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whats ur top speed??

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#51 _BCR42Y_

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Posted 22 March 2006 - 07:48 AM

I got my Cordia Turbo up to 220km back in the day, that was only on 12 pounds boost and at about 4500revs, i reckon i could have clocked it, but had a freind in hte car and it was only until i heard him screaming that i thought i would backed off.

I dont think the speedo's on my torries have been right, but have managed to get them close to the KMH sign each.

I got my charade to 160 down the straight at oran park, and was passed bt a GT3 who must have been doing 300 plus as it felt like i was standing still.

#52 _wombat_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 11:17 PM

lc 4 door with 192 and 2bbl stromberg with 4 spd,recaps 4 wheel drum brakes and original springs and shocks an estimated 190kays. that was estimated by the nice man in the blue uniform that took my license away when he caught up with me.
the fun you have as an apprentice.

#53 _gtr-xu1_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 11:45 PM

130mph in my 72 XU1 bouncing up and down over bumps with one hand on the gearshift stop quieten down the shifter harmonics (where talking well over 10 years ago when i was 17)


#54 _Keithy's_UC_

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 05:47 AM

He He!! My UC (as mentioned earlier) has seen 185km/h, but according to the dyno, it's capable of 217km/h at 6500rpm in top gear!


#55 LOWS2


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 09:00 AM

My LJ with a stock 173 hit 100mph on the Princess Highway coming back from Wollongong a few friday nights ago, didnt want to push further as she was already screaming and had a cross wind pushing me into the other lane.
My mate hammered a hyundai getz up to 150-160 km/h, now that was funny to watch :D

#56 mrlctorana


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 05:30 PM

I haven't had a speedo for a while, but I wound the LC out one day on the way home, I hit 6300 RPM in 5th with 3.08 gears and a supra 5 speed alloy case box, Don't know the gearing of the box, so not sure of speed although it's well over 200 as it does 170-180kmh in 3rd. It got there really quick and only backed off as seen a heap of cars come round the end of the straight, It still had a little more, probably not much but a little bit.

I knew I was flyin cause the white dotted lines looked like one continuos one, hehe.

Coming back from one of the Hobart runs, I had a Yellow L34 on my ar$e pushing me and an SS commodore in front of me so when we hit the overtaking lane I slapped it back to 3rd and give it some, so did the SS but by that time the L34 and was beside him and pulling away at a great rate of knots. I couldn't pull away from the L34 and wound it out to 6000 RPM in 4th before we slowed down. Was told by the L34 guy we were doin at least 220kph. Never got anything in the mail, Luckily.

Best mph down the quater is 101mph/163kph with a 13.5 second pass.... To be improved.

Anyone know what the 5th gear ratio is in a supra alloy case box.



#57 _Yella SLuR_

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 09:47 PM

180 km/h on closed track --> Conrod Straight. Had to slow down for two XU-1's that were concerned that everybody was speeding!!!!

Edited by Yella SLuR, 12 April 2006 - 09:48 PM.


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 10:40 PM

Anyone know what the 5th gear ratio is in a supra alloy case box.

0.8529411, if you want to be exact. Otherwise, just use 0.853

#59 _2wild4u_

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:29 PM

dont know, speedo only goes up to 300km/h........................lol

#60 _Viper_

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Posted 13 April 2006 - 07:46 AM

Overclocked my Gemini on the highway once, (180kph Speedo) and That was when I only had a 4-speed...

#61 mrlctorana


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Posted 13 April 2006 - 10:51 AM

Thanks Chopper, Tell me if im wrong here but I think i've worked it out.

Gearing = 0.853 (5th) x 3.08 (Diff)
= 2.627

Typed it into Virtual Engine calculator

Gearing = 2.627
RPM = 6300
Tire Diameter = 21.5 in

It came up as 153 mph which is 246 kph, Bfguck......

Lucky no speed camera's around!!!


#62 _devilsadvocate_

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Posted 13 April 2006 - 12:46 PM

He He!!  My UC (as mentioned earlier) has seen 185km/h, but according to the dyno, it's capable of 217km/h at 6500rpm in top gear!


Keithy, all the dyno tells you is that it will rev out to 6500rpm in top gear, the resistance of the rollers isnt necessarily going to be the same as what your wheels will face at that speed, while trying to push your car through the air.

Les, if your data is correct, the calculated speed of 246, (I make it 247) is also.

Edited by devilsadvocate, 13 April 2006 - 12:47 PM.

#63 REDA9X



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Posted 13 April 2006 - 02:00 PM

sounds like some sensible people out there after reading this thread.

#64 makka


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Posted 13 April 2006 - 02:17 PM

if I get 40km/h per 1000rpm in top and the motor pulls strong to over 7000rpm.......


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Posted 13 April 2006 - 08:18 PM

Time to wake up.

#66 _devilsadvocate_

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Posted 14 April 2006 - 08:06 AM

sounds like some sensible people out there after reading this thread.

Well, I only visited here to see what crazy things people do/claim, whether Im sensible or the above is referring to me is another matter!

Myself, Ive had my UC up to 145kmh(I dont feel safe a this speed on a less than billiard table like surface in the UC)...... only because there was this moron towing a horse float that had being crawling along the curvy narrow bits of the Maroondah highway at 85kmh and then when the overtaking lane appears sped up to about 120-30 as I was trying to go past, traffic behind me making it impossible to drop back in, then having to go hard to get in front b4 the road merged into one lane again. Does this happen everywhere where there are overtaking lanes? Is the prob is they put them on nice straight bits, or is the thinking of the people going slow "I better speed up here, Im holding everyone up".
Then there are the line of idiots that tailgate the vehicle that is travelling slow and wont overtake till there is 3km of empty straight road in front of them, result a line of cars that can only be overtaken in one pass. Try and overtake one at a time...it doesn't take long to get past 10cars one at a time, and theyll leave no room for you to pull back in because they think you are queue jumping etc.
Does this happen everywhere else, or only in Vic?

Edited by devilsadvocate, 14 April 2006 - 08:09 AM.

#67 REDA9X



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Posted 14 April 2006 - 08:33 AM

I was refering to people doing crazy speeds on public roads in poor condition, in 30 year old cars that are more than likely not well maintained, barely having room to pull up, bottomng the car out etc. It sounds like some people have a deathwish, it's just stupid really. We have all sped on public roads lets face it, but at least give yourself (and anyone else on the roads) have a chance.

devilsadvocate, unfortunately, what you are refering to happens in every state, but by far it's the worst in SA. Main North Road in Adeleide at one point is 3 lanes wide. I remember driving to work on several occassions on a fairly clear road in the 80 zone, only to find 3 mindas driving side by side at 60, so there was no way to get past. This was a common thing down there.

Edited by REDA9X, 14 April 2006 - 08:35 AM.

#68 makka


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Posted 14 April 2006 - 09:51 AM

i am not saying thats what speed I have been, just in theory, the fastest I have ever been in my LH is around 140 in second, having to deal with a similar situation to devils advocate. what shits me are cars that will sit up your arse when your doing the limit, then overtake you at the very end of the overtaking lane, and nearly run you off the road.

#69 micklx


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Posted 14 April 2006 - 12:29 PM

What happened Chop, where you late to deliver a parcel ?

#70 Heath


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Posted 14 April 2006 - 12:45 PM

Normally I wouldn't talk about illegal things that I've done on public roads for the forum's sake, but I may as well do it this once.

I did 143km/h around a long bend, in a rental car, in New Zealand a year and a bit ago.

For those of you who don't know, I'm fifteen. I was pretty proud at fourteen :P. Would be better or worse if I had my L's and got caught? :rolleyes:


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Posted 14 April 2006 - 12:45 PM

Sorry Mick, I don't understand the question. What are you reffering to?

#72 _Terrible One_

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Posted 14 April 2006 - 01:32 PM

2.78 gears, trimatic in top gear, 175/75R13, 5700rpm and around 14psi on the stock 173 to help it get there. I didn't want to look at the speedo. What does that work out to?

Real fun on stock suspension.

#73 _Torana482HP_

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Posted 14 April 2006 - 03:30 PM

yeah les where did you get that virtual engine calculator from? sounds handy

#74 Heath


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Posted 14 April 2006 - 03:37 PM

Sorry Mick, I don't understand the question. What are you reffering to?


I wound out one of my vans to 155 KPH. Then the clutch started slipping. Speedo stayed where it was and the tacho kept going!

#75 _user asked to be removed_

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Posted 14 April 2006 - 04:38 PM

Ive gone like 80km/h on my thumpster... but thats quietly speaking

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