And Mr Bean drove a Mini....
Now for the history lesson...

English Version - Vauxhall HB Brabham
Australian Version - HB Brabham Torana
Sterling Moss and Jackie Stewart probably had one those open wheeler things named after them !!
The gun vehicle to have would then have to be a brabahn 2 door
stong bathurst winning body for strength.
unlike the a9x the HB 2 door was lighter than the 4 door.
791 kg for 2door 818kg for 4 door
Just think 79 bhp in 791kg
Enough of history lesson that only proves i can read too but unfortunately i was only 13 when they were new, unlucky for me as to own one would make me a bogan.
Now TA thats different i was 19 then could drive on road and what a colour barbados ,imagine the chick pulling capacity in a light weight 2 door.But then on the HB side if H WAS WITH HOLDEN INSTEAD OF FRAUD IN 1967 the 4 cylinders marketing catchcry would have been called harry hot wheels not little big wheels.But until i get an offer of a brabam 2 door i just keep pulling the chicks with the barbados TA.I rest my case.