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The great debate mark 2

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#1 _outer control_

_outer control_
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Posted 19 April 2009 - 07:40 PM

APL started it all when he got involved in the great debate L34 against A9X.Personally i have a HB SL auto which is,nt a rocketship not like the mighty TA.That extra 41ccs makes all the difference.
Unlike europe who stayed with fours we got distracted to building sixes to help local content.
Bring it on! :tease: :clap:

#2 rodomo


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Posted 19 April 2009 - 07:49 PM


#3 wot179


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Posted 19 April 2009 - 08:21 PM

I once saw a man drown in a pool of rice custard because a nearby automatic HB couldn't pull him out of it.

#4 _HB1200_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 08:25 PM

I think the HB is the clear winner!

Its space-aged styling was well before its time and with a driving experience like no other (in a good way :D ) its hard for any other 4 pot to come close!

#5 _NZ Toranaman_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 08:28 PM

At the end of the day the HB is a Vauxhall Viva and was the one of the best things that Holden ever did as it gave it the basic chassis and frame to build the LC :)

I owned a HB here in NZ and decided I would try and blow the engine up, I lived in small west coast town and it was parked out in the street where I placed a brick on the accelerator after watching it for several minutes went inside and made cup of coffee and then went back outside but it refused to blow up so after about 15 minutes at full revs I turned the engine off much to my neighbours delight. The conclusion I got from this was it never had enough power to blow up.

#6 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 08:50 PM

Is it Outer Control or Outer Bounds??

I was cruelly drawn into the last slappin contest.....
You should kneel at the sight of the mighty HB.....the forefather of the mighty breed.


#7 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 08:54 PM

At the end of the day the HB is a Vauxhall Viva and was the one of the best things that Holden ever did as it gave it the basic chassis and frame to build the LC :)

I owned a HB here in NZ and decided I would try and blow the engine up, I lived in small west coast town and it was parked out in the street where I placed a brick on the accelerator after watching it for several minutes went inside and made cup of coffee and then went back outside but it refused to blow up so after about 15 minutes at full revs I turned the engine off much to my neighbours delight. The conclusion I got from this was it never had enough power to blow up.

NZ Toranaman

Maybe it was tougher than you gave it credit for..


#8 _outer control_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 09:25 PM

At the end of the day the HB is a Vauxhall Viva and was the one of the best things that Holden ever did as it gave it the basic chassis and frame to build the LC :)

I owned a HB here in NZ and decided I would try and blow the engine up, I lived in small west coast town and it was parked out in the street where I placed a brick on the accelerator after watching it for several minutes went inside and made cup of coffee and then went back outside but it refused to blow up so after about 15 minutes at full revs I turned the engine off much to my neighbours delight. The conclusion I got from this was it never had enough power to blow up.

I also tried to blow up a HR ,s engine at my mates 21st.Just kept going so i drove it home.Tough cars.
HB 1200 should also pull his head in as they are only 1159cc so maybe he should be HB 1159.
I made a mistake in my original post as the TA was nearly 141ccs bigger.Yesterday i bought all the dealer press release material on the TA the car for its time.Standard 8 transistor radio built tough for aussie conditions not english byways.A real car economical new stylish grill and taillights a real rare desirable car.Would have to be a great investment. None at toranafest 2008.Rare and desirable i rest my case. :spoton:

#9 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 09:37 PM

Outer Control

The marketing campaign should have been " TA the car wasting its time waiting for the Gemini to arrive " :stirpot:


#10 _outer control_

_outer control_
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Posted 19 April 2009 - 09:58 PM

APL you should be pulling your head in too as the mighty TA also was available in big block form and overhead cam.{gemini 1600cc} TA 1760cc plus OHC my dream car.Even A9X owners only had 1 engine available to them no big block.I rest my case again as they were also available in 2 and 4 door.2 doors had that superior rigidity just like the a9x 2 door according to red taxi.Maybe thats where THE XU1 and A9X 2drs got it from as they didnt race 4 dr LCs and LJs.Ulitimate TA is a 2dr bigblock 4 speed to rotate those 12 in tyres.

#11 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:12 PM

Don't go there outer...

As with other optioned models, including XU1's and L34's ( Yes OPTIONS ) the HB also had a performance option called the BRABHAM.

I don't recall one for the TA...big block or not.


#12 unclefestal34s


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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:20 PM

i use have brabham lawn mover pretty much on par with the ta torana in power ratings...horsepower plus

#13 _outer control_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:23 PM

Harry was influencing Holden when the TA came out bright trendy colours like barbados not inca gold silver mink white something or other no wonder they had to put a black stripe on the bonnet to toughen the brabham up .Put triple carbys on it instead of two and it still wouldnt put wind up the TA big block.If the brabham was a real race special they would have put plastic bolt ons like the L34 and A9X i rest my case.

#14 rodomo


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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:25 PM

:D I'm awake now. Funny stuff yoose blokes! :clap:

#15 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:26 PM

i use have brabham lawn mover pretty much on par with the ta torana in power ratings...horsepower plus

Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it Festa...
You obviously got rid of the most collectable of any of the models.


#16 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:31 PM

Harry was influencing Holden when the TA came out bright trendy colours like barbados not inca gold silver mink white something or other no wonder they had to put a black stripe on the bonnet to toughen the brabham up .Put triple carbys on it instead of two and it still wouldnt put wind up the TA big block.If the brabham was a real race special they would have put plastic bolt ons like the L34 and A9X i rest my case.

The Brabham only needed the stripe and blackouts to look tough.
Didn't need the bolt on plastic prosthetics like some in the range.


#17 _outer control_

_outer control_
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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:46 PM

The Brabham only needed the stripe and blackouts to look tough.
Didn't need the bolt on plastic prosthetics like some in the range.


Thats getting a bit personal APL as i see you have a torry with strap ons {sorry bolt ons.}
The TA was the final evolution of little big wheels like the XB was to the GTs and A9X to L34s.We all know the XY HO was the real muscle car but didnt have 4WDs like the XB and the L34 was the muscle car but didnt have 4WDisks either, i rest my case as the brabam had neither muscle car status or 4WDs.

#18 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 10:50 PM

Ah, but you are wrong outer.
The HB Brabham is classified as an Australian Muscle Car.


#19 _outer control_

_outer control_
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Posted 19 April 2009 - 11:04 PM

Maybe for once in my life i was wrong ,now i dont feel complete as a person because i dont have a brabham.If anybody knows of one for sale they could PM me.I could possibly consider a trade in of my barbadose TA small block , but its a two door very strong those 2 doors.I really want a big block anyhow.

#20 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 11:11 PM

Good luck with that quest outer....I only know of one other genuine one in SA.
May be easier to import one of the English variants, but I heard from a good source that they crush cars older than 10 years.


#21 _APL_

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Posted 19 April 2009 - 11:58 PM

To summarise so far....not in any particular order.

HB's and TA's have similar horsepower.

Four door automatics are not as fast as two door manuals.

The TA had a choice of a small or big block.
The HB had 3 engine options - Standard, Series 70 and Brabham.

The HB was the forefather of all Toranas.
The TA was the car of its time while everyone was waiting for the Gemini.

The TA had sexy colours.
The HB Brabham had cool stripes and blackouts, making it look very tough.

Neither cars needed plastic bolt on things.

The TA was an evolved HB and its radio worked better.

The HB had space-age styling ahead of its time and was a driving experience.
There were no TA's at Toranafest 2008, making them rare.

Festa got rid of the most collectable Torana of all time.
The HB Brabham is classified as an Australian Muscle Car.

If you don't own a Brabham you can't possibly feel complete.

Outer control is under control and admits to being human and can be wrong.

I can hear the fat lady warming up her vocal cords to sing about HB's.....


#22 rodomo


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Posted 20 April 2009 - 12:08 AM

May be easier to import one of the English variants

I don't profess to be a historian on Vauxhall Viva's but I don't recall a Sterling Moss or Jackie Stweart variant?

I do however recall seeing an episode with Benny Hill driving one?

#23 _APL_

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Posted 20 April 2009 - 12:19 AM

I don't profess to be a historian on Vauxhall Viva's but I don't recall a Sterling Moss or Jackie Stweart variant?

I do however recall seeing an episode with Benny Hill driving one?

And Mr Bean drove a Mini....

Now for the history lesson... ;)

English Version - Vauxhall HB Brabham
Australian Version - HB Brabham Torana

Sterling Moss and Jackie Stewart probably had one those open wheeler things named after them !!


#24 rodomo


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Posted 20 April 2009 - 12:23 AM

English Version - Vauxhall HB Brabham

Serious? :huh:

You are serious!

Edited by rodomo, 20 April 2009 - 12:25 AM.

#25 Collo


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Posted 20 April 2009 - 06:42 AM

There was one HB at Toranafest. :tease:

Muzzta should have had his TA there...

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