complete the collection or WOT?

#28 _Skapinad_

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:29 PM

We know Aldo...we know...its been done to death..

Back to bashing the LJ's Rory ? Get over it man... you dont even own one !

#29 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:32 PM

most likly not with an engine number like that, i will wait.

cheers john

#30 wot179


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Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:36 PM

No doubt one will turn up.Plenty to do in the meantime.Cheers,Craig.

#31 Dr Terry

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 08:17 AM

no doc,, it was the xu-2, gmh built 3 of the suckers before thay where canned, i think thay where to use the ht prefix slr 5000 motor in them.

cheers john

John, as the others have said, the XU-2 thing has been done to death, so I shall move on.

Having said that, the HT engine prefix was for the LH 5.0-litre engine. The H part stood for LH & the T bit stood for 5.0-litre. The engine prefix for an LJ XU-1 V8 would have been 'JT' or even 'JZ' for an L34 spec engine, if they ever got to that stage. But being prototypes, they either had no engine numbers, or had QT or perhaps even 308H type prefixes.

Dr Terry.

#32 _1973bathxu1_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 01:52 PM

hi the engine numbers were QT 1----- for the V8 lj toranas

the SMP xu 1 was QT 1-----

the joe felice orange was also QT 1-----

i have records of these cars

regards aldo

#33 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 02:30 PM

The last to drive it at Lang Lang test track , was the durability manager he was in the car on the track , and was called in and told to park it ,because the project had been scrapped. I got to talk to him , when I was chasing the history of my GTR



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Posted 02 April 2009 - 03:50 PM

It is a fact that there is no such thing as a factory built * 72 bathurst XU1 * . Yes, there were cars released with normal evolution changes to homologate bits 'n pieces for racing ie : lightened flywheels , different diff ratios etc , but as far as there being a list from the factory with numbered cars on it to actually PROVE their existance , well it just does not exist or else it's been lost , so how people can claim that their car is a * bathurst * model is beyond me .

There are 4 major components in determining what a 1972 Bathurst LJ GTR XU-1 is.

1 : The 1972 C.A.M.S. Rules
2 : The 1972 C.A.M.S. Homologations
3 : The VIN DISC (The List)
4 : Research

1 : The 1972 C.A.M.S. Rules
Put simply : Holden were required to build a minimum of 200 cars to complete eligibilty or a homologation. For C.A.M.S. to accept a homologation 50% 100 cars needed to have been sold of the required minimum 200 cars. Gearbox and diff ratios required that 100 cars be built per ratio.

Some snipets of the 1972 C.A.M.S. Rules :

Posted Image

A required minimum of 200 cars were needed for both eligibility and homologation purposes.

Posted Image

A minimum of 50% 100 cars needed to have been sold of the required 200 cars before C.A.M.S would accept the new homologation.

Posted Image

Gearbox and diff ratios required that a 100 cars be built per ratio.

Posted Image

Newly homologated wheels needed to be fitted to the cars, this was also the case for track.

Posted Image

There are no specific rules in reguards to camshafts, flywheels or springs. Only that a required minimum of 200 basically identical units be built.

Study these, and learn them, and understand them.

There will be a test class........ 10 questions.........

Next we move on to homologations

#35 _Drag lc_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 04:16 PM

i didnt realise the 72 model was so contraversial then again when i owned my 72 xu1 was never really aware of this .

Thanks Hayden

#36 _Drag lc_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 04:20 PM

but i have since got a copy of the cams books for lc and lj but never really took much notice of them.

#37 _rorym_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 06:54 PM

well mabe rorym, u should find something else 2 do, ho yeh and take your fan club with u.

cheers gong

Ho Hum...

#38 _rorym_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 06:57 PM

Back to bashing the LJ's Rory ? Get over it man... you dont even own one !

Not bashing the LJs Adam...just the constant shit fight on whom is the most knowledgable on them
Personally I think Bruce is the man when it comes to XU1 research....and Dr Terry...the rest are magazine grazers...as they say...a little knowledge can be dangerous...as has been proven above. But I will leave all you boys to finish your pissing competition.

Edited by rorym, 02 April 2009 - 06:58 PM.

#39 _1973bathxu1_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 07:33 PM

rory actually what cars do u own ive noticed that u have an L34 number plate i take it that u own the real deal

the only thing that fly again xu 1 is that he keeps working around the cams paper work

that dosnt mean that holden built cars to keep cams happy no offence bruce i go by holdens records

i didnt learn about xu 1 toranas by buying magazines i learnt buy buing them 100s of them in my 36 years

i have tons of paper work and blue prints from GMH that ive collected over the years

its a pitty that there is arguments about these cars

ive just started reading about the L34 and the A9X tiff, we should helping forum members not attacking them

regards aldo

#40 _rorym_

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Posted 02 April 2009 - 09:47 PM

Mine are all replicas Aldo...I did the concourse thing...got fed up with arm chair jockeys pointing out what was wrong with my car ("Its got no GTR badges on the interior doors! all XU-1s had them!)...I have had about 9 XU1s over life...Did you really have 100s???...You would be the biggest single owner of the most then...I agree on the arguments..and basically thats my point..it is always about/between LC/LJ owners.....rarely do LH/LX owners have the same crap fights...havent looked at the L34/A9X thread yet but will now but if it's a "mine is bigger" fight...that would be the first one here of LH/X owners I have ever seen...same cant be said of the smaller car owners. There are many stories on here and privately of people trying to pass off cars as XU1s that are not the real deal..guess it's just easier with the LH/X models to guarantee authenticity.

Edited by rorym, 02 April 2009 - 09:50 PM.



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Posted 02 April 2009 - 10:16 PM

the only thing that fly again xu 1 is that he keeps working around the cams paper work

that dosnt mean that holden built cars to keep cams happy no offence bruce i go by holdens records

ive just started reading about the L34 and the A9X tiff, we should helping forum members not attacking them

regards aldo

Its simple Aldo, C.A.M.S. makes the rules Holden follows and yes Holden did build cars to keep C.A.M.S. happy. Holden had to follow the rules set down by C.A.M.S.
Yes we should be helping forum members not attacking them.............

Question 1 : How many 1972 LJ GTR XU-1,s did Holden build in the months of January & Febuary ?
Question 2 : Why were these cars built ?

PS : The answers to these 2 questions are on page 180 in the Fiv book................

#42 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 06:39 AM

REPLICA RORY,,, thats the name, jumping on peoples post, and lippen off just to run up your post count so you look important, to your bat-off-man and boben followers, come to think of it that is the reson u have so my suporters, [kids like cartoon caricters] .

if you didnt notice, i started this thread asking about the engine number on a 8/72 bathurst block, other people jumped on with the done to death shit.
mabe we should just live this forum for you to post in and then sit back in our citys and watch all the replicas pass as by,and as to knowing about lcs,,, tell me something about them, i #@$^%& you and all the jugheads up with the difreance between an adelaide and brisbane car, whom answerd the question ???.

back to my original comment to you replicaman, if you dont like the post, dont tally up in it.


#43 _rorym_

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 07:17 AM

Build a bridge John..Keep your personal attacks to your dribblers. Water off my back.

#44 _TJ253_

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 09:54 AM

Jhon why the personal attack? Im a fan of the L34 replica probally a better car then any Lc
also what is caricters

#45 robj


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Posted 03 April 2009 - 04:18 PM

Hi Fly,

Yes, the first 200 of the LJ's looks fine, and you have also posted a production certificate for these first 200 in a previous post.

What would be good to see is a production certificate for the later LJ's. I don't think i have ever seen any of these posted before.

Aldo has mentioned that he has a copy of the 73 bathurst production certificate which details the mods in many pages. Maybe Aldo, you could share the first page, as it would be great to see some hard evidence rather than speculation based on the almighty vin disk numbers.


#46 frash da bucket

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 04:42 PM

Hi John Gong,

There are differences on the 9/72,and compared to a different one made in a different month.I have had my bathurst special for 20 years now.The corking compound inside of the front guards and quater panels is put in by hand,you can feel the hand marks.The lips on the front and rear guards are rolled up and corking compound is behind them,to stop water and dirt and to stop them from rusting from inside out.The paint work was very thin on it when i purchased it in 1989.It was red paint over the black panels no undercoat at all.Its never had a boot mat or a tank cover,the tank is painted black,and i have left it that way.Now the interior,there is carpet on the floor,its never had under felt ever fitted,and i have left that way also.The corking compound behind the kick panels is also done by hand and smoothed off.So all of the special vehicles,i think were done in this way for lightness so they can be raced on the track.

Regards John.

#47 Zook


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Posted 03 April 2009 - 05:30 PM

I agree wholeheartedly with John G.

Rory, you sit back there, with your poor punctuation, shooting your mouth off at every opportunity, most times to be proven wrong shortly thereafter. Then you come back with some bullshit (rationalisation) about having been there and done that as if that was enough to justify the garbage you come up with. It�s not. LOL. Stop living in the past man!

Shame you don�t have an XU-1 now hey? You know you wish you did. Otherwise you wouldn�t keep putting shit on threads about original LCs, LJs and their owners.

You are a hypocrite when you accuse others of personal attacks. When you tell someone to �move on�, that�s a personal attack. It�s condescending and arrogant, and coming from a guy who has nothing, it�s laughable. In fact, I�m laughing now :D .

Caricters, TJ, Ca ric ters. Sound it out slowly and you�ll get it. Consider the context in which it is presented.

Oh, and LCs are the best!

Except if you own an HB, TA, LJ, LH, LX (got one myself actually � it�s the best), UC, GTRX, Sunbird, etc.!

#48 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 06:10 PM

Personal attact, what ever, jump back in you bat-me-off mobil, u silly old cockhead.

now that ^^^^^ could be personal, why dont you hit up your mates the admins,, and get the job done right.

has to you tj253, where was your name said by me,,,,,,,, well


#49 _Skapinad_

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 06:13 PM

:clap: well said Zook.

and John... ROFLMAO... worth the potential holiday !

Edited by Skapinad, 03 April 2009 - 06:17 PM.

#50 _Skapinad_

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 06:29 PM

Hi John Gong,

There are differences on the 9/72,and compared to a different one made in a different month.I have had my bathurst special for 20 years now.The corking compound inside of the front guards and quater panels is put in by hand,you can feel the hand marks.The lips on the front and rear guards are rolled up and corking compound is behind them,to stop water and dirt and to stop them from rusting from inside out.The paint work was very thin on it when i purchased it in 1989.It was red paint over the black panels no undercoat at all.Its never had a boot mat or a tank cover,the tank is painted black,and i have left it that way.Now the interior,there is carpet on the floor,its never had under felt ever fitted,and i have left that way also.The corking compound behind the kick panels is also done by hand and smoothed off.So all of the special vehicles,i think were done in this way for lightness so they can be raced on the track.

Regards John.

Hey John,
It is possible that these changes were done in the 17 years before you purchased it ?? Not trying to rain on your parade, but mine also being a 9/72 still has the original boot mat and tank cover, well given their condition I think they are and the tank certainly has never been black.... i lost all my PM'srecently so cant remember how close yours is to mine in the production line,but I will check out the corking compound tomorrow..any chance of some pics so I know exactly where to look...? I know my guards are all definately rolled. Is another tell tale sign no radio ? none in mine, never has been and the oldblanking plate has seen better days....

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